Tiga: The Giant of Light Who Comes to Marvel

Chapter 64 The Mage's Skin

Chapter 64 The Mage's Skin

"Sir, if I were you, I would find a reliable guy to help you with all this."

Toombs wanted to show his sincerity as much as possible, but found that he had no bargaining chips, so he couldn't help feeling uneasy,

The progress was too fast, and he didn't have time to prepare.

Liszt saw Toombs' uneasiness, and asked with a slight smile, "How can you be a reliable guy?"

Toombs thought quickly in his mind, and then seemed to have made a decision, gritted his teeth and said, "Of course it is a person with a family, ability, and gratitude."

Hearing this, Liszt was not surprised. In the movie, Toombs also tried to use his daughter to bind the little spider, but it was unsuccessful.

Having a family means weakness and easy control.

Competent means executing well and not screwing things up.

The heart of gratitude clearly expresses Toombs' intention.

For Toombs, family is important, but so is career.

In the bustling city of New York, there is a price to be paid to stand out.

After finally waiting for the opportunity, he didn't want to let it go.

As for the possible threats to the family, Toombs believes in his ability to protect them.

He is not just the boss of a waste recycling company, few people know that he has another identity, an electronic engineer!

He is privately collecting monster materials and alien high-tech to modify his flight suit, but because of limited wealth, there is no progress for the time being.

If he climbs up to Liszt, he will definitely benefit greatly from it and perfect his flight suit.

He is very confident and believes that he will not be a fish to be slaughtered.

He is capable of resistance.

Liszt can naturally guess some thoughts in Toombs' mind, but he doesn't care.

In the face of absolute strength, Toomes has no chance.

"Okay, I understand what you mean. I will surprise you when you go to this place after a while."

Liszt pointed to the red leaf valley marked on the virtual map, then got up and left.

Before leaving, Liszt paused and smiled sideways: "If you have time, you can make a flight suit yourself for fun."

After finishing speaking, Liszt lifted his foot and left the coffee shop, leaving behind Toomes who was horrified and tried to control his facial expression.

Damn, how did he know this secret?
At this moment, Toombs' self-confidence was hit and shattered.

Meanwhile, the Brooklyn Bridge.

Because of Gorzan's raging, this place was once turned into ruins.

The rebuilt bridge is far less magnificent than the previous Brooklyn Bridge, not only because of financial constraints, but also because the monster incident changed the previous economic development strategy.

The frequent appearance of monsters in New York caused many rich people to leave the city.

However, the economic benefits brought by each monster's death can attract other people to the city. They are eager to get monster samples, or sell them at high prices, or use them for biochemical and weapon research.

Although the size of the monster is huge, for the entire human society, everything on the monster is priceless.

The monster material has made many people rich, and it has also led to more people flooding into the market, making this industry extremely chaotic and complicated.

Coupled with the silent spread of aliens whose bodies mutated due to the monster incident, this also led to more chaos in social order, and underground forces emerged in endlessly.

The lives of citizens are not guaranteed, so a group of righteous people choose to stand up and become heroes to protect the city.

Also because of the frequent battles in the city and the possible destruction of monsters in the future, the buildings in the city are vaguely developing in the direction of simple earthquake resistance and economical benefits.

Just like the Brooklyn Bridge under construction, the bridge road is far less wide than the previous Brooklyn, but the number of transport ships traveling to and from the sea has increased significantly.

In the age of monsters, it was obviously cheaper to use transport ships than rebuild bridges.

By the bridge, among the dilapidated boats docked on the coast.

Steve, Natasha, Agent Hill, Phil Coulson, and Barton, who had just found the four of them, gathered in the narrow cabin.

In front of the five people was a complex architectural map laid out on the table.

"I sneaked into the previous building, and I'm not sure if the commander is being held in the secret room." Natasha pointed to the secret room at the bottom of the map and said with a serious face.

Opposite her, Steve had already taken off his uniform, and he didn't think his clothes were strange at all when he was dressed in a century-old man's attire. He just stared at the map in front of him and kept thinking.

"Natasha can't even confirm where Nick is being held, so it's very likely that Nick is not in the building." Phil guessed on the side.

"Will it be on the Helicarrier?" Agent Hill asked.

Button shook his head, "Impossible, Nick is very familiar with the place, unless the TPC people are all idiots, they will detain him there."

"Why don't we go to Stark for help, he shouldn't ignore the commander." Phil suggested.

As soon as these words came out, everyone subconsciously looked at the silent Steve.

Steve paused, got up and left the cabin.

"You can continue to discuss. I also hope that Nick will be rescued. If possible, I will leave the city."

He understood that it was impossible for him and Stark to reconcile. With him, Stark would definitely not agree, so he chose not to participate.

When everyone saw Steve leaving, they all looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.

"Wait a little longer, Stark is not good at tracking, we don't have any news about Nick, so he shouldn't be able to find it either."

"Okay, after we find the commander, we'll seek Tony's help."

"By the way, can we find another guy? His mage ability is amazing, so he should be able to find the commander." Agent Hill suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, Natasha and the others immediately looked at Hill with strange eyes.

"You... what do you want to do?" Agent Hill couldn't bear this strange look.

The scene changed, and Liszt, who had moved to Stark Tower, was sitting cross-legged on the sofa and meditating with his eyes closed. His consciousness was immersed in the vast universe, and he was guided by the light of the universe to wash his body.

To become a member of the Victory team, it makes sense to be at the base of the Victory team, right?
Although Stark Tower is just a temporary base now.

On the side, Agent Hill guarded Liszt carefully, not daring to disturb him.

Looking at Liszt, who was emitting gorgeous cosmic starlight all over his body, Hill had a trace of envy in his eyes, and slowly moved closer to observe the starlight in front of him.

Can becoming a mage have such a beautiful skin?

I also want to be a mage.

After a long time, as the starlight all over Liszt's body receded, he slowly opened his eyes, and immediately saw Agent Hill who almost slapped him in the face.

"Why are you here?" Liszt was taken aback, and quickly covered his chest with both hands.

Agent Hill: "."

"I think."

"Impossible, don't even think about it, I won't agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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