slam dunk center glory

Chapter 4 Close to Home

Chapter 4 Close to Home

In fact, after becoming Yuzhu, why didn't he want to join a school with a better lineup, especially Hainan and Xiangyang, which have a high probability of winning the national competition.

However, it is very difficult to become the starting player of these two schools in the first year of high school, let alone the core.

Judging from the original work, only Mu Shenyi can do it in Hainan this year, and Xiangyang is Fujima Kenji.

Unlike Mu Shenichi and Fujima, who were already famous in junior high school, Yu's performance in junior high school was relatively poor.

If he joins Hainan and Xiangyang, Yuzhu may have to stay on the bench for a year.

Take Toru Hanagata, who is also one of the four major centers in Kanagawa, as an example. Fujima had already secured his starting position in the first grade, but Huagata was sitting on the bench. Even in his second grade, he still did not sit firmly. It is conceivable that the Xiangyang team has fierce competition for the starting seat.

Not to mention the Hainan team. When Kazuma Takasago was in the first grade, he could not even be guaranteed to enter the squad, so he could only focus most of his energy on selection and training.

In the case of a small gap in strength, the coach naturally prefers senior players, because they have rich experience, are more stable, and cooperate more tacitly.

After eliminating the options of Hainan and Xiangyang, the only teams Yuzhu can look at are Xiangbei and Lingnan.

If Yuzhu joins the Shohoku team, he can form twin towers inside with Akagi. As long as Mitsui is not injured, he has the hope of winning the semi-finals.

But don't place too much hope on it. Whether Mitsui Hisashi will repeat the same mistakes is unknown. The key is that the other players in Xiangbei are too weak, and the bench is very weak. The key is that coach Anzai is still in a state of not working hard.

This kind of Xiangbei is not as good as Lingnan.

At least the current Lingnan is still the top eight in the county competition. Although there are no top players, under the training of Maoichi Tianoka, there is absolutely no shortage of high-quality role players.

As for schools such as Buri, Wuyuan, Miuradai, and Tsujitake, they were automatically excluded due to unfamiliarity.

As a result, no matter how you look at it, Lingnan is the most suitable for him.

"Yuzhu, I want to invite you to join our Lingnan team!"

Tian Gang Shigeru could not help but worry about gains and losses, which is related to Yuzhu's strength obviously exceeding expectations.

With the strength of Yuzhu, as long as he is willing to try out, he can definitely join the top four teams in the county.

Would a fish like this really want to join the Lingnan team?

At best, the Lingnan team is at the level of the top eight in the county. In terms of attractiveness, it is definitely not as good as the top four teams, let alone Hainan and Xiangyang.

This is why the Lingnan team wants to get excellent players, and Coach Tian Gang will take the initiative.

However, the coaches of other teams often come forward to invite them, and no one will dislike too many excellent players.

To a certain extent, the more talents recruited, the weaker the strength of the opponents to a certain extent.

Like this year's middle school MVP Mitsui Hisashi, in addition to Tianoka Moichi, strong teams such as Hainan and Xiangyang are also invited.

Coach Tian Gang's nemesis, Coach Gaotou, even came forward.

After persuading Mitsui Shou to fail, he heard that the high-level coach from Hainan had gone to Aichi County and made his mind on the 'Aichi Two Heroes'.

Coach Xiangyang was also not to be outdone, and also went to another county to invite a certain well-known player.

Tian Gang Maoyi also put into action, but unfortunately, the Lingnan team has never played in the national competition, and its reputation in other counties is almost zero. Most of the players from other counties have never even heard of it.

He could only return to Kanagawa in desperation, and continue to work on this three-acre land, hoping to dig out undiscovered jade.

Now in front of him is a piece of rough jade, Tian Gang Moichi is very sure of this.

It's just that his self-confidence has been frustrated due to the relationship between hitting a wall one after another, and it is inevitable that he lacks confidence.

"Coach Tian Gang, there are actually a few teams that have contacted me, including the team that was in the top eight of the county competition with Lingnan. I would like to ask, what kind of treatment can your Lingnan team give me?
Yuzhu didn't lie, since he graduated from junior high school, there are indeed several teams wanting him.

A big guy like Yuzhu is a favorite in the eyes of many coaches.

As for why Akagi went to Xiangbei, it may be for the convenience of taking care of Haruko.

Judging from the original book, during the period when problem children gathered at Akagi's house to study, Akagi made it clear that his family did not subscribe to newspapers, and his parents never appeared on stage, which shows that his parents are likely to work in other places.

As soon as Tian Gangmao realized that now is the key, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said: "Yuzhu, I can give you the starting position, and I will also help you apply for scholarships and bursaries. In addition, as long as our Lingnan team or I personally have For parties, I will try my best to arrange them in your restaurant!"

In order to get Yuzumi, Tian Gang Maoyi showed the greatest sincerity.

The tuition fees of private schools are much higher than that of public schools, which is not a small burden for many families.

When Tian Gang and Anxi were watching the junior high school game of Mitsui Hisashi, coach Anxi once said, "We (Shohoku) are public schools, and we don't plan to poach people."

From this point of view, Lingnan University is a private school.

Although he showed the greatest sincerity, Tian Gang Moichi was still a little uneasy.

No way, Yuzhu's family is not difficult, not to mention with Yuzhu's current strength, there will definitely be many teams willing to pay such a price!

"Coach Tian Gang, I agree to join the Lingnan team!"

Yuzhu smiled. The team starter can guarantee his playing time and status in the team. Grants and scholarships can reduce the burden on his parents.

Daily high-intensity training will inevitably require adequate nutrition, not to mention that he still has the idea of ​​going abroad, which requires a lot of money.

As for the final condition, it seems that there is not much benefit, but as long as the performance of the Lingnan team improves, it will definitely drive the business of Yuzhu restaurant.

"Great, really great! With you joining, I believe that the Lingnan team will definitely be able to make further progress this year!"

Tian Gangmao was slightly taken aback, and then smiled ecstatically.

After the joy was over, Coach Tian Gang couldn't help but asked again: "By the way, compared with other teams, which aspect of our Lingnan team attracts you the most?"

Every time the recruitment is successful, Tian Gangmoichi will ask this question, which can effectively increase the attractiveness to the players he likes.

Yuzhu held his chin, pretended to think, and said, "Maybe it's close to home!"

Lingnan High School is the nearest high school to Yuju's house, only a 10-minute walk away.

Yuzhu's answer was completely beyond Tian Gang Maoichi's expectations. He originally thought it would be the starting salary, or a bursary or scholarship, but in the end it turned out to be close to home.

It was the first time he heard such a weird reason!

Tian Gang Moichi may not know, and he will probably hear the same reason in the future, but he will probably go crazy with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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