Chapter 91
As a family of magicians with a history of more than 200 years and passed down for 5 generations, the Tohsaka family can be regarded as having some heritage and history.

Generally speaking, such a family will have principles extracted from blood, culture, and order, that is, "family training", and the Tohsaka family is no exception.

The family motto of the Tohsaka family is as follows:

First, don't lose the chain at critical moments.

Second, stay away from Matou's house.

Third, there is no good thing about Wei Gong.

Fourth, Archer is the least reliable.

Fifth, no matter how hard you are, you can't suffer from magic, and no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor from gems.

Sixth, the one who hates the magic horse of the teacher's treasure is the most annoying.

Seventh, don't touch machinery.

Eighth, Tokiomi was not wrong.

Well, the above are the summaries of those moon cooks in Shen Er's previous life, no family would use such things as a teacher's training.

The real family motto of the Tohsaka family is "Chang に Yu Yu を 持って雅色たれ." Translated into Chinese, it is "Keep calm at all times, and stay elegant at all times."

Objectively speaking, the standard and concept of this family training are very good, and the successive heads of the Tohsaka family have also achieved this.

The current Lord Tokiomi has always maintained a decent attire and aristocratic demeanor. In the eyes of many people, especially women, this is a perfect man.

Although the future leader Rin is only seven years old, he has already shown maturity and demeanor far beyond his peers.She has excellent academic performance and is versatile in sports. Both teachers and classmates like her very much.

Of course, it's not that there are naughty boys who are against Rin, but everyone knows that they don't really hate Rin, but use this method to attract girls' attention, and the behavior itself is not malicious.

To be trusted and respected by her classmates is a kind of pride for Rin, and it is also a way for her to practice family training.

Rin has a best friend named Qin Yin, the two are always inseparable in school, they do everything together, they look like sisters.

The chance for the two girls to become friends is very ordinary. Once naughty boys bullied Qinyin, Rin couldn't understand it, and helped Qinyin drive away the group of boys. Since then, the two have become friends.

Maybe it's because Qin Yin's gentle personality is somewhat similar to Sakura's, Rin always feels that she can't leave her alone.Whenever Qin Yin encounters a problem, Rin will help her, and the friendship between the girls has become unbreakable.

Qin Yin didn't come to school today.

The class teacher said that she was at home on sick leave, but the rumors in the class did not spread like this. They said that Qin Yin had disappeared.

Rin called Qinyin's home several times, but Qinyin's parents were unwilling to say anything to Rindo, and later they didn't even answer the phone.

This aggravated Rin's worries.

If it is an ordinary child, he can only secretly worry about his friends, and there is nothing he can do.

But Rin is not an ordinary child, she is the heir of the Tohsaka family of magicians, she can use magic, and she knows the undercurrent hidden in Fuyuki City.

Seven magicians, including his father, are at war.

A deadly, eerie threat lurks in the streets of the night.

Because she knew the truth, Rin felt a sense of responsibility.

Now, Qin Yin must be waiting for Rin to save her, just like Rin always does.

In fact, she can turn to her father, who is a magician, but his father is one of the participants in the "war".And the mother also strictly ordered not to disturb the father, just like when she said "absolutely not to go out at night".

Rin has always obeyed her parents, but she can't just sit back and watch her friend in danger.

Just this time, he was disobedient, for the sake of his friends, and for the family training of the Tohsaka family.

At night when she couldn't sleep, Rin quietly left her room, driven by a sense of duty or a so-called conscience.

Compared to the Tohsaka mansion with a strong barrier, it was really easy to slip out of Chancheng's room.

Climb out of the bedroom window, slide along the patio pillars into the courtyard, and then drill through the small door to the outside of the fence.

It took less than 5 minutes to run out, but when I came back, I couldn't use the same method again. It was troublesome to slide down the balcony pillars and climb up.

When she thought that she couldn't hide her privately going out tonight, and that her parents would definitely criticize her severely later, Rin said to herself that she didn't sneak out for something shameful, but because she was a member of the Tohsaka family, so she had to do this. made.When you go back, be sure to bring the piano with you.At that time, no matter how my parents scold me, I must still be proud of myself.

There are three pieces of equipment on Rin.

The most trustworthy is the magic pointer given by my father on my previous birthday.No matter in terms of shape or structure, this is just an ordinary compass (north) needle, but it will not point to north, but will point to the direction that emits strong magic power.Although it is just a very simple magic tool, Rin has used this pointer to learn that even the flow of the wind or the rise and fall of the tide is a subtle change in magic power.If you want to find the place where something strange happens, this pointer will definitely come in handy.

In addition, there are two crystal chips refined by Rin in the practice of gem magic. She chooses the best two of the crystal chips she made.If the magic power filled in it is released at once—although she has never tried such a dangerous thing—a small-scale explosion should occur, and it can be used as a self-defense weapon in case of danger.

Relying on these equipments and his own strength, Rin believes that he will be able to find Qinyin and bring her back.

If someone asks, no problem, she will definitely nod.

If someone asked, is it really all right, she might nod a little depressed.

And if someone asked if she could really guarantee that there would be no mistakes, she might not dare to answer and would not know how to answer.

But such a question is both mean and meaningless to Rin.If you really want to ask, you should first ask Qin Yin if there is nothing wrong.If Kotone can no longer come to school, does Rin care?She would answer such questions without hesitation.

Summoning courage and self-esteem, Rin told herself that she was not one of those timid ordinary children.

She drove away the timidity in her heart, and walked towards the nearest station.

No problem, Fuyuki Shinto is just one stop away, and the change in his hand is enough to pay the fare.

At this time, Rin didn't know what kind of monsters gathered in Fuyuki City at night, and what kind of crisis was lurking. It was an undercurrent that could easily swallow her young body completely. It was something that even a first-class magician had to be careful about. war.

In this way, she stepped into this land that has become a battlefield in ignorance, simply wanting to find her best friend.

Two people go home together, go to school together, attend classes together, read books together, and play together.

She had lost her sister and could not afford to lose another friend.

PS: Although it is Tokiomi's fault that everything is Tokiomi's fault as the pot king in this world, Tokiomi's popularity in Japan is very high.In the voting event held by the UFO Club on Valentine's Day, Tokiomi topped the list of gifts received, Winky and Director Ken tied for second, young Webber third, Kiritsugu and "Legend of Zestiria" protagonist Sorey tied for fourth, Red A and Dadi tied for fifth place, Big Dog for sixth place, adult Webber and Shirou tied for seventh place, Kariya eighth place, Brush ninth place, Ludgar from "Legend of Infinity 2" and Mikuli from "Legend of Zestiria" Ou tied for tenth—by the way, isn't Mi Bao the heroine of "Legend of Zestiria"?

(End of this chapter)

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