Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 58 The Cunning Caster Group

Chapter 58 The Cunning Caster Group

Shinji revealed Caster's information to all the masters out of helplessness.

After a night of chasing and killing, he found regretfully that it was not enough to rely solely on Scathach to kill Caster.
This pair of former French marshal and criminal genius may not be powerful, but they are cunning enough.

After losing the workshop, Caster and Ryunosuke Uyuu changed their previous unscrupulous and arrogant style, and became more cautious in their actions. Caster reduced the scale and frequency of using magic, while Ryunosuke used methods that he had never been suspected by the police to remove traces in various ways, so he cast doubts, and finally they really got rid of Scarha's tracking.

Scathach only knew that the two had not left Fuyuki City, but could not determine their exact location.

Although Scathach's various abilities as a follower are far inferior to those of the main body, she still has more than 2000 years of experience, and being able to get rid of her tracking is enough to see how tricky this vile combination is.

Now, Shinji couldn't sit still.He didn't want to say "every day of delay, more victims may appear." Such high-sounding words, he just didn't want to see the scene he saw last night again.

In order to kill the Caster group as soon as possible, he needs more masters to participate.

At this time, the church sent a signal that Kotomine Risei's judgment did not disappoint Shinji, but it was not enough.

Masters who are born as magicians are mostly cautious, putting their own protection first, and will not take action easily without sufficient certainty.

Normally, after the supervisor changed the rules, the first thing to do was to collect information on Caster, and only after mastering Caster's data and fighting style would he consider the timing of the attack.

But Caster has only fought against Scathach so far, and the other masters have no information about Caster.If you want to obtain information, you can only send out servants to test.And this "exploration" exposed not only Caster's strength, but also the strength of the vanguard's servants. Which master would suffer this loss?

In the worst case, no one is willing to be this early bird, just dragging on like this, watching Caster and Ryunosuke Yusheng continue to commit crimes - anyway, in the eyes of most magicians, the lives of ordinary people are worthless, It's okay to die a few casually.

This is not what Shinji wants to see, the sooner Caster and Ryunosuke Yusheng die, the better.

Therefore, he wants to add more fire - put the information directly on the bright side, firstly to reduce the time for the masters to collect information, secondly to avoid unnecessary suspicion, and thirdly to give other masters "stupid" Impression, let them despise themselves.

With enough information, Kenneth, who has already used up a command spell, will definitely start to act. Weber, who still has the blood and sense of justice of a young man, will not lag behind, and Tosaka Tokiomi will not let this one go. A rare good opportunity—not only because of the position of the local managers, but also because of a deeper calculation.

With the A-level skill of "acting alone", Archer is the most disobedient follower of the master's orders.Tohsaka Tokiomi wanted him to do something, other than admonishing him with the courtesy of a courtier, he could only use Command Seals.

In order to make Archer retreat last night, Tohsaka Tokiomi had already used one stroke of Command Seals, and there were only two strokes left. Compared with the six enemies, it was too few. He needed more Command Seals to check and balance Gilgamesh.

The way to obtain Command Seals is to snatch them from other masters, and they can only be given by supervisors.

However, this extra gift cannot be blatant and cause public outrage. Both of them need a suitable excuse.

And Caster's violation just brought an excuse to his door, as long as Archer can kill Caster, then Kotomine Risama can give all the extra Command Seals in his hand to Tohsaka Tokiomi.

With so many Command Seals in hand, Tohsaka Tokiomi can stand up and become the master instead of having to endure Gilgamesh's willfulness all the time.

Of course, there will be variables in things that don't happen.In case Caster died in the hands of other servants, Kotomine Risei would also give an extra Command Seal - only one swipe, but he never said how many extra Command Spells he would give.

Shinji is very clear about Kotomine Rizheng and Tosaka Tokiomi's calculation, and he will naturally not sit back and watch Tohsaka Tokiomi gain such a huge advantage.

The coercive force of a command spell on a follower varies with the specificity of the command, the more specific the command, the stronger the coercive power.For example, when Kenneth gave Lancer the order "Help Berserker, kill Saber." Lancer could not disobey, but could only obey.

Conversely, the more vague the order, the weaker the force.For instructions such as "absolutely obey the master", as long as the servant resists a little, he can be exempted.

In addition, the coercive power also increases with the number of strokes of the Command Seal consumed at one time. The coercive power of two strokes of the Command Seal is stronger than one stroke, and three strokes are stronger than two strokes.By analogy, if Tohsaka Tokiomi possesses more than a dozen Command Spells, then random orders like "absolutely obey the Master" can also be achieved, which is even stronger than the original Heroic Spirit Gilgamesh can't resist.

How terrible would a Gilgamesh who obeyed orders, obeyed commands, and was always in a serious state would be?Shinji's scalp tingles just thinking about it.

At that time, Scathach, who was dragged down by Assassin's job promotion, Lancelot, who restrained the "King's Treasure", and King Arthur, who retrieved the scabbard, could only be united, and there might still be some chances of winning.

Gilgamesh must not be allowed to become that way, and I believe Gilgamesh himself does not want to become that way.

Therefore, it was time for Kariya to make a move. The task of him and Berserker was to keep an eye on Archer and prevent him from grabbing the final blow.

Finally, Saber.

As a senior lunar chef and a senior king chef, Shinji thinks that he knows Saber quite well, but the initiative of the matter is not in the hands of Saber, but in the hands of his master, Emiya Kiritsugu—the thing that Shenji can't see through the most. people.

Shen Er admired his pursuit and was afraid of his methods.

Fortunately, Shen Er still has a helper, Yustisa, the ancestor of the Einzbern family, who has already found the stronghold of Einzbern.With her around, Shinji wouldn't have to worry about being shot in the back by Emiya Kiritsugu when dealing with Caster.

(End of this chapter)

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