Carter and Steve twitched, and Carter gritted his teeth and spit out a few words: "SHIELD~"

"Thank you!"

Hua Yu smiled and nodded to the kind Carter, and then continued to talk to Emma: "You should have heard it? I haven't been there yet. An honest businessman like me, who devoted his youth to this land, would be arrested by them. I want to sue them. Yes, you heard me right, I want to sue the entire Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau!"


After hanging up the phone, Hua Yu put half a box of cigars in his pocket: "I don't know how long it will take, I can take a couple of puffs if I get addicted to cigarettes, don't you mind?"

Steve twitched the corner of his mouth and moved away from his body. Hua Yu didn't feel conscious of being the subject of arrest at all. He put his cigar in his left hand pocket carelessly, and greeted beautiful clerks from time to time. Ika, who had just finished her makeup, came forward with her bag and put her arms around Hua Yu's neck: "Honey, am I pretty today?"


Hua Yu kissed her: "It's so beautiful, I may go back later tonight, and let Old Tom prepare a supper for me."

Ika glanced at Steve, Carter and the others behind him, and his charming face became alert: "What are these agents calling you for?"

"Haha~ Find me to discuss some cooperation matters."

He touched her face, and turned his head to Carter in a very boss-like way: "Let's go!"

The agents bypassed Ika and followed Hua Yu in front. After entering the elevator, a young agent couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "This is the first time I've seen such a stinky businessman. I really want to punch him in the face."

Hua Yu turned to look at the young man, and winked at him: "Trust me young man, you definitely don't want to!"

Seeing that he is about the same age as him, how dare he call himself a young man?When you get back to the headquarters, you must give him a little bit of power~
Today's Nick Fury is in an exceptionally beautiful mood. He wants to laugh when he thinks of Joaquin's embarrassing face, which also makes the big bald man opposite him a little puzzled: "Nick, what are you laughing at?"

"Sorry, just thought of something funny!"

He adjusted his thoughts, and then looked at the three big bosses opposite him with a serious face: "The life and death of our beautiful country has come to everyone!"

Charles, who was a little puzzled, looked at Eric and the White Queen sitting beside him, looked at Nick Fury with a serious face, and blinked his wise eyes: "Say it!"

"Just now, Captain America Steve and his wife, Ms. Carter, arrested Joaquin's brother Hua Yu!"


The three powerful mutants looked like you were teasing me, and Eric shook his head again and again: "Dude~ This is not funny at all. First, Captain America has sacrificed for decades. Secondly, Joaquin's character is extremely protective. Have you thought about the consequences of catching his brother?"

"This requires your help!"

Nick Fury smiled bitterly: "The Joaquin brothers want to control this country and even the whole world."


At this time, the White Queen had no choice but to stand up and speak for her son-in-law: "Jajin only pursues strength, and the money is not attractive to him at all."

Pursue strength?

Nick Fury's heart began to flutter. Their information on Joaquin seemed to be stuck in 83. In the nine years, Joaquin seemed to have no other actions except eating, drinking, and playing to destroy Tony.
"Does Miss Emma know something?"

Looking at Nick Fury's piercing eyes, the White Queen chose to remain silent, and Charles sighed: "What do we need to do?"

"To prevent the mutants under him from attacking our building, Ms. Carter and those officials need to have a good talk with him. If we can talk about everything, it's easy to talk about it. If we can't talk about it~"

Looking at Nick Fury's serious expression, several people also knew the seriousness of the matter. After agreeing to Nick's request, they began to gather people. Soon, there was a row of mutants standing in front of Nick Fury. Every mutant can find complete information in his database, especially~
Jean Gray
Looking at the little face that had lost the baby fat, Nick couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Everyone has the right to appreciate beautiful things, but what is the expression of the blindfolded boy next to him?
Charles, Eric, The White Queen, Raven, Jean Gray, Scott, Nightcrawler, Ororo, Quicksilver, Hank the Beast, and Peter the Colossus, who has fully mastered metallization recently, and a few good seedlings, but they are still too immature now, and going there won't be of much help.

Nick Fury came to the side of the Quinjet fighter and raised his right hand: "Please~"

After everyone took their seats on the plane, Nick closed the door, came to the cockpit and patted the pilot on the shoulder: "Go back to the headquarters~"


Knowing that his elder brother was arrested, Joaquin's first feeling was that it was a joke. Leaving aside the many transformations he had undergone, it can be said that he has good genes. Joaquin gave priority to supplying Huayu, especially the super soldier serum some time ago.

However, after learning that it was Carter and Steve who arrested Hua Yu, Joaquin had an idea in his mind. After all, his base was hidden too deeply, and the power he exposed was what he wanted others to see. As for what they couldn't see, they didn't know.

As for the vigilance of those officials and lords against their family?It was entirely an excuse for the old woman Carter. With the nourishment of love, the old Carter, whose heart was alive, naturally wanted to continue to control the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. However, in the past few years, Pierce has taken many important positions by Pierce. She wanted to take Joaquin's weight first, and plan to contain Pierce next.

After figuring out the key points, Joaquin came to the exercise room on the ground floor of the Ark Group building. More than a dozen figures of different heights were fighting together, and the clashing sounds of the vibrating gold round shield and vibrating gold arms were continuous.

The world's top fighting master whose mind was manipulated by Emma taught these super fighters his fighting skills without reservation, and kept talking about emergency skills of resistance and parry when they were fighting.

In addition to the vibration gold they are currently equipped with, there are more than 200 catties of vibration gold in the secret base, all of which were seized from the guards outside Wakanda. After learning the approximate location of Wakanda, Joaquin took Emma and the others to the periphery of Wakanda. Emma used telepathy to get everything she wanted to know.

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