"Mr. Obadiah Stein, after you took over Hammer Industries, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, you were able to bring Hammer Industries back in a very short period of time. It can be seen that your vision and means are very unique. May I ask you~"

Obadiah, who was sitting opposite the host, waved his hand: "That's Stan Industries, a company that belongs exclusively to me, Obadiah Stan!"

"Feel sorry!"

"In fact, Justin's steps are too big. You must know that artificial intelligence is not popular yet, and drone technology is still at a theoretical level. I once dissuaded Justin from starting with the suit. After all, young people are impulsive, which led to the accident."

Tony was sitting on the boss's chair, touching his chin with his right hand and staring at Obadiah on the screen, his brows were involuntarily frowned. This uncle took over Hammer Industries without saying a word. He didn't believe that there was nothing tricky in it.

"Knock Knock Knock~"


Nick Fury, dressed in a black leather jacket and leather pants, walked in and sat across from Tony with a carefree face: "What do you think of Obadiah's entry into Hammer Industries?"

"What can I think? Isn't this pretty good? If you need a battle suit, you can ask him to buy it."

Tony's indifferent attitude made Nick stare: "Maybe there is something I have to tell you now."

"You were kidnapped in Afghanistan, and Obadiah led it!"

"and then?"

Tony called the secretary a little funny, and brought coffee to the two: "Don't you think you are too much? Nick~We haven't known each other for a day or two. When we met, it was introduced by Jin. Haven't I helped your S.H.I.E.L.D. make fewer weapons over the years? Is this how you treat your friends?"

"I'm testing you, Tony~"

Nick took a sip of coffee: "Compared with before, you are now at a completely different level. This also proves your growth, so it's time to tell you the truth."

"Stuck at this point to tell me the truth, don't you just want me to unblock the weapon research and development department, fight with Obadiah, and then your S.H.I.E.L.D. mediates benefits from it, am I right?"

"No~ you are wrong!"

Nick propped his elbows on the table, staring at Tony without blinking: "Actually, as early as the time when Jin followed the Skrulls to the universe, I had the idea of ​​forming a rapid action response force. You were not included in this plan, but over the past year, your performance is enough to meet the conditions for joining the team. I am here to invite you to join today!"

Tony murmured, "Quick Action Reaction Force?"

"Personally, I am more inclined to - Avengers, this name!"

Nick took out a USB flash drive from his breast pocket and handed it to Tony. The latter took the USB flash drive and plugged it into the computer, and soon one after another avatars appeared on the screen. In this list of hundreds of people, Joaquin ranked first, and the second was a little blond loli Jean Gray. Tony rubbed his eyes: "Is this little girl Qin?"

He enlarged the photo of the little loli: "You tell me that this little loli is Qin who is already in her 30s and almost 40?"

Nick nodded silently: "She's not the Jean Gray of our universe timeline. In January of this year, the mutants of Academy X met a mutant from another universe. In their universe, mutants dominate the earth, but there are still some powerful and kind mutants who are willing to stand on the side of ordinary people.

The mutant who came to ask for help happened to be a member of the good camp. After Charles heard about the affairs of their universe, he discussed with Eric and the others, and finally chose to help. Jean Gray and Scott of our universe died in battle. "

"Thick ~ gift crab!"

Tony sighed with emotion, suddenly thought of something, and slapped his forehead: "Then what~ my little nephew awakened the mutant ability a few days ago, and he happened to be sent to Xavier to study~"


Nick had a bit of toothache: "You can't do this, Jin's children must live under our noses, and Xavier School is not part of our S.H.I.E.L.D. monitoring area. If there is any problem, we can't rush there immediately."

"Cut~ pull it down!"

Tony sneered: "If you dare to trouble my little nephew, you S.H.I.E.L.D. can't afford it. Don't talk too much about yourself. Steve is actually ranked outside the top 20 in this list, which is enough to show how powerful those mutants are. You must know that in your top ten list, except for that little Lolita and Eric, the rest are all gold people."


Glancing at the silent Nick, Tony smiled: "I'll consider your suggestion, but I've been researching the recycling of new energy recently, so I don't have time to pay attention to it for now, so I won't send it~"

Nick nodded and took back the USB flash drive Tony handed over: "The world is becoming more and more dangerous, we need to have our own high-end combat power, you should think about it carefully!"

After Nick left, Tony rubbed his hands and changed his face, took out the cosmic communicator and called Joaquin: "Hey~ Jin, I haven't contacted for a long time, what have you been up to lately?"

Joaquin, on the other side of the communicator, was soaking in the hot spring happily, with his head resting on the lower abdomen of a girl, and his hands were not idle: "I just had a small breakthrough, and I am relaxing, what's the matter?"

Tony raised his eyebrows meanly: "I use a shocking news, can I exchange two super soldier serums with you? It's the one I use."

Joaquin sat up straight and stared at Tony's virtual avatar: "Impossible~ I still have a heartache for the one I used for you. It was originally intended for my fighters. I can only give you two low-end versions. As for the effect, it depends on the information you provide."

"Do you want a daughter-in-law? Hehehe~"

Looking at Tony's wretched smile, Joaquin gave me a teasing look on his face: "Tony~ You have to figure it out, the elder of the two children is seven years old and the younger has just passed his sixth birthday."

"That little girl has two copies of the Phoenix Force. I don't know what the Phoenix Force is, but it sounds awesome, that little girl"

Tony stared blankly at the gorgeous space door that appeared in front of him, and then Joaquin, who was only wearing a pair of shorts, and several fragrant maids put on a bathrobe and a belt for Joaquin as soon as he walked out of the space door, and buckled the nano-device on his wrist and ankle.

"Are you sure it's the Phoenix Force?"

Joaquin stared at Tony's insufficient eyes, and couldn't help but slap him on the head: "Hey~~~"

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