Start binding: high-quality male god system

Chapter 79 Talent Explosion Rate---Internet Inspector (for further reading)

Chapter 79 Talent Explosion Rate - Internet Detective (for further reading)

Seeing the blind box, Li Songlin suddenly changed from lying down to sitting, staring at the system page fixedly;

Simply having the experience of unpacking the box three times before, he quickly calmed down his mood.

This time I think it is an opportunity to open the box brought by the popularity of the Internet. I don’t know if I can open something?

Except for the first time, he didn't show his talents in the last two times. It can only be said that the more he looks forward to, the more disappointed he becomes.

"2. The talent is obtained through a certain degree of praise, the random explosion rate, the probability is 0.01, and the explosion rate is relatively low;"

The probability of one percent is not casual talk;

Thinking of it this way, he also chilled himself, and tried not to let himself be too excited, after all, the emotional changes after a happy hour are quite hurtful.


With a long sigh, Xiao Ye, who was sleeping in his small warm nest, was aware of waking up.

He only had time to hear a few sparse movements below, when he heard a thud and a mass of weight pressed against his thigh.

"Why did you come up?"

"Meow meow meow~"

"Hush, then sleep next to me, don't make trouble with the other two brothers, you understand?"

As he spoke, he patted the little guy's little head, smoothing the other person's hair very comfortably, and after a while, he snored softly.

This kitty, probably woken up by his movement, and knew to come up to accompany him, it seems that the usual pain is not in vain.

In an instant, Li Songlin's heart became a little softer, and it felt worthwhile to raise it!

Little guy, it can really heal him;
Seeing that he fell asleep, he didn't move it, but woke up and activated the talent box directly with his mind.

He saw a bunch of data loading in front of his eyes, and within a few seconds a picture of a detective appeared in front of him.

In the end, it turned into a beam of light, directly entered his body, and rushed to the depths of his brain.

Immediately afterwards, a barrage of information entered his head, which was understood to be a semi-task talent.

Unlike Tian Dao Rewards, there is a restrictive requirement, that is, to complete an online trial every six months;
That is, to restore the truth about the malicious cyberbullying, and get the approval of more than [-]% of the people who understand the incident.

If it cannot be completed within half a year, this talent will be separated from the host.

Such a talent is not bad for him. When encountering such incidents in the future, he can not only remove the scum for the people, but also better protect himself.

With the future activities, Li Songlin is not sure whether he will encounter similar incidents again, but he should be prepared, right?

As for the maintenance conditions of talent, he privately thinks that he should make contributions when he is capable;

Enjoying preferential treatment and having ability, not giving full play to his talent is also a kind of immorality to society for him. Who wouldn't want to be a hero if conditions permit?
He himself is willing to contribute what he can, provided he can protect himself.

Growing up in this great country, in this peaceful and happy country, one should work hard for it.

Therefore, after digesting it, he completely accepted the arrival of this talent.

Internet Detective: A probing talent that can trace the source of cyber violence, help victims of cyber violence find rescue materials, and guide the host to a just trial.

PS: The Internet is not a place of lawlessness, the embodiment of justice is already in place!

Very good, it seems that the system is also guiding him to become a high-quality talent, he has to keep working hard!
So, with the vision of his future life, he fell asleep after a while.

On December 2018, 12, there were exactly two weekends;
Li Songlin once again resumed his original life pattern:

Get up early to exercise, go to bed early and get up early, eat three meals on time, study and write...

In such a busy life, the days passed by little by little!

This kind of life has long been used to, but new learning content and activities have been added again;

Every once in a while, Mr. Shen Nansheng will recommend several related investment introductory books to him.

Let him get started slowly so that he won't feel unfamiliar with the investment field.

And he himself started to look for his hobbies under the suggestion;

If you don't look for it, you don't know. When you look for it, you are startled, and he finds that he seems to have a lot of thoughts.

The childhood desire seems to have become more clear in this exploration process!
Because of being bullied, he hopes to become a capable boxer;
Because he was envious of the talents of his classmates, he hoped that he could have an art hobby of his own;

Because he was so scolded that he couldn't fight back, he hoped that he could be a good debater...

It seems that his childhood experience made him feel that he lacked everything and wanted to have everything.

After reviewing his past, he became more clear about his future. With Mr. Shen Nansheng's suggestion, it seems that he needs to work harder.

Otherwise, what you think will always be just thinking, and it will not come true.

As life continued, he gradually had a clearer picture of his future.

I don't know what will happen in the future, but if I have an idea, I will work hard in that direction. Why are there so many entanglements?
We never know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident, and this experience in this world should be fulfilling without leaving any regrets.

After all, there is no question of reincarnation, and it is always right to live well in the present.

With the law of life and self-improvement, Li Songlin also pursued more of himself.

In the future, he will definitely become the person he wants to be;
There is no doubt about that.


With the activation of his second talent, he began to consciously pay attention to the online world.

Of course, I just set aside a little time to browse through it, but I didn't deliberately look for cyberbullying incidents.

He believes that when a thing expands, the platform will definitely provide it.

Then when the time comes, just activate the talent directly and collect evidence slowly, but I never thought about looking for it immediately.

After all, everyone's time is limited, how to allocate this limited time has become a compulsory course for everyone.

It is a day to be confused, and it is also a day to be busy. Whether you like it or not, the day will eventually pass.

The two days of the weekend here passed quickly under such a busy rhythm;

According to the agreement they met last time, Li Songlin should also go to Hongsheng Capital to work and study from Monday!
At that time, he will officially start the middle competition and enter the link of strength accumulation.

If all goes well, he will have the opportunity to go to the imperial capital and take a free capital tour to see the prosperous city.

In this way, one of his long-standing wishes can be realized, Tiananmen to see the flag raising, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the famous schools in Qingbei...

These are all dreams he had since he was a child, and they can come true one by one when he goes to the imperial capital!
Even if it's just for this, he will do his best;
 The original book cover has been reported. Please be familiar with Aibei's "Starting Binding: High-Quality Male God System", look forward to reading it!

(End of this chapter)

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