Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 19 The Second Battle

Chapter 19 The First Battle
Although the main stage of Xingyue World is in the world of occultism, it is undeniable that compared with magicians and other mystical creatures, ordinary people are the mainstream of this world. If the latter is the sea, the former is just a small river.

The stage of the Fourth Holy Grail War was 1994. According to the data released by the United Nations, the total population of the world is more than 50 billion, and the population of Japan is 1.25 million. The land area of ​​Japan is 37.8 square kilometers, which is the No.1 port in the world China, a big country, also has an exaggerated population density. Finding an ordinary person in such a sea of ​​people is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Ryunosuke Yusheng, who was targeted by Shinji, is such an ordinary person, at least he was an ordinary person before he became the master.

The area of ​​Fuyuki City is small, and it may not be comparable to a prosperous small town in China, but there are many people working and living here.The information given by Shinji was very vague, and it had nothing to do with the Matou family, so it was impossible to use magic to search for it. It took Justesa a day and two nights to search only a corner of Fuyuki City.If things go on like this, it will take Justesa at least half a month to check the entire Fuyuki City.

Fortunately, Skaha's timely joining changed the situation.Her Majesty the Queen who stepped into the realm of the gods did not use powerful skills or advanced magic, she only relied on her instinct as a warrior.

People have different auras due to different environments and experiences. People who read a lot have a bookish air, those who have been soldiers have a military air, and murderers have a murderous air.The so-called murderous intent may not be noticed by ordinary people living in peaceful times, but it will never be hidden from Scatha, who has experienced countless killings and dominates the kingdom of death.

There is no need to check one by one like Justesa. Scatha only needs to let go of his perception, capture the murderous aura, and then Justesa will go to the source to confirm.

Finally, two nights later, in the center of a high-end residential area, the two found their target.

At this time, Ryunosuke was preparing for the ceremony of summoning the "devil" according to the records in the ancient book he found.

The main material for the ceremony was human blood, a large amount of human blood. For this reason, Ryunosuke broke the previous practice of never killing people twice in the same place, and committed four consecutive crimes in Fuyuki City.The previous three rituals failed because of insufficient human blood. This time, he killed three people as sacrifices in one breath, and finally got enough blood needed.

The strong smell of blood made Justesa feel sick. She glanced at Ryunosuke who had tampered with the chant at will, and after confirming that he was covered with leopard-related decorations, she activated the communication technique.

At this moment, the wind blew.

In order to prevent being discovered, this room has been completely sealed by him, and there should be no airflow.

Under Ryunosuke's surprised eyes, the air flow quickly changed from a breeze at the beginning to a violent whirlwind, blowing the entire living room into a mess.

The magic circle drawn on the bed began to emit a faint phosphorescence at some point.

At the same time, the airflow in the house has developed into a tornado that is dangerous even standing in it, and the TV and vases in the living room are smashed by the wind.

In the center of the glowing magic circle, a mist gradually rose, and there were faint lightning and sparks flying inside.

Facing a situation that cannot be seen in this world, Yuyu Ryunosuke did not feel any fear at all, but watched quietly like a child full of expectations for magic.

It's out of curiosity about the unknown.

Ryunosuke is a very curious person. Curious about death, he starts to kill, and he is curious about "demons", so he wants to summon demons.

There was a flash of light in Ryunosuke's pupils, followed by a roar like thunder.

"I ask you."

From the pervasive mist came a soft and inconceivably pleasant sound, and the wind stopped unconsciously.

The magic circle that was shining just now has also dimmed, and the blood drawn on the bed has turned black and dried up as if it had been scorched.

Then in the thin mist, the person who spoke just now appeared in front of Ryunosuke.

A smooth and young-looking face, big eyes that move flexibly and smooth cheeks, and a brown face that matches him very well, reminding Ryunosuke of Munch's paintings.

His costume is also very strange, his slender body is wearing a large robe, and the clothes are decorated with a lot of luxurious precious metal jewelry, just like the dark magician in the comics.

"Please, call me, Summoner who made me appear in this world as a Caster, I am here to ask your name. Who is that person over there?"

Ryunosuke didn't know how to answer.

Unexpectedly, an ordinary person appeared from the lightning and smoke of the summoning circle made of blood.Although I don't know what to expect, but at least it should be a very exaggerated monster.

Ryunosuke felt very frustrated by such an ordinary human appearance now.Although from the point of view of clothing, it is very bizarre.But based on this alone, can this man be judged to be a devil?
Scratching his head a little, Ryunosuke answered mentally.

"Well, my name is Yusheng Ryunosuke, a freelancer. My hobby is killing people. I like children and young girls."

The man in the robe nodded, as if he ignored everything but his name.

"Very good. The contract is established. I have a long-cherished desire to get the Holy Grail that you crave. The key to Paradise will surely fall into our hands, right?"

"Huh what?"

It seemed that it was impossible to figure out what was going on right away, and Ryunosuke felt a little confused.In this way, there was indeed such a record in the ancient book found in the warehouse, but because it was a very boring rule, it was just skipped at a glance.

That ancient book is actually a book related to the Holy Grail War. Due to the relationship between time and improper preservation, many parts are unclear. Ryunosuke didn't finish it completely, but just picked the parts that interested him to read and practice.

Out-of-shape rituals, out-of-shape summoning words, only inherited magic factors, Ryunosuke, a complete layman, can complete the summoning ceremony in this way, it can only be said to be an exception among exceptions.

"Ah. Put aside these troublesome topics, come on."

Ryunosuke waved his hand lightly, then pointed at the child in the corner of the room with his chin and said, that was the last member of the family of four.

"Anyway, as a gift, how about the one over there? Are you going to eat him?"

The strange man had no expression on his face, neither looked at Ryunosuke nor the child, but silently took out a book from the arms of the robe.

The book looked very heavy and was very beautifully bound. At a glance, it could be seen that it was a very valuable antique, and it was the kind of small prop that demons often use.

Ryunosuke could tell the material used to bind the cover of the book at a glance.

"Ah, it's amazing! Is this made of human skin?"

Because Ryunosuke once skinned the victim alive and used it as a lampshade.But for him who was clumsy in hand-making, he suffered too many setbacks in the middle and finally gave up.Now seeing an expert who has the same intention of making and perfectly finished the finished product, he simply has great respect for this man.

Regarding Ryunosuke's praise, the man just glanced at him without making any statement, then slowly opened the book in his hand and quickly turned the pages with his hands, words of unclear meaning came out of his mouth from time to time.

After doing all this, the man raised his head, and the fog formed by magic power filled the whole house.

In the next second, the gate was torn apart, and the Queen of the Demon Realm stepped out of the shadows.

Eyes meet across the air.

(End of this chapter)

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