Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 17 This is not the world in my memory!

Chapter 17 This is not the world in my memory!

They passed through the cliff cave covered with ivy curtains, and came to an underground pier at the bottom of the cliff, along the stone-paved road all the way up, the wet lawn was blowing a slightly cold wind, Hogwarts Castle The door appeared in front of them.

"dong dong dong"

Hagrid knocked three times on the oak door with his fist clenched, and it swung open.

A tall dark-haired witch in emerald green robes stood in front of the gate, her face was serious, her hair was tied into tight locks, she looked exactly like Harry stared at it for a while, 'RG-60TB' this The code name popped out of his mind, and this thing has a more understandable name, thermobaric grenade.

Harry swallowed silently, the serious witch in front of him was definitely not someone to provoke.

"First Years here, Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid.

"Thank you, Hagrid, let me pick you up when you get here."

A feeling that he was about to go to the execution ground appeared in Harry's heart. There had been enough strange things in the wizarding world that could not be guessed by the contents of 'normal memory'.

Professor McGonagall opened the door wide. Behind the oak door was a foyer large enough to fit the Dursleys' villa. The stone wall of the foyer was lit by flaming flares.

The high ceiling is almost invisible, and in front of people is a luxurious marble staircase leading directly to the upper floor.

They followed Professor McGonagall's footsteps along the bluestone-paved floor, and came to a corridor wide enough for two tanks to drive side by side. Harry heard hundreds of people buzzing from the door on the right. The senior students had arrived, but Professor McGonagall brought the first-year wizards to a small empty room at the other end of the hall. Everyone rushed in, shoulder to shoulder, and stared nervously at everything around them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts School of Magical Warfare." Professor McGonagall said, "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you enter the auditorium, you must first confirm which college you have entered. The branch is at Hogwarts is a very important ceremony, because when you are in school, the college is like your home in Hogwarts. You have to take classes with the students in the college, live in the dormitory of the college together, and live in the public hall together. Spend spare time in the lounge."

"The names of the four colleges are: Gryffindor Champion Warrior Academy, Ravenclaw Tactical Intelligence Academy, Hufflepuff War Logistics Academy, and Slytherin Special Operations Academy. Each academy has cultivated countless outstanding students. All wizards have their own glorious histories."

"When you are studying at Hogwarts, your respective performance will add or subtract points for your house. Actively participate in various competitions in the school. Winning the winner will win honor for you and your house. At the end of the year At that time, we will award the college cup trophy to the college with the highest score, which is a very high honor, and I hope that no matter which college you are assigned to, you can win glory for the college."

"In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I suggest that you tidy up yourselves and look more energetic while waiting."

Professor McGonagall's eyes swept across the audience, and the students who were staring at her suddenly became nervous, but after saying this, Professor McGonagall did not stop, turned and left, which made the little wizards heave a sigh of relief .

"They will let us take the exam, right?" Hermione tugged at Harry's sleeve nervously. She was extremely anxious. There was no book about how Hogwarts was sorted. The little wizard next to them was even They were born as pure-blood wizards, and they didn't know about it, and they all deliberately concealed the process of sorting.

"It's almost 06:30 now." Harry glanced at his mechanical watch, "There's not enough time for the exam, so you can't start eating until eight or nine, right? Even if you grade a hundred people's test papers, it will take a lot of time .”

"Although that's the case." Hermione gnawed her hands nervously, and then began to recite the spells in the textbook.

Neville was much calmer than Hermione, although he was also sweating nervously, but at least he remained calm and stood in place, even if he was motionless, he seemed to be playing a dummy.

"Neville?" Harry stretched out his hand to poke Neville, the little fat man suddenly lost his legs, sat down on the ground, and looked up at Harry blankly.

"Am I eliminated?" Neville asked blankly.

"How is that possible?" Harry couldn't help but said, and then reached out his hand to pull Neville up.

But before he could pull Neville's hand hard, Neville suddenly jumped three feet high and bounced off the ground.

A scream came from the other mouths of the team, and a group of more than 20 ghosts emerged from the walls and floors. They had a translucent pearly white color and slid across the room in mid-air.

The ghosts chatted on their own, hardly paying attention to the little wizard at the side.

But a fat ghost seemed to have spotted the dumbfounded first-year student, and he smiled and spoke.

"Freshman! I think, you are probably going to be tested, right?"

There are two thick bullet chains wrapped around his body, crossing his chest in an X shape. The thick bullets are at least 20MM caliber, and one shot can physically crush an elephant.

A little wizard nodded, so he smiled again, and said enthusiastically: "I hope you can get a Hufflepuff! I used to be in that college."

When did the so-called 'support staff' dress up like this?Harry would probably not be surprised if the ghost suddenly pulled out a rotary cannon that had been removed from the plane and carried it on his shoulder. After all, he had all the bullets with him, so there seemed to be no problem with carrying the weapon.

While Harry was thinking, the ghosts left, and Professor McGonagall reappeared shortly afterwards.

"Now, stand in single file."

Professor McGonagall said to the first-year students: "Follow me."

People lined up according to the instructions, followed Professor McGonagall's footsteps out of the room, passed through the foyer, and entered the luxurious auditorium through a double door.

Harry had never seen such a gorgeous, wonderful place in the world!Is this simply magic?
Students from other grades of the college are already sitting at the four long tables. Thousands of lighted signal sticks are floating above the tables. The light they emit illuminates the auditorium as if it were daylight. It refracted brilliant light, covering the entire auditorium in psychedelic golden light.

On the opposite side of the long student table were the professors' seats, and there were two prominent places in it, and when Harry's eyes fell there, his mind went blank!
'Gellert Grindelwald? ! ! ! '

(End of this chapter)

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