Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 8 Iron Man and Iron King

Chapter 8 Iron Man and Iron King

After Obadiah realized that his plot had been seen through, he decided to act first and went to visit Tony's seaside villa.

Taking the opportunity to anesthetize Tony with an infrasonic weapon, and took away the Ark reactor on Tony Stark's chest, allowing Tony to die quietly.

At the same time, after obtaining the miniaturized Ark reactor, the energy problem was solved, and Obadiah was able to successfully activate the armor developed based on Tony's drawings left in the terrorist cave, the Iron Overlord armor.

Obadiah returned to his base proudly, ready to start the Iron Overlord. Not surprisingly, Pepper Pepper found his own evidence, and he will definitely bring agents to arrest him.

But at this time, Tony Stark does not have the Ark reactor to maintain his life, and the shrapnel will soon flow into the heart along the blood vessels. It is already a dead end, and it is still an accidental death.

As long as he gets rid of Pepper, who has evidence of his crimes, and destroys all the evidence that is not good for him, he can still control the Stark Group, and Obadiah, who owns the Iron Overlord, has full confidence in comparison.

It is nothing more than the need to make some interest exchanges afterwards. In the country of capital, as long as there is sufficient capital, there is almost nothing that cannot be done.

And after controlling the entire Stark Group, Obadiah definitely has sufficient capital, not to mention the bargaining chip of the Iron King Armor in his hand. I believe that as long as the matter is handled cleanly, the military is very willing to cooperate with him. .

As long as you can control the entire Stark Industries Group, all the costs are worth it.

In fact, the terrorist attack on Tony was originally arranged by Obadiah. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Tony Stark, so that he could take over the Stark Group logically.

As a result, those terrorists also had their own ideas, wanting to obtain the advanced weapons developed by Stark, a genius.

On the one hand, he negotiated conditions with Obadiah, thinking that Tony Stark should be more valuable, and he had to add more money!

On the one hand, he asked Tony to make Jericho missiles for them, and wanted to eat the benefits of both sides.

As a result, Tony was given time, and Tony Stark escaped by building a pair of armor himself.

"It's really a group of guys who failed to accomplish anything and failed to succeed. They deserve to die." Thinking of those terrorists who were greedy and dishonest, Obadiah couldn't help but cursed viciously.

"But it's not too late now. On the contrary, there are more windfalls. The miniature ark reactor and Iron Overlord armor will definitely bring the Stark Group to unprecedented heights. No, it should be called the Stanley Group in the future." Obadiah complacently looked at the miniature ark reactor in his hand and said proudly.

"To be honest, I'm really reluctant to kill Tony, the hen that lays golden eggs." Obadiah sat in the Iron Overlord armor, watching the surveillance screen showing that Pepper led several black-clothed agents with guns into the room. In his own laboratory, he sneered and said, "It's a pity that I have already torn my face, so I have to get rid of you all."

Obviously, the special agent team who came to capture Obadiah came late, and the small pistols of several agents were useless in front of the Iron Overlord armor, so they could only escort Pepper to escape in a hurry.

Just when the Iron Bully was about to catch up with a few people, Tony Stark finally came to the rescue wearing armor.

"Tony, you're still alive? You still have a second reactor?" Obadiah's slightly surprised voice came from Iron Overlord.

"My luck is better. I have a good secretary and a not-so-smart but practical assistant." Tony Stark said in a frivolous tone.

It was Pepper who packaged the crude version of the reactor that Tony Stark had replaced before, built in the crude environment of the cave in the Middle East, and gave it to Tony as a gift.

Tony's artificial intelligence robotic arm assistant replaced Tony Stark, who could barely move, with the eliminated reactor, so that Tony could survive and come to the rescue in time.

Then there was the battle between Iron Man and Iron King. Since Tony's Iron Man armor focused more on the close-fitting and lightweight attributes, the weapon loading of the huge Iron King was at a disadvantage, and the strength attributes were far inferior.

What's more important is Tony's battle armor. At this time, the old and crude version of the miniature ark reactor was used, and the energy supply could not keep up.

During the fight, apart from taking advantage of the high-altitude icing phenomenon of his battle armor to regain a city, Tony was basically in a state of being suppressed throughout the fight.


There was another "bang", and Tony, who was wearing a steel suit, was kicked to the ground again by the Iron Overlord.

"Sir, the current energy of the armor is less than 10%, and it will lose its power soon. It is recommended to retreat first." Jarvis's voice sounded.

"How is it possible to escape? How is it possible for the great Tony Stark to escape." Tony said arrogantly.

Leaving aside whether the armor with insufficient power can fly past Obadiah's Iron Overlord, what will happen to Pepper if she runs away by herself.

While dodging the iron tyrant's attack, Tony's thoughts were spinning rapidly, thinking about ways to defeat the iron tyrant.

As soon as I had an idea in my heart, I was bombarded by a miniature missile and fell straight to the road. Before I could stand up, I was hit by a car with full power on my right back.

The driver was a middle-aged woman, and there was a child holding a game console in the back seat.

The female driver was obviously terrified by the battle between the two Iron Men, and wanted to flee the battle zone between the two with her child.

At this moment, he bumped into the iron lump in front of him, screamed loudly, and stepped on the accelerator hard, the rear tires had already started to smoke.

"Ma'am, calm down, let go of the accelerator first." In order to avoid the danger of the car with full horsepower, Tony could only lift the whole car up first, and then comforted the driver, hoping that the driver could calm down.

After all, this lady is very excited and nervous at this time, and the accelerator is already fully open. If she just pulls away and leaves at this time, a car accident is likely to happen. After all, on the road, because of the fierce battle between the two, some roads are damaged, and there are many cars indiscriminately. stop on the road.

Hearing Tony's voice, the driver in the car calmed down slightly, and released the accelerator.

"Very good, drive carefully." Tony then put the car down with confidence and urged.


Just as Tony wanted to fly away, he lured the Iron King to the group's giant Ark reactor, thereby defeating Obadiah.

The child in the back seat of the car suddenly cried out in pain and lay down on the back seat.

"What's going on? Jarvis immediately scanned the child's condition, did he get hurt when he hit it just now?" Tony immediately gave Jarvis an order.

"Sir, the scan information shows that this child was not hit in the previous collision, and may be suffering from some acute disease." Jarvis gave the answer after scanning.

"Ma'am, is your child sick?"

"No, Tom has always been healthy, how could this happen all of a sudden."

Seeing the child's inexplicable pain, this lady is also confused?

"Sir, the child's condition is probably not a common disease."

Jarvis then passed the image to Tony's eyes, and the child unexpectedly had shiny squares of pixel games appearing out of thin air.

"I detected incomprehensible and analytical energy and information flows from these light grid squares."

Jarvis explained simultaneously.

"What's the situation?" Tony asked himself, and he was well-informed, but the situation in front of him was still beyond his cognition.

But before he sighed the second sentence, the child screamed again, and countless yellow light grid squares suddenly appeared on his body, which quickly broke the car and gradually grew up until it formed a three- to four-story building. The strange shape of the "monster".

"What is this? A model of a domed house with feet? This shape does not conform to the basic mechanical structure at all." Tony complained.

"Sir, please save my child." Seeing her child being "swallowed" by the monster in front of her, the woman begged Tony for help as if grabbing the last straw.

(End of this chapter)

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