Chapter 26 Advanced Textbooks

"My God, your experience has opened my eyes, and it has also made me realize that there are no shortcuts in the path of magic, and hard practice will definitely pay off." Professor Flitwick was so excited that he almost jumped up. After listening to Anduin's experience, he became more determined to study magic.

"I also agree with this point of view, Professor Flitwick. In fact, I am not satisfied with myself now. I sincerely hope that I can get more teaching from you. In fact, I have already mastered the content of the first academic year. I also hope to go further." Seeing the professor so excited, Anduin would not be able to take advantage of this opportunity for a little benefit.

"Well, indeed, I won't say anything to tell you not to be too ambitious. The endless thirst for knowledge is the most powerful driving force for wizards." Professor Flitwick nodded in approval and continued.

"If you want to learn some advanced spell knowledge, you can go to the senior spell classroom. There are many old books left by the old students in the bookcase. Secondly, I will write a book list that suits you. You You can borrow it yourself at the library, and if you have any questions in the process of learning the spell, you can come to me, and I will answer it myself." Professor Flitwick thought again after speaking. thought, and then said.

"I want to invite you to join my magic spell learning club. Although I have never invited a first-year student to enter, you can listen in first, but I believe you should be able to keep up. You must know that Lily was in my magic school back then. The performance of the Curse Learning Club is also very good." Flitwick didn't know if he was too excited, and almost wanted to train Anduin as a student of his own college.

"Thank you very much, Professor Flitwick, for your recognition and appreciation for me." Anduin was very moved and bowed slightly to the professor, thanking him sincerely.

"Come on, Anduin, keep persevering and work hard, your future is limitless!" Flitwick sighed as he looked at the little wizard who was taller than him.

Anduin ended the conversation with Professor Flitwick, looked at the book list and club invitation letter given by Professor Flitwick, and left the Charms classroom full of joy.

It is unimaginable to have such a harvest on the first day of school.

"First, as Professor Flitwick said, go to the senior classroom to search for some senior textbooks. After all, you need to eat one bite at a time, so you can't be too eager for quick success." After thinking about it, Anduin went to the auditorium and had a casual lunch. After that, he began to wander in various senior classrooms.

"Araho hole open." Anduin cast a lock-picking spell on a fifth-grade spell school classroom.

He has scoured classrooms in multiple grades, and he has learned a lot, with some old textbooks in the lockers of each classroom.

Some of them are incomplete, and Anduin can even see half of the textbooks that have been burned in it. After choosing some roughly complete books, Anduin will read the contents in general.

Some textbooks will be missing a few pages. Anduin estimates that some naughty little wizards may have torn them off and folded the plane to play. However, the complete textbooks are not the same. Some books are densely packed with notes. Anduin found Many of them are quite insightful, which is undoubtedly more valuable than a blank textbook.

Anduin searched for 6 valuable textbooks in the remaining 7 grade classrooms. Why is there 7 textbooks? It is because there are very rich notes in two of the 6 grade textbooks. They were all different, but they were all very valuable to Anduin.

He even found Lily Evans' textbook on spells in the 5th grade classroom, which recorded a lot of Lily's understanding of spells. Most importantly, Anduin found a lot of records about protective magic in it. , Maybe Lily already had the idea of ​​an amulet at this time.

This made Anduin regarded as a treasure. After putting away all the books, he realized that it was about time for the afternoon class, and Anduin took the book to the classroom of the history of magic.

Anduin found that at Hogwarts, the classroom arrangements for each course were very different, such as Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts among the seven compulsory courses. Independent classrooms, herbal medicine is basically taught in the greenhouse, astronomy is taught in the astronomy tower, and Anduin originally thought that it would be a class of history of magic in one classroom for each grade, but there is only one classroom.

Then he understood why, that Professor Binns Cuthbert, who taught the history of magic, was actually a ghost.

"It is said that Professor Binns, many years ago, when he was still alive, was sitting in front of the fire in the faculty lounge dozing off. When he woke up and rushed to class, he forgot to bring his body. As a result, that night He died, but this little problem didn't stop him from continuing to teach, and there were rumors that he didn't even notice that he was dead." Vivian was talking to Anduin again, not knowing where to ask. Rumors of coming, but in Anduin's view it is very likely to be true.

Looking at the ghost professor who was explaining the history of the modern wizarding world on the podium, Anduin thought deeply.

"It seems that after becoming a ghost, the memory will not just stay in the past, because the history the professor is explaining now obviously happened after his death."

But Anduin's interest in this class may stop there, because Professor Binns' class is so boring, almost all the little wizards in the audience are drowsy, but Vivienne is very energetic listen carefully.

Therefore, Anduin started deserting generously. He opened a 2nd grade textbook he had just found, and flipped through it with relish.

He came to the library along the corridor to find Mrs. Pince, borrowed all the 6 books on the list Flitwick gave him, and brought them back to his room together with 7 old textbooks. In time, he directly retreated to practice and conquered these books.

Anduin still prefers textbooks for senior grades. After all, it will be more solid to give priority to the compulsory content to master the basics. He found that the textbooks for grades 3-6 in all textbooks are very rich in both quality and quantity. The amount of content is very small but the quality is very profound. It is said that the 7th grade can already choose to graduate early or practice, and the remaining wizards can choose the 'Ultimate Wizarding Exam'. Most of the content in the textbook is related to it. Among them There is also teaching content about Apparition.

Two days have passed, and the treasured Anduin spent most of his time learning magic spells besides class.

(End of this chapter)

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