Douluo: I teach and educate people at Tianshui College!

Chapter 46 Chapter 46: Bibi Dong in the tea~

Chapter 46 Chapter 46: Bibi Dong in the tea~

After some oral education, Gu Shengge forgave Bibidong for her previous alienation and indifference, and also fed her a bowl of late-night soy milk, which warmed her heart and stomach, but her love for Bibidong was not as strong as before .

His Majesty the Pope naturally felt that Gu Shengge did not love him as much as before. He was very annoyed and regretful, and at the same time worried.

If he were to know that his own younger brother had died in the plan of the Spirit Hall, and that the current Xue Qinghe was pretending to be that villain, he would definitely be angry, and would most likely turn against her, which is what Bibi Dong did not want to see of.

Nestled in Gu Shengge's arms, leaning lightly on his chest, the beautiful Pope listened to the man's rhythmic heartbeat, his slender white jade hands drew circles on his chest, his beautiful eyes gleamed with traces of scarlet light, and there was a touch of ruthlessness.

She would never let anyone take Gu Shengge away from her, and she would never let him leave her.

Bibi Dong has already missed it once, so she will definitely not miss it a second time.

With a distorted, paranoid, and even crazy mind, she no longer cares about love or liking. What she wants is simple, and that is complete possession.

If the day came to break with Gu Shengge, even if she broke his legs, abolished his cultivation, tied him up with iron chains, she would still keep him by her side.

If this fails to keep him, then she would rather destroy it than let Gu Shengge fall in love with another woman.

Slightly raising her head to look at the handsome and heroic man who was stroking her hair, and stroking his chest, Bibi Dong murmured inwardly.

Shengge, I can satisfy all your requirements, but don't let me down, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will do anything.

"What do you think?"

Gu Shengge looked down at the familiar young woman in his arms, stroking her wine-red hair, seeing that she was silent, and asked her softly.

Hearing this, Bibidong calmed down her thoughts, shook her head, and said that she didn't think about anything. Seeing that she didn't say anything, Gu Shengge didn't ask any more questions. She hugged her in her arms and asked for further progress, but she was taken lightly by the young woman. reject.

"Shengge, give me some more time. When the time is right, I will give you what you want."

Bibidong begged Gu Shengge softly, stopped his movements, and asked him to give himself some more time, at least not before the completion of the Rakshasa Examination.

This made Gu Shengge a bit disappointed. He had run back and forth on first, second, and third bases countless times, but Bibi Dong just refused to let him hit a home run, which made him very uncomfortable.

Noticing the disappointment in his eyes, Bibi Dong was slightly shaken, but soon became firm again.

The reason why she kept preventing Gu Shengge from hitting a home run was mainly because she was afraid that he would find out that he was not as perfect as he imagined.

Secondly, I don't want him to get it so quickly, and hang him all the time, so that he will always think about himself.

The reason why she had to wait until she had completed the Rakshasa test before giving it to Gu Shengge was because after inheriting the Rakshasa position, she could abandon this unclean body and transform into a perfect Rakshasa body.

At that time, combined with each other, she can make him the perfect self.

"Sorry Shengge, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, it's because of the restrictions of the Rakshasa Examination."

In order to stabilize Gu Shengge, Bibidong made up a reason, saying that it was the examination limit of the Rakshasa Examination, and explained to him what the Rakshasa Examination is. God Realm, so she must strictly abide by the rules of the God Examination.

"Shengge, if you really want it, I'm willing to give it to you, but my persistence for so many years will come in vain. You love me so much, and you don't want me to fail the test?"

After finishing speaking, a resolute look appeared on Bibi Dong's glamorous face, but it was also mixed with a touch of sadness, much like what Gu Shengge would have given if she insisted, but she was also sad because of the failure of her efforts for many years.

Looking at the appearance of the beautiful Pope in his arms, and the inexplicable meaning in the words, Gu Shengge felt that something was wrong the more he listened, why did his tone sound so familiar?
Suddenly he was startled!
Bibi Dong actually PUA him!Moreover, the tea tastes so strong!

Facing the Pope's crown who had become tea-like, Gu Shengge's eyes flashed a trace of helplessness, but he would not let this opportunity go easily. Now that Bibi Dong felt ashamed, it was a good time. After passing this village, But this store no longer exists.

There are flowers that can be folded straight and must be folded, don't wait until there are no flowers to break the branches.

"Dong'er, the Rakshasa God Examination is related to your future godhood. Naturally, I won't let you persevere for many years and fall short, but we can..."

He bowed his head and whispered a few words into Bibi Dong's ear, the mother spider Pope's expression changed in various ways, expressions of astonishment, surprise, and shyness appeared on her face, Bibi Dong wanted to refuse at first, but seeing Gu Shengge's expectant look, she After struggling for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement with his extremely unreasonable request.

As long as she can hold Gu Shengge firmly in her hands and let his heart always be with her, Bibi Dong is willing no matter how much she pays.

The extreme possessiveness made Bibidong willing to satisfy any request of Gu Shengge, but once Gu Shengge betrayed her, what awaited him was Bibidong's crazy revenge!

"Dong'er is the best, I love you the most!"

Seeing her agreeing to him, Gu Shengge was overjoyed, lowered his head and kissed the beautiful pope's red lips heavily, expressing his love to her.

Hearing the words that she loves her the most, Bibidong felt extremely satisfied in her heart. She hugged his back with both hands, looked at the enlarged handsome cheek in front of her beautiful eyes, revealing her extreme greed for him, enjoying Gu Shengge's love, The madness is entangled together, as if to merge with it, regardless of each other.

That's right, that's it, you just need to love me alone! !

Bibi Dong cried out almost madly in her heart, her beautiful eyes shone with a strange light, as if she was trapped in a dark quagmire, and the female spider who could never get out was using her spider silk to hang high above the sky bit by bit. On the sky, the sun that never sets is pulled into the dark quagmire, sinking with her!

The small plane of the devil soul.

"Qianhuan, come see me."

Thousand Illusion Douluo, one of the vice-masters of Demon Soul Sect who was cultivating, heard an indifferent voice.

Thousand Illusion Douluo's face hidden under the hood suddenly changed, revealing a devout and respectful expression, he quickly ended his training and went to the Soul Devouring Holy Mountain.

The Holy Mountain of Soul Devourer is the holy place of Demon Soul Sect, and also the place where the leader of Demon Soul Sect retreats. , the entire mountain exudes a strange aura, the mountain top is surrounded by a bloody airflow, eroding all objects, anything close to the Soul Devouring Holy Mountain will be eroded by the bloody airflow, and swallowed up, turning into a part of the holy mountain.

Thousand Illusion Douluo appeared at the foot of the mountain, knelt down respectfully, his eyes were full of awe, the leader who had been retreating for six years finally came out!He hurriedly reported to the Demon Soul Cult Master all the things about Demon Soul Cult in the past five years.

When he heard Haoyang Douluo, the leader of Demon Soul interrupted Qianhuan Douluo and said a word from the top of the mountain.

"Where is Haoyang Douluo now?"

"Master, he is currently in Tianshui Academy."


(I won't spoil the identity of the leader of the demon soul. If you want to know, go to the chat group and exchange the plot in the group.)
(Chat group: 154729280)

(End of this chapter)

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