The talent of the anchor is too much

Chapter 49 Zhang Cheng 3 Gu Police Station

Chapter 49 Zhang Cheng Visits the Police Station Three Times
Oshima, Diners Group.

In a high-level office, Zhou Shuzhen was reporting to the young man in front of her with an annoyed expression.

"Xu Shao, the anchor you asked me to invite has no intention of cooperating with us at all. Not only that, this guy also looks down on our Diners Group."

The young man sitting on the office chair looked up at her: "Look down?"

"He just said that he doesn't want to have any cooperation with our casino." Zhou Shuzhen took out her mobile phone, "There are chat records, and I definitely didn't talk nonsense."


Xu Shao raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Shuzhen thought to herself, this young master is probably about to lose his temper.

She knew the second young master of the Xu family fairly well, and whenever he raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, it was the time when he was about to lose his temper.

Unexpectedly, after Xu Shao raised his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth gradually raised.

"it is good!"

When he slapped the table, Zhou Shuzhen was startled.

"Xu Shao, what are you?"

She was a little puzzled by the smile on Xu Shao's face.

"Shuzhen, you don't understand, all masters have their own tempers. Can a person who is called and comes and goes when called, can be a master?"


Zhou Shuzhen really wants to say, Xu Shao, you should read less martial arts novels!
Xu Shao thought for a moment, and said helplessly: "It's a pity! This kind of young master is definitely worth a trip to the mainland to invite me. However, there are too many things happening in Okushima recently, and I really can't leave. Next time I'm going to fly to Vegas in July."

Zhou Shuzhen couldn't understand it when she heard the words: "Xu Shao, excuse me, I really don't know what you care about about that kid. I also watched his live broadcast, and I don't think it's anything special."

Although Zhou Shuzhen was shocked by Zhang Cheng's live broadcast on Friday, she sneered when she thought afterwards that Zhang Cheng most likely used special software to achieve the effect.

It's like seeing a behind-the-scenes reel of a horror movie, and maybe going back to the movie again and not feeling as scared.

After Xu Shao heard this, he immediately lowered his face.

"Shuzhen, do you think you know more than those experts like Third Uncle?"

"I...I didn't."

"Then stop talking nonsense!" After Xu Shao finished speaking, he paused and made a decision.

"How about this, Shuzhen, if you go to the mainland and meet and talk in person, it's kind of sincere. What's the point of just chatting on the Internet?"

Zhou Shuzhen was shocked when she heard the words: "What? How can this work? Young Master Xu, I still have a lot of work to do in the group..."

Xu Shao looked at her and interrupted: "Are you questioning my decision?"

These sudden words made Zhou Shuzhen's heart skip a beat.

"Or, you think my elder brother will be in charge in the future, so my words won't work anymore."

"Absolutely not!"

When Zhou Shuzhen heard this, her whole body turned cold, and she immediately expressed her attitude.

"Xu Shao, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I'll book the ticket today, fly to the mainland tomorrow, and invite someone in person!"

"go out."


Zhou Shuzhen immediately exited the office, closed the door and took a deep breath.

"Zhou Shuzhen, you are really stupid..."

She was talking to herself in her heart, feeling terrified.

Probably because it has been so smooth for a long time, she didn't realize that Xu Shao is the second son of the head of the Dailai Group.What this possible future heir of the group said was definitely not something that a small public relations manager like her could question.

As for whether the eldest son or the second son will inherit the group in the future, nothing will change.If she pissed anyone off, it would end badly.

Zhou Shuzhen was vigilant in her heart, and then she didn't dare to delay, and immediately asked her assistant to book a ticket for herself.

She knew that she had offended a lot of people today, and if she didn't do what she told her well, then she might not be able to explain it well.

"We must invite someone for this trip, but that nasty mainlander..."

Zhou Shuzhen planned to think carefully about how to persuade that guy to agree to come to Austria.


"It's the third time."

Zhang Cheng looked up at the number plate of the police station, feeling deeply moved in his heart.

This is the third game he has entered in a month.

The first time was to ask questions and remind, the second time was to receive a bonus, and the third time, this time, was to help solve the case.

It can be said that although entering the game is a bit frequent, fortunately, none of them entered because of crimes.

Fang Hanmei led him up to the second floor and came to a conversation room.

Not long after, Jiang Beihai also arrived with two old detectives.

He introduced himself, and after a brief exchange of pleasantries, he explained the purpose of inviting Zhang Cheng to come.

"Mr. Zhang, we have invited you here this time because we have a case that may require your assistance."

"Is my onomatopoeia talent needed?"

"Well, it seems that Xiao Fang has already told you."

"I didn't say the details of the specific case, but I just said that it is true that my talent is needed."

"Then is your talent real?" Jiang Beihai asked, "I see that many people on the Internet have questioned that the voice you imitated was generated by electronic software."

Zhang Cheng shook his head: "Those are all rumors, I can prove it now."

He paused, then spoke again, and the voice had already changed to Jiang Beihai's: "Captain Jiang, you don't think that I carry a device that can analyze the sound with me, do you?"

Rao Fang Hanmei, Jiang Beihai, and the other two old detectives were all mentally prepared.

But hearing Jiang Beihai's voice just come out of Zhang Cheng's mouth, he couldn't help being shocked.

Jiang Beihai was silent for two seconds, and exchanged glances with several people.Then he raised his hands and pressed them on Zhang Cheng's shoulders: "Good boy, you really have a hand."

"Captain Jiang."

At this time, Qian Haiyang from the identification department also came.

When he saw Zhang Cheng, he immediately realized that he was a "foley".

"Jiang team, do you want to collect voiceprint?"

"Let's make one. Does Mr. Zhang mind?"

Zhang Cheng asked curiously, "Voiceprint collection? Is it similar to fingerprint collection?"

"Probably." Zhang Haiyang replied, "Just like everyone's fingerprints are different, everyone's voiceprint is also different. I watched your live broadcast before, and even if you can imitate other people's voices, you can't do it with voiceprints." Fake."

"is it?"

Zhang Cheng was also quite curious.

Does the talent given to him by the system involve any deep scientific level?

He followed Qian Haiyang to the sound collection room and collected voiceprint samples with electro-acoustic instruments.

But what was collected was not his own, but Qian Haiyang's voice he imitated.

When Qian Haiyang heard the same voice as his own coming from Zhang Cheng's mouth, his whole body was shocked.However, he still maintained the calmness of the appraisal worker and collected the voiceprint.

The subsequent analysis would take some time, so Zhang Cheng went back upstairs.

And Jiang Beihai also formally introduced the case to him.

"This is the core of this case, You Feng."

Jiang Beihai and the others led Zhang Cheng to the small blackboard in the office and showed him the photos on the blackboard.

Looking at it, Zhang Cheng felt that the man in the photo had a kind face, not really a bad guy.

Jiang Beihai seemed to see what Zhang Cheng was thinking, and said with a smile, "Why, I think this person has a good face, and he's a middle school teacher, so he really doesn't look like a bad guy, right?"

"A little..."

"Hehe, knowing people, knowing their faces, not knowing their hearts. If we hadn't already grasped many clues, I'm afraid we would also be confused by its elegant appearance."

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng asked curiously, "What crime did this You Feng commit?"

"He is highly suspected to be the leader of a criminal group. The criminal group has engaged in many crimes, such as robbery, murder, and illegal detention..." Jiang Beihai explained seriously.

"We have caught many criminals in this criminal group. But if we can't catch the leader, this criminal group will not disappear."

"Then why didn't you arrest this leader..." Zhang Cheng had a flash of inspiration, "It can only be because there is insufficient evidence?"

"Yes. And that's why we asked you."

(End of this chapter)

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