Chapter 56

Facing the deliberate provocation of the mercenaries, the heroine Jeanna was unmoved.

These people have never heard of the Ancient Tomb Sect, which is actually quite normal.

The practice site of the Ancient Tomb Sect is located in the hinterland of Egypt, in a hidden valley.It is full of tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, hence the name.

The valley is very cloudy, full of ghosts and fog, and it is said that there are even zombie activities.If an ordinary man enters, it will hurt the body at the slightest, and even kill his life at the worst.After a long time, the natives believed that there was a curse from Pharaoh in the valley, so they dared not go there.As a result, the Ancient Tomb Sect basically only recruited female disciples.

This martial arts faction has a very long history, and the entire civilization history of many European nations does not necessarily have a parent.

They were the tomb guards arranged by the pharaohs at first. Later, the Persian king Cambyses invaded Egypt. Since then, Egypt has gradually become the territory of outsiders. Even after several efforts to restore the country, they failed in the end.The Ancient Tomb Sect was very resentful about this, and up to now, beginner disciples have to spit on the Cambyses mosaic at the door first, as a symbol.

Due to its long history, the Ancient Tomb Sect has an extremely deep accumulation.Since the era when the kings of the ancient tombs lived, they have inherited the martial arts of the Pharaoh's guards.After that, he absorbed Greek wrestling skills, Arabic swordsmanship, Frankish marksmanship and other martial arts, which can be called the master of European martial arts.

However, with the passage of time, the beliefs of the Tomb Kings gradually faded away, and the Tomb Sect was inevitably affected, and was successively influenced by the Coptic Church, the Orthodox Church, and the Tianfang Church.Fortunately, they have a more basic belief, so they can maintain it.

The Tomb Sect and France also had a relationship more than a hundred years ago.

At that time, King Louis IX of France led the Crusaders to attack Egypt. At a critical moment, the Sultan of Egypt died.The Sudan's concubine, Pearl Twig, a member of the Ancient Tomb Sect, took charge of state affairs temporarily, and reorganized the chaotic army to fight against France.In the end, the French army was defeated and surrendered, and Louis IX was also captured.

Louis IX was also a warrior with profound skills. He saw that Pearl Twig was superior in skills, so he must have some unique skills in him.

The method of "Heavenly Sounds Entering the Body" was handed down by the kings of Capet, and Louis IX practiced it to a superior level. It is said that as long as he touches a sick person, he can inject a strong internal force into the opponent's body, making the disease disappear. get well.Therefore, the French respected him quite a lot, and he was named "Saint Louis", and there are many admirers to this day.

The two did not know each other, and have since established a friendship.When Louis IX paid the ransom, he gave her a lot of money as a tuition fee to select women from France to go to Egypt to receive training from the Tomb Sect.

Later, because of the power struggle, Pearl Twig was killed by some generals and Assassin assassins.But Baibars, one of her generals at the time, was later supported by the Ancient Tomb Sect, defeated the Mongols who were rampant in West Asia, and later became the ruler of Egypt, so the Ancient Tomb Sect was also protected.

On the French side, as time went by, it gradually showed the vision of Louis IX.Whenever France is in crisis, some brave women appear to try to save the country.Many people died on the way, but there are still people who appear out of nowhere and are hailed as "Saints" by the people.

After the extinction of the Capet dynasty, the successor Valois dynasty failed to inherit all the secret information, and these women did not recognize the authority of the Valois royal family, which led to the interruption of the relationship between the two parties.So they formed their own organization, relying on the funds received by the members, and the occasional sponsorship of some good nobles and priests, they operated secretly everywhere, and continued to send people for training.

Afterwards, France fell into perennial wars and infighting, and the incident gradually became unknown.It is not surprising that these ordinary mercenaries hired to work do not understand the various entanglements between the Ancient Tomb Sect and France.

Facing the mercenaries rushing up to capture her alive, the heroine Jeanna pulled out an ancient and weird long-handled knife with her right hand, and a dagger in her left hand, and strode forward to meet them.The mercenary captain had a lewd smile on his face, and before he could react, he was pierced through the mail armor and his throat was slit.

The mercenaries shouted in surprise, wanting to avenge the captain.However, the heroine Rang Na has great agility, like a loach in the water, tossing and turning, she can't beat her no matter what.The moves of the Ancient Tomb Sect were extremely tricky and vicious. Some of the mercenaries had their hands broken, and some of them were stabbed in the face, and fell down one after another.Seeing this, the rest of the people were terrified, turned around and fled into the forest, and scattered in all directions.

At this time, a fire appeared at the head of the village.It turned out that the villagers here were in troubled times, and they were very vigilant. The mercenaries were discovered as soon as they approached the river.The village chief Dalk hurriedly summoned the militia to prepare for defense.It's just that they didn't expect it to be resolved so quickly here.When the militiamen arrived, the mercenaries had already fled.

The heroine Rangna reported her identity to the villagers again, saying that she had to find King Wu's daughter in order to live up to her trust.Village Chief Dalk was very vigilant, and if she didn't believe her, she took out a token, saying that as long as she showed it to the Serisians, they would naturally know about it.

Qi Tai and the others were still in the village at this time, and when they saw the token, several big men who had traveled all the way here all burst into tears.The village head was quite surprised and asked them what was going on.Qi Tai said, this is the seal letter from King Wu's Mansion in Yingtian City, and he didn't take it with him because he fled too quickly.Someone sent this, and the meaning is very clear.

He immediately took Zhu Youzhen to find the messenger.Jeanne said that she didn't know more about it, but she would help and send the child to a safe place.

Now the whole of France may not be easy to hide.Fortunately, France is also a classic European country, and the court's control over the region was severely damaged by the war, so it is still possible to run away.

They left a lot of belongings, thanked the villagers, and then took only Xiruan, along the route that Huang Zicheng took at that time, and planned to go to Dadu to meet the princess, prince and others there.

In order to deceive others, they made a disguise again.Qi Tai and others had the documents of the Zizhang Khanate in their hands, so they forged some documents based on this, claiming to be officials and merchants of the Zizhang.As for the little princess, in order to thank the heroine Jeanne and the enthusiastic villagers, she gave her a French name, Jeanne Darc, which is also convenient for interrogation on the road.

Fortunately, with protection, there were no more twists and turns along the way.A group of people successfully arrived at the destination of the Purple Horde Khanate.

(End of this chapter)

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