"Let's congratulate Mr. Mariano Arini for becoming the winner of the 'Golden Tapir Award' of this year's news fragment program!"

"You did really well in the first few weeks. Especially that foul, let us see the good quality of the new generation in Italy. You know, among the young players in the south of Italy, you and Antonio are the two most special Characters - those two wonderful fouls are more proof of this. Maybe next time the Italian Football Association should make a new rule that all serious fouls by Arini and Cassano should be given a green card - the opposite of a red card, a green card The team can have one more player on the field. Mariano, what do you think about this proposal?"

If the same problem is thrown to Cantona the Great who kicks people with flying legs or Edmondo the beast who is involved in 2 or 3 murders, then Ibstrella may be blown away on the spot or found the next morning Become a floating corpse in Lake Como.

Maybe he should go to church to do a thanksgiving mass. Fortunately, he met Liu Wen, who has a gentle temper. Compared with his notoriety as a "serial killer" on the court, this man was called by the media because of his outstanding skills and overshadowed Ronaldo. The young striker known as 'maria fantasti' is usually a gentle and harmless animal.


The well-known director with a fat body and a gray beard gestured with his fingers.It seems to be implying something.

"I think our questions can be raised less sharply now..."

"Of course. After all, it's the first time for kid Mariano to come to our place."

Ibsterila handed the microphone to Liu Wen.The latter barely resisted the urge to smash the huge golden tapir in his face, and smiled suavely at the camera lens.Make a mediocre speech.

The Napoli striker was always smiling and relaxed during interviews.I don’t know how many Neapolitans were applauding in front of the TV: “San Mariano!! San Mariano!! San Mariano!!!”

Ibsterila also couldn't help being impressed by Liu Wen's demeanor and calm performance, but the matter did not end there.At this time, Ruiqi Qianjo's welfare handed over a video tape to Ibsterila.The latter slipped the tape into the VCR.

"So, let's talk about why you and Calleo's muscles are so exaggerated. It is said that someone raised doubts about Naples' Fairplay."

"Mr. Mariano, what do you think of this problem?"

Liu Wen was silent for a moment, and then answered loudly: "This video is from the first day of our victory over Fiorentina until the celebration after the game. It is full of jokes and laughter between us. This is an ideal The team atmosphere is completely opposite to the purpose of this video that some people hype. I accept it as on, which is used to refresh people when they feel tired. I don’t know why you hype this video, maybe you want to What kind of trouble is caused by using this video tape. But I think anyone who has seen it will understand. What this tape is talking about, I am fully qualified to appeal to the TV station. Put it to law."

I have to praise Liu Wen's adaptability, or Godzilla's response nerves are really superior to ordinary people. His self-defense has layers, atmosphere, non-drugs, TV station's motives, from justifying himself to turning the blame on others.From defense to offense, extremely smooth.

The camera lens keenly captured a row of beads of sweat dripping from Fulirui's plump face.


As soon as the news fragments of this issue were broadcast, it caused a sensation in the whole of Italy and even the whole of Europe.

There are many people in Italian football defending Liu Wen, not only athletes, but also many coaches. AC Milan Chairman Silvio Berlusconi said: "In my impression, Mariano has always been a role model for players. We have to figure out , What is drug abuse, and whether anti-fatigue drugs are also called abuse.” Biondi, the vice chairman of the Italian House of Representatives, is a lawyer and participated in the live program of Rai2 as a guest. He said: “The program seems to be trying Mariano. I went for that purpose, but I think Mariano is innocent, it's a ridiculous joke." Scoglio said: "Everyone has their own way of explaining, Mariano and Antonio are fine now, They laughed it off." Mancini said: "I don't feel comfortable showing these things on TV, and I'd be a hypocrite if I said I'd never seen anything like it."

Petrucci, president of the Italian Olympic Committee, stood on the opposite side: "I was shocked and saddened to see this scene. Rules are one thing, but sportsmanship is also valuable." The striker Tony, who played in Palermo, had a similar attitude : "I am firmly opposed to any form of drug injection. The body is more important than football." The Naples club remained silent, and Naples chairman De Laurentiis said: "I did not watch the broadcast. This kind of thing should not be reacted and discussed on TV. .”

But the more vocal view is that Mariano is to blame for his poor sportsmanship.It's probably best to end with Gentile's words: "I've worked with Mariano and I don't see him taking anything illegal with anyone else. It's not something to be proud of. But poking it out doesn't help either."

Italy's 2004 star hopeful, like Dutchman Edgar Davies, has been overshadowed by doping.


This time the Italian Newcomer Award and the Italian Best Young Midfielder Award will be awarded among Liu Wen, Kaka and De Rossi.And Liu Wen and Kaka are the two biggest favorites.

Indeed, in terms of performance at the club, Liu Wen and Kaka have become the core figures of Naples and AC Milan respectively.And Liu Wen became the indisputable top scorer in the entire Italian league with 36 goals!

As for the performance in the national team, Kaka's Brazilian Olympic team has just been eliminated from the Olympic finals by Ecuador.And Liu Wen became the captain of the Italian Olympic team and scored 6 goals in last year's friendly match.A few days ago, he was also selected for the Italian national team and affixed the gold label of 'Virgin Mary' on his body.

Arguably, in many ways.Both Liu Wen and Kaka are evenly matched.

Compared with the Italian Newcomer Award and the Italian Best Young Midfielder Award, it is already a certainty that the winner of one award is Liu Wen, such as the Italian Best Young Forward Award.

Although he is willing to wear the "Golden Tapir Award" as a brand-name product, but facing the competition of the best young midfielder, best rookie, and best young striker at the same time, Liu Wen has to feel that it is too much work for those who can. .


Liu Wen and Sun Jia stood together at the gate of the Caballero Theater in Milan, which is where the awards ceremony will be held tonight.

For unknown reasons, Liu Wen dialed Sun Jia's phone number, and Sun Jia also agreed to Liu Wen's request under the temptation of the "Madame Butterfly Development Plan" and "bsp;boy list, rich young master list).Maybe, you can meet some billionaire's son at the awards ceremony.


"Should I say things like 'Sure enough, there is such a world' or 'There are people who are completely different from me'? The costumes and gems of the people around me really make me cringe."

Sun Jia suddenly felt a little scared. "Although it is said that once a word is made, it is hard to follow...But, I might regret coming here a bit."

"Sure enough, it's still that Jiajia..."

Liu Wen smiled: "What stupid things are you talking about, come with me."

The moment Liu Wen held her hand.Sun Jia's reaction was obviously a bit unexpected: she, who was always generous, blushed suddenly because of Liu Wen's small gesture.

She pursed her mouth in a concealed manner, and let Liu Wen walk into the venue holding her hand.He couldn't stop muttering: "Hmph, the gentleman Mariano should be on the side of the weak girl."

That's right.But is that violent girl who is full of anger and can move a box bigger than a person under the drive of money count as a weak girl?


In the main venue, the duo of Liu Wen and Sun Jia immediately became the focus of the venue.In terms of looks alone, the two of them are definitely comparable to the Beckham-Victoria duo.


No matter where you go, beautiful girls will always be the center of attention of men.Sun Jia is no exception, and her appearance has naturally attracted the followers of many football stars.

De Rossi raised his wine glass, walked in front of the two, and saluted Sun Jia with a perfect gesture.

"Hello, I'm Daniel De Rossi. Nice to meet you, beautiful lady."

Liu Wen rubbed his hands, slightly embarrassed.And Cassano walked up to him at some point, and asked him in a low voice: "Is that black-haired beauty your girlfriend?"

"Oh, yes."

"So, what about your old girlfriend?"

"This, this..."

"I really envy you holding flowers in both hands, Mariano, so you want to conquer all the beauties in Italy with your powerful body?"

"What are you kidding..."

"Do you think so?"

"This joke is really not funny at all!"


Unknowingly, Cassano has led the pure Godzilla to the other side of the venue, surrounded by socialites and ladies.

Immediately, the ladies with a copy of "Women's Gang" were completely attracted by the handsome Liu Wen, and after a while they surrounded him tightly, chatting with each other.

"Mariano, what's your zodiac sign?"

"Wow, a Scorpio? I'm a Pisces! We're perfect mates!!!"

"What is your height?"


While Liu Wen was in trouble, on the other side of the venue, De Rossi was trying to seduce the innocent Sun Jia with his outstanding girl-picking skills.

"Beautiful lady, can I have dinner with you later?"

"I'm sorry...I'm too full today."

Sun Jia was perfunctory and perfunctory to De Rossi, not knowing why.Seeing Liu Wen surrounded by ladies and ladies, she felt a vague jealousy in her heart.

"Hmph, you annoying big guy! I hate people who play tricks the most!"

Perhaps out of resentment, the glass in Sun Jia's hand was pinched with a crack.The vermilion wine dripped to the ground along the cracks.

"Sure enough, Mariano and I are a couple!!"

De Rossi's face was livid with fright.He even found a reason to slip away.He ran faster than Don Quixote who threw away his armor in front of the windmill.


Sun Jia, who had no idea that she was showing her true colors in front of De Rossi, secretly made up her mind.Humph, come if you want, I am always ready to accept the challenge.If the other party strikes first, I will be considered as self-defense, and I will be forgiven no matter what I do!Whether it is longing, awareness, or courage, everything is very different from yours. I definitely want you to see the power of the heart of a poor girl!

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