Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 1210 Under the Frost, Blue Melancholy

Chapter 1210 Under the Frost, Blue Melancholy

Claire Levitt.

Levitt of Levitt Trading Co., a long-established musical instrument manufacturer in the Empire.

His hometown is in the old capital of Saint-Jacques, and he has a good reputation in the music industry. Li En's old classmate Eliot's family has many musical instruments made by the company. It is not a small-scale company, but it is deeply cultivated in a specific field. enterprise.

Claire is the eldest lady of the agency and the apple of the eye of the former president.

Normally, Claire, who has been gifted since she was a child, should have studied business and music with her father, and took over the family business when she was about the same age—if that hadn't happened.

Ten years ago, the guided vehicles had just entered the civilian field. Claire's father was one of the first early adopters because his family had no shortage of money, and then accidentally collided with a transport vehicle.

As a result, Claire's father, mother, and younger brother all died, leaving only Claire who miraculously survived.

Even more coincidentally, the transport vehicle was stolen, and the driver who caused the accident escaped directly after the accident, so the incident became an unsolved case.

Afterwards, Claire was adopted by her uncle who was the vice president at the time and later took over as the president.

This uncle has two children, the eldest son's name is Mihail, who is currently the dean of Thorz Second Branch School, and he and Claire are cousins.

When she was adopted, Claire was still young and didn't think much about it.

My uncle's family has a very good relationship with my own family, without the filth and infighting of the aristocratic class. After being adopted, my uncles, aunts, and cousins ​​all treated me very well, and Claire has always been grateful to them.

But as time went on, the doubts in the incident bothered Claire more and more.

Is it really such a coincidence?
There is no clear legislation guiding the field of transportation.

An unsolved case with no clues.

And, why only she survived.

The two guesses swung in her heart like two ends of a balance.

until an opportunity arises.

Not long after being adopted, Claire gradually came out of the haze of losing her family and went to sort out her father's belongings.

In the process of sorting out, he discovered the account books of recent years.

Strange things happened.

Even though she didn't have any special knowledge about accounting, Claire still saw the problems in the account books at a glance.

The Levitt Society belongs to the kind of enterprise that has no big ambitions and at the same time retains the rare conscience of a businessman. It takes the route of high quality and low price. Unless it is made of high-end materials or master designs, it will never sell at a high price.

However, there are many records in the account books that the revenue far exceeds the cost, and they are all at the most recent point in time.

Claire, who became suspicious, went through all the ledgers while analyzing the meaning.

In the end, it was concluded that some people were shoddying second-best products in the high-volume market, and at the same time used counterfeit products to pretend to be master treasures in the high-end market to make huge profits.

According to the records left by his father, this person is the uncle of the former vice president and the current president.

My father wanted to persuade my uncle, but at this moment, an accident happened.

With the balance in her heart settled, Claire went to her uncle angrily.

Under Claire's questioning, although the uncle was surprised, he admitted it straightforwardly.

Because Claire lacked direct evidence, let alone a backer, and my uncle had already established a relationship with the nobles by virtue of the chain of interests that impacted the high-end market.

"It's useless even if you quarrel. Instead, you will be suspected. Why are you the only one who survived?"

Claire, who was still a child, almost collapsed, unwilling and very sad.

How can a person be so shameless? Is this still the amiable, brotherly and respectful uncle in memory?
Our family has always regarded you as the closest people, but you——

Were all the happy times spent in the past fake?
Just when Claire was helpless, that adult appeared.

"Your father and I were friends during the military academy. Although I cared, but I was busy with work, so I am deeply sorry for coming so late..."

This person is Li En's biological father, the later "Iron Prime Minister" Gillias Osborn.

For some reason, he has seen through all the truth. (Actually, it's not that difficult to guess. You don't need to look at the ledger to investigate casually, and you can grasp it with the intelligence of the prime minister.)

On the contrary, he was surprised that Claire was able to find out the truth, and noticed the talent in Claire.

"Your kind, should I say 'holistic synesthesia'... the ability to instantly grasp the whole and part, this kind of innate aptitude that was already there appeared by accident, so it would be more reasonable to think——"

"I wanted to judge this matter myself, but I changed my mind. Do you want to use your ability to avenge your parents and younger brother?"

Claire was afraid and hesitated.

It is only natural that he is only in his early ten years old.

It would obviously be easier to leave the matter to that adult, but the smiles of her father and mother, as well as her younger brother who is as important as a treasure, are still lingering in her mind.

Finally, she made up her mind to follow Osborn's suggestion and collect enough evidence to establish her uncle's guilt.

Background, motives, disguise operations, executors... She finds all these things that have been buried under the surface of the water, and she finds it inconceivable.

In the end, it formed decisive evidence that even the judicial authorities could not erase. In the end, it even alarmed the Marquis of Haynes, and the nobles who had interests in the uncle also stopped.

As a result, after a fair and strict trial, Uncle was sentenced to death and the company was awarded to Claire.

Successfully avenging the whole family is a complete victory.

But in Claire's eyes, this is actually a lose-lose. She lost her "family" and "hometown".

Feeling ashamed to face the family who lost their uncle, especially knowing that their cousin changed their mother's surname, Irwin.

So, she handed over the "management rights" of the company she had retrieved to senior employees (note that it is the management rights, that is, the owner is still Claire, it is not bad for money, but rich women have nothing), and she entered Osborne's recommendation office to repay her kindness. Yes, Thors College located in the outskirts of the imperial capital.

After graduating, she joined the newly established Railway Gendarmerie and became an "Ice Maiden", one of the "Iron Sons". This is how she became the major of Claire Levitt today.

"This is my past."

During the not-so-long narration, the bottle of wine had run out, and Claire's face was gradually turning red due to the accumulation of alcohol. She was put on the ground, hugged her knees with her hands, and let out a long breath .

"Originally, I didn't intend to tell you about this unbearable past... But it may be the moonlight and the wine you brought tonight, which made me no longer like myself... Sorry, I let you see a strange I."

"No, on the contrary, I saw another side of the major, the most real Claire Leavitt." Li En shook the red liquid in his hand, smiling warmly, "I also know the reason why the major will follow him, and Why is there always blue melancholy under the frost of the 'Ice Maiden'."


Like an electric shock, Claire's body trembled slightly.

Li En continued his efforts and struck while the iron was hot: "Major Mihail is also... worried about Miss Claire. Although he always speaks in a stern manner, there is no doubt that he is worried about you."

"Yes." Of course Claire knew that she was a very sensitive person, "Although it was just a coincidence that each other joined the railway gendarmerie, as a senior and a colleague, he helped me a lot... But I don't think I have that kind of value, let the hatred be at the mercy of me, let my uncle suffer the death penalty mercilessly..."

"No." Li En interrupted, "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I really can't help it. Claire Levitt, you are a major of the Railway Gendarmerie, and you have extremely high law enforcement authority in the empire soldier, did I say something wrong?"

"Yes, but why say this now."

"Major, what is the most important thing for a law enforcement officer?"

"Strictly abide by the law, be fair and just...ah..." Claire understood what Li En meant.

"You and your uncle, who is breaking the law? Is it you?"


"What would you do if it didn't happen at Levitt's house, but at someone else's house?"

"I will bring the perpetrators to justice."

Shicheng is still Claire Shicheng.

"However, this is not only a legal issue. Even if the uncle is a criminal, he is an irreplaceable relative to the elder brother, aunt, and cousin. Because of me, they lost him forever. Ten years ago, they all Blame me, after all I did such a thing, I should hate me now."

"No." Li En shook his head, "Major, I discovered one of your weaknesses, the more you care about people, the less effective your 'holistic synesthesia' will be. If you really hate you, why is Major Mihail I want to help you, I want to worry about you, and I want you not to be trapped in the past ten years ago. I really hate you, shouldn't it be that the more you blame yourself, the happier he is?"


"The biggest difference between humans and monsters is that human beings have emotions and are easily influenced by emotions. Ten years ago, when they suddenly lost their family members, it was normal to say such things. I also had a similar period, but human beings also have rationality. After breaking out and starting to think slowly, you will understand who is right and who is wrong.

In the final analysis, the cause of the matter is your uncle's selfish desire, not his greed, you will not lose your loved ones, and in the end it is all his own fault.From the standpoint of relatives, it is not surprising to blame you, but as long as they understand some reason, they will not really hate you, because it is their closest relatives who caused you to suffer so much, it is your uncle I owe it to you first. "

After all, Claire has lost three relatives, and you are only one. Although human lives should not be measured by numbers, it is clear at a glance who has suffered the most.

"If you still don't believe me, you can go directly to Major Mihail, ask your aunt and cousin for verification... Wait, speaking of it, I met a woman by chance when I was performing missions in various places. Her name seems to be Isara. Irwin, I didn't think about it before, she is—”

"—Yes, she is Michael's brother's sister, my cousin."

PS: Unexpectedly, Li En's operation is making a fuss.

(End of this chapter)

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