Chapter 10 Summoning
After all, Justisa is not the cold, almost mechanical woman she used to be. After living in Matou's house for so long, she knows how to judge human emotions. Seeing Shenji's strange expression, she quickly interrupted her explanation and asked instead.

After learning the reason from Shen Er, Justisa smiled instead and asked back with a smile.

"Who told you that Assassin can only be held by Hassan?"

"Eh? Isn't it?" Shinji was surprised this time.

Who told him?Of course it is the setting book of Fate.

Normally, the Holy Grail War Assassin in Fuyuki can only summon Hassan.

Of course, there are exceptions. During the Fifth Holy Grail War, Caster, a servant, broke the rules and illegally summoned the pseudo-Assassin, Sasaki Kojiro.

But that Caster's real name is Medea, she is a betrayed witch herself, a natural rule breaker, it is not surprising that she breaks the rules, how could Shinji, a rookie magician, have the ability to break the rules?

"No." Justesa explained, "Indeed, as you said, the job agency Assassin is a catalyst, but the catalyst has a priority. Although the priority of the job agency Assassin is high, it is not impossible to subvert. Prepare a suitable catalyst, and then change the summoning words, and you can summon heroic spirits other than Hassan."

"So that's how it is." Shen Er suddenly realized, "You must have prepared the revised summoning words."

In the fourth Holy Grail War in the parallel world, "Fateapocrypha", the Holy Grail system in Fuyuki City was taken away and leaked after the third Holy Grail War, and various subspecies of Holy Grail Wars emerged all over the world.In these Holy Grail Wars, the nineteenth generation, no, the eighteenth generation Hassan's character traits and Noble Phantasm abilities were exposed, and they were easily targeted, becoming the first unlucky one to leave the scene.Therefore, the magicians spent a lot of time researching the job title of Assassin, and thus found a way to summon other spirits.

In this world line, no magician has done corresponding research, so naturally there will be no way to summon other job agencies. If there is really anyone who can find this method, it can only be Yu who is the core of the Holy Grail system. Stissa himself.

"That's right." Justesa's answer was exactly as Shinji thought.

Shen Er laughed, and laughed loudly: "Then Assassin is the best choice without any surprises. Without Hassan's restrictions, Assassin is the most general-purpose and suitable for the highest position."

Justesa nodded and said, "As long as there are gossip about non-frontal battles and killings, anyone can take up this job. And those famous heroes are not really upright, and have never used any dishonorable methods."

Take Shen Er's ancestor Perseus as an example. Although the setting of the moon world is that Perseus killed Medusa when she was awake, the most widely circulated version in the world is Perseus. Cutting off Medusa's head while she was asleep - typical assassination.

There are many other things like this. For example, Cao Cao assassinated Dong Zhuo, although he failed; Lu Bu also assassinated Ding Yuan, which succeeded; the most famous hero in ancient Greece, Hercules, also attacked conjoined twin brothers.

Knowing this, Shen Er immediately suggested: "How about using myself as a catalyst to summon my ancestor Perseus? I have a high compatibility with him, and I have obtained his Noble Phantasm, so I just ask him to be my teacher. "

Justesa shook her head: "No, I don't think this is a good choice. Perseus has already entrusted you with the treasure, and if you summon him again, it may happen that he does not have the treasure, or entrusts to you The fact that your Noble Phantasm automatically returns to its master is weakening our strength in disguise. The prerequisite for purifying the Holy Grail is to obtain the Holy Grail first, and I don’t want you to leave halfway.”

"Sorry, I didn't think it through." Shen Er lowered his head, "Go ahead and talk about your arrangement."

Justesa looked at Shen Er's dark blue slightly curly hair, and for some reason remembered the scene where he rubbed Sakura's head, imitating the way he remembered, rubbing Shen Er's hair.

Under Shinji's surprised eyes, Justisa said in a brisk voice: "You need a suitable teacher. I think the same as me. I was a cyborg before I was alive, and I am only good at magic and magic of the Einzbern family. The incomplete third magic is not suitable for you and Kariya. Now that you have officially become magicians, I have nothing to teach you."

"The current situation of the Matou family and my existence cannot be revealed to the outside world, and magic teachers cannot be invited from the outside world, and can only be summoned by your own people. Therefore, the heroic spirits you need to summon must not only have Assassin aptitude, but also have attributes that match yours. The suitability of a magician, the higher the suitability, the better."

"Assassin's employment agency will limit the magic ability of the servants but not the magic knowledge. It can not only meet the needs of knowledge, but also be within your tolerance. By the way, there is one more thing, willing to teach students."

"Oh, oh, it's really quite a harsh condition." Hearing Yustisa's conclusion, Shen Er couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "In my cognition, such existences can be counted on one hand, so, you The choice is?"

Justesa didn't answer directly, but picked up a roll of parchment that was tightly protected by magic from the table. The mottled and broken body spoke of its antiquity: "This is the scroll I got from Zou Inkstone. Found among the relics. Antiquities unearthed in Ireland, the earliest text of the famous epic "The Long March to Seize the Bull."

Shen Er was clear in his heart: "Ulster's great hero, Kuran's bulldog, Cu Chulainn."

This is indeed a character who meets the requirements, with extraordinary martial arts skills and outstanding spear skills, suitable to be Shen Er's martial arts teacher.

Although he doesn't use magic much, he has learned [-] "primary runes" and has considerable attainments in magic. The versatility of "runes" magic is also very suitable for the three rookie magicians at home to learn.

Cu Chulainn himself has a bold personality, easy to get along with, and rarely refuses the master's request.

In the legends other than "The Long March to Seize the Cow", there are also stories about Cu Chulainn treacherously attacking and killing Kuroy, which meets the requirements of Assassin.

There is only one problem left -

"In "The Long March to Seize the Cow", there are more than one Assassin-adapted heroic spirits. The most typical one is the Queen Maeve who conspired to kill Cu Chulainn. If she is summoned, it will be the worst ending. Maybe I will go there in a fit of anger. Order Maeve to commit suicide."

"It's unlikely." Justisa opened the parchment written in Gaelic, "This is just one of the volumes of "The Long March to Seize the Cow", which depicts Cu Chulainn going to the "Land of Shadows" 'The story of learning art, there are no irrelevant people."

Shen Er was in a good mood when he heard the words: "I'm fine, when will I start summoning?"

"You rest for three hours, and I'll arrange the summoning ceremony." After speaking, Justissa walked out of her room.In order not to attract suspicion, she usually acts in a physical way.

Three hours later, in the basement of Matou's house.

The insect nest has been demolished and converted into Justesa's magic workshop.

On the ground made of special materials, a circular magic circle was carved with the blood prepared in advance.

Various magic gemstones are regularly arranged on each node of the magic circle, and the cheapest one is enough for an ordinary person to live for 20 years.

On the altar beside the magic circle, there is an old parchment scroll as a catalyst, and the magic to protect the parchment scroll has been unlocked.

This is the summoning array created by Justesa, which is more complicated and expensive than the traditional summoning array, and the burden on the summoner is lighter.

Shen Er pressed on the most critical magic node with one hand, and chanted with an unprecedented solemn expression.


(End of this chapter)

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