Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 50 Shen 2 vs. Kirei

Chapter 50 Shinji vs. Kirei

Chinese martial arts are extensive and profound, with various schools and techniques emerging one after another, but if you want to say which one is most admired by foreigners, especially the Japanese, the answer is without any suspense-"Bajiquan".

Whether it is two-dimensional or three-dimensional, the Japanese love Bajiquan very much, and Kotomine Risei is no exception. The practice of "Bajiquan" in the past 60 years has reached the realm of "seeking Tao".

Kotomine Kirei studied under his father, and has profound attainments in "Bajiquan". After being trained by the "executor", Kirei is even better than his father in killing people with Bajiquan.

There has always been a saying in the world of Chinese martial arts that "Writing has Tai Chi to secure the world, and martial arts has Baji to determine the universe." This shows that Bajiquan is fierce and domineering.

Shen Er was sure that as long as he was punched solidly by Kirei, even if he had prepared protective magic in advance, he would not escape death.

Never be approached by him!
As Shen Er continued to charge forward, he poured mana into the slingshot in his hand.

Justesa added a design similar to the church's black key when modifying the magic slingshot, which can generate a semi-solid body made of magic power. With the Y-shaped bow, it looks like a strangely shaped short knife.

According to legend, Perseus's Snake Hunting Scythe also has a curved and straight blade. Justesa specially added the shape of an ancient Greek short knife when constructing the spell.

"Strengthen Arms!"

Accompanied by Shinji's low-pitched chant, the magic-solidified blade collided with the magic-generated blade.

The force transmitted from the blade is abnormally strong, if Shinji had fixed the "handle" on his arm with a fixing belt in advance, the "sword" would be thrown out of his hand immediately.

Despite keeping the "short knife", Shen Er still paid a heavy price by dislocating his wrist.

After finally opening the breakthrough, Shen Er staggered forward despite the pain.

How could Kotomine Kirei be willing to let go of the prey that was close at hand, he took a breath, and stepped over the distance of five or six steps of ordinary people.

This is a footwork that quietly slides on the ground to approach the enemy. It is called "living step", and it is also one of the dangerous secret skills of Bajiquan.

Kirei, who had already adjusted his body to the best condition, slid like a god of death and quickly shortened the distance between the two, seeing that he would catch up in a few seconds.

At this moment, Shen Er's right thumb flexed and extended, and a silver bullet popped out towards the rear.

Before Kotomine Kirei could respond, the silver bullet exploded in mid-air, and the white light, which was more dazzling than the midday sun, covered the entire 38th floor over Kirei who raised one hand.

Kirei, who was the first to bear the brunt, was deprived of his vision by the white light, he stopped with a muffled groan, and changed from an aggressive attacking stance to a defensive one.

An expert at his level, even if he temporarily loses his vision, can still fight with his hearing and breath perception.

Shen Er secretly said it was a pity.If Kotomine Kirei continued to pursue him, he could use the special effects of the cloak and sickle to make him suffer a big loss, but Kirei, who was extremely experienced in combat, remained calm all the time, not leaving the slightest opportunity to take advantage of.

"Worthy of being the big boss of FSN's world line, it's really amazing."

Shinji took one last look at Kotomine Kirei, who was clenching a black key in one hand and a fist in the other, and put on a posture of both offense and defense, turned around and jumped down from the elevator.

And Hisau Maiya, who was injured by Kotomine Kirei, had already left this dangerous place by taking advantage of Shinji's fight with Kotomine Kirei.Based on her understanding of Emiya Kiritsugu, when Shinji flashed out the laser sight, she knew that the rescuer was not Kiritsugu—that person's marksmanship did not require the use of this kind of auxiliary equipment for close-range night combat.

When Kotomine Kirei regained his vision, he was the only one left in the entire Fuyuki Center Building.The agent with strong fighting power was not in a hurry to leave, first carefully smoothed out the wrinkles on the monk's uniform, and then walked to the place where Shen Eryi first appeared to observe and think carefully.

Not long after, he seemed to have discovered something, two sidesteps dodged behind a pillar, the movements and footsteps were exactly the same as Shen Er when he was avoiding the black key.

The sidestep dodge was just the beginning, and then Kirei imitated Shinji's roll one by one, counterattacked, flicked the black key, and threw a flash bomb.

Except for firing the silver bullet with the slingshot, which was misunderstood by Kirei as shooting with a pistol, everything else was imitated pretty much the same.

In the end, Kirei stood at the entrance of the elevator where Shenji disappeared, his eyebrows that were not wide but thick became more and more furrowed.

"All the movements have been restored, but I always feel that something is wrong... Emiya Kiritsugu..."

Not only Kotomine Kirei, but also Emiya Kiritsugu who had just reunited with Hisau Maiya were troubled by Shinji's suspicions.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who heard the abnormality from the mobile phone, rushed to the vicinity of the central building as quickly as possible. He wanted to use smoke bombs and magic to support Maiya, but he did not expect that Maiya had already escaped.

Kiritsugu, who learned what happened from Maiya, had the same expression as Kotomine Kirei.

"Why did the agent of the Holy Church follow me? Why did that mysterious man save you?"

"Insufficient information, unable to judge." Maiya knew that Kiritsugu was asking herself, but she still answered, because she was a part of Kiritsugu.

"Go and investigate, mobilize all the intelligence networks to investigate. Especially the agent, I have a hunch that he will be the biggest threat to me in this Holy Grail War."

Even though he didn't know Kotomine Kirei's identity, Emiya Kiritsugu still gave the former the utmost importance. The two of them were like two poles of a magnet, hostile to each other but attracted to each other.

Shenji, who was separated by a wall, heard the voices of the two gradually going away, reconfirmed the fact that Emiya Kiritsugu did not know Kotomine Kirei existed, and drew his own deduction based on the information revealed by Kiritsugu and Maiya.

Kiritsugu is a thorough pragmatist, his goal is to win the Holy Grail War, and everything he does revolves around this core.

Kotomine Kirei did not become the Master because of the intrusion of the traverser Butterfly, and was used by Tosaka Tokiomi as a hidden hand, and was ignored by Emiya Kiritsugu.

On the contrary, Kotomine Kirei, the son of Kotomine Risei and Tosaka Tokiomi's secret assistant, has already known about the existence of Emiya Kiritsugu and has become interested in him.

Shinji didn't know, if he hadn't intervened, would Kiritsugu still be able to save Maiya at a critical moment like the original world line did, and whether the development of the situation would become uncontrollable—fortunately, there was no if.

The airflow caused by the butterfly is offset by the butterfly itself, and the world line has returned.

The next time we meet, both parties will be fully prepared.

Thinking of this, Shen Er unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, was interrupted by the pain in his wrist, and finally froze with a strange expression.

"In the mantis catching the cicada, the oriole was behind, and the slingshot was below. In the end, the cicada survived, the mantis was still alive, and the oriole was not damaged. My slingshot also passed the test—is everyone happy?"

Shinji gritted his teeth and used magic to get his wrist back.

"Bah, I'm not happy at all, it hurts me to death."

(End of this chapter)

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