"I heard that your ark creatures have potions that suppress mutant abilities?"

Carter crossed his arms and looked at the smiling Victor, who nodded: "Yes, that potion is specially given to Ipsilon-level mutants, and the original intention is to allow them to return to normal life. Is there any problem?"


Tony puffed out the smoke ring: "Doesn't that mean it can also suppress the abilities of alpha-level mutants?"

Victor did not deny: "The leech serum can't eradicate the ability of an alpha-level mutant, but it will suppress it for a period of time, and the time depends on how the mutant uses the ability. We invited Eric to do an experiment. After only two months, he was able to use the magnetic field ability again, and he recovered his original strength in half a year."

"That's it!"

Carter nodded: "As you know, many organizations are now focusing their attention on those mutants, and the above has even issued a decree that mutants must be registered. If you want to implement it, the leech gene is indispensable."

"I don't care about this matter, I have to ask the old man."

Victor put out the cigarette butt: "As you know, the Four Seas and the Ark are now under the management of the old man, and I have to remind you that even if the old man allows us to trade leech serum, you can't use it on us."

"It's only fools who will get your ideas."

Tony smiled at the side: "You invented the leech serum, there must be a corresponding medicine to relieve it, right?"

"not at all!"

Victor shrugged: "There is no antidote to the leech gene, because this gene was extracted from the cells of a mutant."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Carter and Steve: "You two don't want your abilities to be cancelled, do you? You only have gamma-level mutant abilities. Once you are injected with leech serum, you will really become your original appearance. After all, there is an insurmountable gap between Alpha-level and Gamma-level."

"Think about it for yourself. Once those politicians make up their minds to deal with you, do you really think you will be fine?"

After Victor finished speaking, he went back to the banquet hall, leaving the thinking Carter and his wife behind, while Tony was slowly smoking a cigarette. Anyway, these things have nothing to do with him, he is just an ordinary person!

"Although I shouldn't speak, as a friend or family member, I still need to remind you that this is the 21st century, and this is the world of capital, and people are all selfish Carter~"

Tony looked at the couple with a serious look on his face: "You ask them to buy a batch of them to catch the enemy. Don't tell those politicians that you have the genetic medicine to suppress mutants, otherwise not only those politicians will pester you, but also those powerful mutants will not make it easy for you. You know this better than anyone else."

"Think about Eric back then, why did he assassinate the president!"

After speaking, he put his hands in his pockets and entered the banquet hall. Carter looked at the fireflies flying around and sighed: "I'm tired Steve~ I'm really tired!"

"Then let's live the lives of ordinary people, I believe Nick will handle it well!"

Steve put his arms around Carter's shoulders, and the two cuddled together and stopped talking~
"Haha~ This little guy doesn't look like you at all."

Tony teased the little guy in his arms with sour words. The little guy who just had a baby face opened his big eyes and looked at Tony curiously. He waved his hands and kicked his legs with his tongue sticking out, as if he was very dissatisfied with Tony's words.

Before Joaquin could take over the child, the little one was held in Carter's arms first. She and Steve have been busy performing missions for the past few years, so they don't have time to think about these things. Naturally, they love children very much.

Steve nodded on the little guy's mouth: "What's the child's name?"

"Wish~ His name is Hua Yuan!"

Hua Wei walked over with a smile: "This child is Joaquin's eldest son, so I named him a wish, hoping that he can respond to those souls who pray to him in the future."

"It's such a profound feeling."

Tony shrugged, grimacing, "It's a good name!"

The banquet was very lively, and those who could be invited were those who were closest to Fahrenheit. Zheng Xian from the Spear Bureau came to Carter with a smile on his glass and said, "Director Carter~"

"Director Zheng~"

The two smiled tacitly, and came to the corner of the banquet hall with wine glasses in their hands. Asazo and Wilson sat down beside Steve, and Wilson raised his glass: "Hey~Captain America Steve, I toast you!"

"Thank you~"

After a round of toasting, Joaquin brought Tony to a guest room, and Sazili came in with a tray with a syringe on it. Tony raised his eyebrows: "Wow~ Am I going to become a Superman too?"

"what are you thinking?"

Joaquin picked up the injection with a smile: "This is a medicine specially prepared for you. You have indulged yourself too much these past few years, Tony."

As he said that, he stuck the needle into Tony's arm vein, and as the lavender drug was injected, Tony closed his eyes tightly and waited for the pain to come, but Joaquin slapped his head: "What are you thinking? I will inject you with a low-end drug?"

Putting the syringe on the tray, they clapped their hands, and two fragrant girls walked in: "The two of them will sleep next to you tonight, it will be very good for your recovery, don't worry about those messy thoughts."

As the door closed, Tony looked around and shrugged: "This will make it difficult for me~"


One of the girls slapped him directly on the back of the head, and the other girl pulled out the ribbon she had prepared from her waist, tied Tony who had fallen asleep tightly, and then clapped her little hands: "Sleep~"

This night Tony slept very deeply and comfortably. He had neither dreamed nor felt the itching caused by the strengthening of his body when he entered the deep sleep. When he opened his eyes again, it was already the morning of the next day.

He got up and went to the bathroom. After taking a shower, he wiped off the steam on the mirror. Looking at himself who was seven or eight years younger, and his handsome figure, he nodded: "OK~ This feels good!"

When he changed into his clothes and came to the living room, Carter and Steve couldn't help but take a closer look at Tony, who had changed a lot. The dark circles under his eyes disappeared, and the acne from staying up late for a long time disappeared. His bright eyes, steady steps, and overall improved energy made him feel strange to familiar people.

"Wow~ I can't believe it. You haven't touched the little girl all night. Has it changed so much?"

Facing Carter's teasing, Tony shrugged: "In fact, Jin called two girls for me last night."

Joaquin came to the living room and looked at Tony: "It's not bad, the main reason is that your body was too short, and your current physical fitness is similar to those of the second-generation fighters."

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