The talent of the anchor is too much

Chapter 31 Formal signing, official announcement of the black cat!

Chapter 31 Formal signing, official announcement of the black cat!
There are generally two types of contracts.

One is like sales, with a monthly base salary plus a commission.No matter how much the gift turnover is, the basic salary will definitely be obtained.

The other is the signing bonus plus share.There is no basic salary, but a one-time signing bonus of how much money is given, like a one-time buyout.

Of course, no matter which one of the two, there are requirements for the anchor.

The basic requirement is that the anchor must meet full attendance, and how many hours must be broadcast in a month.Some anchors will also be required to only broadcast one type of video.

For example, the anchor of a certain game may have a stipulation in the contract that he can only broadcast a certain game.If you want to play other games, you can find time to play them yourself.

This can also be regarded as preventing the anchor from being bad directly after signing the contract.

Even more stringent, there is a VAM contract.

The so-called VAM contract refers to the amount of gift turnover that the anchor must achieve in order to fully receive the signing bonus.If the turnover cannot be reached, a large part of the signing bonus will be deducted.What's more, the company will make the anchor lose money.

This kind of gambling contract usually appears on some big anchors. For example, sometimes news broke out that a certain anchor signed a contract of tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.No need to guess, this must be a VAM contract, it is not clear that it is just a wave of publicity for the website to build momentum.

As for small anchors, the company will basically not sign a contract for gambling, which is meaningless.

And this is also the reason why some big anchors, at the end of the month and the end of the month, directly give themselves gifts.The essence is that the turnover is not enough. In order to get the signing bonus, I can only make up for it with gifts.

There are two types of contracts in front of Zhang Cheng.

One is a monthly basic salary of 5 + 70% gift share.

One is no basic salary, a one-time gift of 50 + 70% of the gift share.

The duration of both contracts is one year, and both contracts also give Zhang Cheng an additional 5% of the shares of Black Cat Company.

And after Zhang Cheng read it, he didn't find any contracts like gambling.The only requirement for him in the contract is that he must broadcast 120 hours a month.That's 4 hours a day on average.

After Zhang Cheng finished reading, Wang Xuanhao asked: "How is it, Xiao Zhang, are you satisfied with the contract? If there is any dissatisfaction, just tell me, let's discuss it later."

Zhang Cheng shook his head: "There is nothing dissatisfied. To be honest, as a rookie anchor, I am already very satisfied to get this contract."

He spoke from the heart.

There is no turnover requirement, and there is a gift of shares, which is enough to show Wang Xuanhao's sincerity.

And the signing bonus of 50 is already a huge sum of money for Zhang Cheng.He won't be too ambitious, and he has been staring at those millions of top anchors in the entire network within a month of broadcasting.

"As long as you are satisfied!" Wang Xuanhao said happily, "Actually, I originally wanted to give you more signing bonus, Xiao Zhang, but now that the company has just started, the money the old man gave me has almost been spent, so I have to control the cost."

"I promise you, when the website is on the right track and the income improves, your contract will definitely be changed. If it is fast, you don't have to wait until it expires next year!"

Zhang Cheng said: "That would be even better."

After he owns 5% of the shares, he can be regarded as a minority shareholder. If the website's revenue improves, he will pay a lot more dividends without changing the contract.

"Which one do you want to sign, Xiao Zhang?"

"The second one, I want to get the signing bonus directly."

The first monthly salary is 5 per month, and 12 for 60 months a year.

The second type is 50 at one time, which is 10 less than the first type, but the advantage is that you can get it all at once.

Zhang Cheng decided to choose the second option after consideration.As for the money, it’s okay even if it’s less, it’s better to put it in the pocket first.

Wang Xuanhao immediately gave Zhang Cheng a pen when he heard the words. After Zhang Cheng finished signing, the former immediately said: "Okay, now I feel at ease. If Xiao Zhang joins you, the black cat will definitely be prosperous! 50 signing bonus, When the financial side reconciles the accounts, I will call you to the card!"


Zhang Cheng couldn't help being excited too.

50 ah!For a person from a small place like him, he never dared to think about making so much money at once.

When the 50 was credited to the account, plus the deposit, Zhang Cheng suddenly realized that he also had a small 100 million?Almost barely a millionaire!
Although a million dollars is nothing in Yunhai, the most you can pay is a down payment on a house...but Zhang Cheng is still very happy.

"Brother Wang, I haven't thanked you for the lawyer. I'll treat you to dinner tonight!"

"There's nothing to thank for that little thing. It's also good for us black cats if you fix the bird, haha. But it's okay if you want to invite me, I'm free at night."

At this moment, Zhang Cheng recalled what happened yesterday, and said, "Speaking of Asuka, there is one more thing. The operation manager of Asuka before..."

He told Wang Xuanhao about Xu Lele.

When Wang Xuanhao learned of this, he was overjoyed: "The old employees with nearly ten years of work experience have resigned! Haha, that's great! Now Black Cat is short of talents! I definitely want it!"

"The matter of the banning by the boss of Asuka..."

"He banned a few times, I don't like him, really think of himself as the big brother of the live broadcast industry?" Wang Xuanhao, as Zhang Cheng expected, dismissed the ban order at all.

"Okay, then I'll give you sister Xuwei's letter, brother Wang, you can talk to her alone."

"Okay, give it to me now, I'll let her come now!"

Later, Xu Lele came at the invitation of Wang Xuanhao.The two chatted very well, and Wang Xuanhao was not stingy, and gave Xu Lele 40% more salary when he was in the bird, Xu Lele readily accepted, and he will officially join the job tomorrow.

In the evening, Zhang Cheng treated guests, the three of them had a meal, and had a good chat at the dinner table. Xu Lele was grateful to Zhang Cheng for helping her find a job, and assured him that she would definitely help him become the first brother in the live broadcast circle.

Naturally, Zhang Cheng was grateful. After a happy meal, when Zhang Cheng returned home, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening and almost ten o'clock.

The next day, on Tuesday morning, the official account of Black Cat announced on Weibo that Zhang Cheng signed a contract to settle in. The number of the live broadcast room is 99999, and the first show will be at 7 o'clock on Friday night.

Zhang Cheng also reposted the Weibo immediately, and commented: "New platform, new beginning, I hope to continue to move forward hand in hand with audience friends! In addition, I will have a live interview this afternoon, and the interviewer is Yunhu Signed reporter of the news. At that time, we will temporarily use the Weibo live broadcast platform to broadcast live. During the interview, we will respond to the questions that everyone is concerned about recently. Interested viewers and friends are invited to watch.”

As soon as the news came out, Zhang Cheng's fans were all excited, and they forwarded and commented one after another.

"Black Cat Live Streaming Network? Is it the one created by Xuanshen?"

"Brother Zhang is so confused! Xuanshen must have set up a website for the rich second generation to play tickets. You must have no future if you go there!"

"99999, the number of this live broadcast room has a card face, and the ninety-five supreme belongs to it."

"I feel that Brother Zhang made a mistake in this step. He shouldn't have gone to Heimao. Even if you are not in Asuka, you can use another stable platform. The new website is still too unreliable."

"Xuan Shen's move this time is not small. I see that many anchors on other platforms have officially announced that they will go to Black Cat."

"My wife, Lian'er, has also made an official announcement. I'm sorry, Xuanshen didn't build this live broadcast website to personally select female anchors, right?"

"The truth is upstairs."

"Could it be that Asuka's sealing of Zhang Shen's live broadcast room is also related to this matter?"

"We're forming a group to watch the live broadcast in the afternoon, plus 1 for registration!"


"I envy those who don't go to work on Tuesday, I just wait to go back to watch the recording at night."

The comments continued to grow over time, and in the afternoon when Zhang Cheng was going to meet Li Bei for an interview, there were already more than 6000 comments.

He took a cursory look, and found that many true fans were worried about him, worried that if he chose to go to the black cat, he would destroy his future.

There are also some gloating, thinking that he was suppressed by Asuka, and he has no choice but to go to the black cat.

In short, neither Baizi nor Heizi think it is wise to go to the black cat.In fact, this is also normal, because Wang Xuanhao does have a lot of failure history, and the previous few ventures ended in dismal.

But this time Zhang Cheng thought it was different.One is that Wang Xuanhao has enthusiasm.He really likes live broadcasts and can't stop watching them every day.And enthusiasm is one of the ingredients of success.

The second is to have money. This time, the investment in Black Cat is very sufficient.With enough money, you can make up for many experience problems.

The third is talent supplement.Even if Zhang Cheng excludes himself, others such as Lian'er are also popular anchors on other platforms.Hiring everyone this time will at least give them a good start.Moreover, Xu Lele's joining also gave the company an experienced broadcaster with nearly ten years of work experience. She can handle many things.

Not to mention other off-court factors, such as his upcoming lawsuit with Asuka...

In short, the time and place are favorable, and Zhang Cheng believes that black cats account for a lot.

So he also believed that even if Black Cat couldn't become the industry leader, at least it would surpass those small companies in one fell swoop and become the top few in the industry, so it would be no problem to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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