Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 38 Heavenly Father Chinese Said

Chapter 38 Heavenly Father Chinese Said
For Shi Ke's statement, some Greek officials showed obvious curiosity.

"How is this unified dynasty calculated?" John Papadopoulos, Minister of the Household Department, asked.

"Just see if there are other claimants." Shi Ke replied.

"A unified dynasty must be the claimant of the 'Son of Heaven'. At the same time, it must eliminate all regimes that also claim the title of 'Son of Heaven', or at least force them to give up their claim on formal diplomatic occasions." He explained: " In short, only by ensuring the uniqueness of the 'Son of Heaven' can it be regarded as a unified dynasty."

"Unification is not a geographical concept, but a... theological concept." Shi Ke finally said: "That's why sometimes it happens that a small territory is considered a formal unified dynasty, but a large territory is not."

"Then I can understand." Papadopoulos nodded: "The war between Yuan and Ming is not just a dynastic war on our side. It actually has the nature of a religious war, isn't it?"

"It can be understood in this way." Shi Ke nodded: "This is the religion of the Seris people."

"Then we should really avoid this issue." Chief Treasurer Otrifus also reacted: "Religious matters cannot be considered as purely economic issues. No wonder the Ming Dynasty is chasing after the Javanese regime every day... ..."

"Yes." Da Lama Wang also agreed: "In fact, even the Tang Dynasty did not go so deep into the southwest, let alone the Song Dynasty. But because the Yuan Dynasty once controlled this place and established a regime that claimed to be the successor of the Yuan Dynasty, so , for the sake of 'orthodoxy'—that is, one of the most important legitimacy of the Serris regime, even though the distance here is far away, the Ming Dynasty has to invest its strength to eliminate them."

"Generally speaking, subsequent dynasties tend to recover all the territory of the previous dynasty. Because Seris, like Rome, is a country with very strong cultural appeal." He explained to a group of Greeks: "Anyone who has been ruled by Rome In other places, the local barbarians like to call themselves Rome, and the same is true for them.”

"This has led to the emergence of a large number of regimes claiming to be 'Emperor Seris' in places controlled by the previous dynasty, and even in places that have been affected - just like Shinra. If these guys are not wiped out, there will be no way He said that he had achieved unification. Therefore, although it is a religious concept, from a geographical point of view, it is indeed almost the same as regaining all the territory of the previous dynasty."

"But the Yuan Dynasty is very big..." Tuotuobuhua also reacted.

"That's right, and it's not only big, but also able to run." Da Lama Wang pointed out: "The remnants of the Yuan Dynasty are running everywhere. In order to prove that they are the unified orthodox 'Ming Dynasty', the Ming Kingdom has to chase them one by one. Otherwise, if they still claim to be orthodox, they will continue to exert influence and make the Ming Dynasty uncomfortable."

"Furthermore, these Yuan Dynasty Yu...friends are still very good at running. Once you hit him, you may run away again, but you insist on not giving up the orthodox title. This is the situation we are facing now."

"The belief of the Serese people is really interesting." Otrifus said with great interest: "Strictly speaking, the Ming Dynasty is still the 'Ming Kingdom'? Is there any precedent for this in the past?"

"Yes, and there have been quite a few in these years." Yeluxin Yeluxin stroked his beard and said, "Since the collapse of the Tang Dynasty, this has been the case in the Seris region."

"At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the Turkic Khanate was a vassal. But the Turkic people did not use the Central Plains... er, the legality system, so the subsequent impact was not great. After Emperor Taizong defeated the Turks, there was no doubt. Great Tang The legality system of China has been maintained for a long time, and it can be said that it has been affecting until now.”

"After the disintegration of the Tang Dynasty, a lot of regimes emerged from Japan to the east of Persia. Many of them claimed to be emperors, so during this period, there was no unified dynasty."

"By the time of the Liao and Song Dynasties, the world had stabilized, but there were still two opposing emperors. My great ancestor, Liu Yi, negotiated with the ministers about the national religion. The ministers thought that Buddhism prevailed and they should worship Buddha. Taizu said, 'Buddha is not a Chinese religion. , not’. Finally, a Confucius Temple was set up to offer sacrifices.”

"The Liao Kingdom has always been fighting for orthodoxy based on China's self-demand. The Song Kingdom cannot stop them. But conversely, the Liao Kingdom is also unable to make the Song Dynasty give up its claim. Therefore, at this time, there is still no unified dynasty."

Guo Kang is now very familiar with these terms.For example, "Liu Yi" is Yelu Abaoji, the founder of the Liao Kingdom.This man is a "fine man", so he took Liu as his surname, and even gave him a Chinese name.

The word "Yelu" is the pronunciation of "Liu" in Khitan language.The descendant's surname is "Xiao", which was also moved from the side of Han Prime Minister Xiao He.

There are not many documents left by the Liao Kingdom.In Song's records, the surname Xiao has been used in order to fight for orthodoxy, but the surname Liu has always insisted on writing it as "Yelu". After a long time, it became a habit and continued to use it.

"You said Buddhism is not a Chinese religion? Do you mean you can't believe in foreign religions?" Otrifuss found a problem and asked, "Why is that?"

"At that time, the culture of the Liao Kingdom was not as developed as that of the Song Dynasty, but everyone still understood the basic principles." Yeluxin said very firmly: "The reason? The reason is that we are Chinese. How can the Chinese take a foreign religion as the state religion? ?”

"Ah? Christianity is also a foreign country to you, right?" Otrifoss asked curiously.

Guo Kang wanted to cover his face after hearing this.He was almost numb to these "Khitan Warriors".

Yeluxin is a stubborn old man, and he has always been quite displeased with some people in his clan who believe in other religions, who knew they would say so in court.In order to prevent these Khitan people from presenting a "Chinese vs. foreigners" in the court hall, he hurried out to smooth things over.

"That doesn't count." Guo Kang quickly got up, shook his hand and said, "Brother Tian Yishu is a Roman. Brother Tian is a Roman, and Heavenly Father is also a Roman."

"Rome was called Daqin in ancient times. "Wei Lue" said that Daqin people are a different kind of China. Therefore, the Romans are Chinese; therefore, the heavenly father and brother are also Chinese, and Christianity is also a Chinese religion. Chinese people believe in Chinese religion. it's nothing."

After the sentence was finished, there was a moment of silence in the hall.

Lama Wang heaved a sigh of relief, and gave Guo Kang a grateful look; the old pedant Borjan subconsciously began to applaud, as if he felt that Guo Kang's logical statement was good, and found that he was the only one making the sound, so he quickly shrank back. fight back.Most of the other people are still in a daze, as if they haven't reacted yet.

On the contrary, the adoptive father showed him a hearty smile again, as if to encourage him to continue talking.

He probably understood why his adoptive mother specifically asked his adoptive father to support him in his speech.

(End of this chapter)

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