Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 22 Gryffindor's Courage Is Supreme, Our Dean Can Become... A Cat? !

Chapter 22 Gryffindor's courage is supreme, our dean can change. What about cats? !

Hogwarts’ biggest difficulty for freshmen is probably the disobedient stairs that twist and turn on their own. There are as many as 140 stairs like this in Hogwarts, and the most painful one is the grid. Students of Ryffindor and Ravenclaw, whether it is the eighth floor or the top of the north tower, these two positions are quite torturous.

But Hufflepuff's little badgers don't have such troubles, at least two-thirds less troubles than them.

Go out and turn right to the Hogwarts kitchen, and turn left to go upstairs to the auditorium. Except for going to the classroom, the little badgers don’t have to worry about the troublesome stairs. Even their herbalism is taught in the outdoor greenhouse, thank you The great wizard Helga Hufflepuff may not be the most famous of the four founders, but she is certainly the most pragmatically wise.

Pompous stuff is Ravenclaw's thing, and little badgers like down-to-earth simplicity.

The little badgers, humming after breakfast, ushered in their first class after entering school. After leaving the auditorium, they walked up the stairs to the third floor. The Transfiguration classroom was in the middle of the central corridor, next to the classroom room. It's the office of Professor McGonagall. This serious-looking professor has always been the second candidate for the unofficial list among the students.

As early as breakfast, the senior who took good care of the juniors had already told them not to be naughty in front of Professor McGonagall. However, as long as they are not naughty, Professor McGonagall is actually a great teacher. Will be very patient with your questions.

The closer the distance to the classroom, the more messy thoughts in Harry's mind. As we all know, Gryffindor has the highest courage, and their headmaster can turn into a cat!
Who can resist a cute tabby cat staring at you?
There was a bold idea in Harry's mind. He touched his pocket, which contained a handful of dried fish from the kitchen, freshly baked, crisp and fragrant.

But the next second, Harry shook his head.

My Hufflepuff is as stable as an old dog, and I will never follow Gryffindor to die everywhere. He touched the shiny school emblem on his chest, and the phantom of the flat-headed brother who refused to accept it appeared in his mind. It seems a bit wrong?

While thinking wildly, Harry followed the flow of people into the Transfiguration classroom. Harry, who was half his head taller than the other students, had a good vision. He looked around the classroom casually, and glanced casually at the podium——

I saw Professor McGonagall with a calm expression sitting upright behind the desk, watching the students enter the classroom calmly.

'Where is the promised cat? ! '

'Professor McGonagall, why don't you turn into a cat and squat on the podium? ! '

'Is this a Gryffindor perk? '

After being dazed for a moment, Harry, who turned his head to look at the desk, walked towards the desk with the flow of people. He took out a small dried fish and threw it into his mouth. The skills of the elves were really good, and Professor McGonagall couldn’t believe it. it's a pity

Harry chewed the small dried fish tastelessly, but only sighed, and he soon cheered up and was ready to start his first Transfiguration class.

A few minutes passed quickly, and Professor McGonagall, who was sitting quietly in the chair, got up, and there was a slight noise of swallowing saliva in the quiet classroom, which was different from any professor, even McGonagall The professor just glanced calmly with calm eyes, and the nervousness of the cat staring at the mouse arose spontaneously. The professor is a cat, and they are shivering little mice.

"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous form of magic you will study at Hogwarts."

She spoke calmly, and no one thought it was a joke. The students were a little restless, as if they were nervous about whether they could successfully study this course.

"So, if anyone was naughty in my class, I would ask him out and never let him in again."

The professor spoke slowly, and then fixed his eyes on the students: "I warned you."

The effect of dismounting the horse at the beginning of the class was outstanding, and the little wizards who dared not speak out nodded again and again, and tried their best to correct their sitting posture.

"Now, I'm going to tell you what Transfiguration is."

Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction, and then drew out his wand. It was an extremely exquisite HK_USP9MM compact pistol with carvings and gold wire inlays. It was different from all the guns Harry had seen before. It is probably the difference between the ordinary mass sales version and the customized collection.

With this appearance, the eyes of many little wizards lit up. The magic wand is the status symbol of the wizard. Such an exquisite magic wand naturally represents extraordinary magic skills.

Professor McGonagall pulled the trigger. There was no silencer, but even the sound of the hammer could not be heard. Where her gun was pointing, her desk suddenly turned into a white, fat The second senior brother suddenly fanned his two fat pig ears and looked at the group of little wizards with his dark eyes.

In the cognition of wizards, pigs are the animals most alienated from magic. Compared with transforming the desk into other animals, it is many times more difficult to transform into pigs. Unfortunately, not many young wizards present can realize at this point.

"Turns dead things into living things and wood into metal"

Every time she said a word, Professor McGonagall manipulated her desk to deform. This magical magic made the little wizards forget Professor McGonagall's previous majesty for a while, and started whispering enthusiastically.

"If in Charms class, Professor Flitwick will teach you to use spells to serve your life, defeat enemies, and protect yourself, then in my class, in the class of Transfiguration—"

Professor McGonagall paused, and the desk returned to its original state. The whispers of the little wizards disappeared immediately. They looked at Professor McGonagall eagerly, wanting to hear how she would lead them into this wonderful magical world.

"—I will teach you how to change everything around you, and even change the world."

"This is Transfiguration, the most complicated and dangerous of all magic, but also the most fascinating magic."

"Now, can anyone tell me what are the three cores of Transfiguration?"

Professor McGonagall glanced, "I hope someone has previewed the textbook."

The little wizards seemed to be hesitating whether to raise their hands. It would be terrible if they answered wrongly.

"Aim, imagine, focus."

Harry's curiosity about Transfiguration is very high. Compared with biubiubiu's spell, this magic that can change the form and structure of matter is the most incredible in the eyes of ordinary people. Although the Midas touch of Transfiguration is false, But at the moment when the magic power has not disappeared, this falsehood is also true.

"Transfiguration is different from regular spells. Its magical power does not lie in the proficiency of the spell. The release of a successful and effective transfiguration depends on the wizard's own knowledge of deformed objects and the subtle use of magic power."

"The first step is to choose the target we want to transform, and regard it as a deformed whole; the second step is to conceive the object we want to change; the third step is to focus on the will, let our thoughts change the target object through magic, Complete transformation."

Harry, who had already practiced Transfiguration during the holidays, had full confidence in this question, and his answer made Professor McGonagall nod slightly.

"Very well, Mr. Potter, two points for Hufflepuff."

There seemed to be a faint smile on Professor McGonagall's serious face.

"Good answer, but I suppose you've tried to deform something, Mr. Potter?"

The Transfiguration textbook recorded the three core elements of Transfiguration, but did not explain the meaning of the three elements, and being able to say the following few words, it was obvious that Harry had his own understanding.

"Yes, Professor." Harry nodded, "I tried it a few times during the vacation, and it's not difficult to deform some simple small objects, as long as you observe carefully."

"However, Professor McGonagall, I have a question and wonder if you can answer it for me?"

Harry, who was not in a hurry to sit down, took out two prepared props from his pocket, which were a small wooden stick and a small iron rod, about four or five inches long and as thick as a little finger.

"Of course." Professor McGonagall nodded, she was happy to answer all questions related to the course.

The gleaming silver Glock 18 was pulled out, and the muzzle was aimed at the materials on the table. As the triggers were pulled one after another, the wooden stick became a sharp and shiny metal blade, while the iron rod became hollow. Plastic Straws.

"Actually, in my eyes, the most incredible magic is Transfiguration."

Harry picked up the two props that had been transformed by him, and muttered in his mouth: "Transfiguration not only changes the appearance, it can actually temporarily change the fundamental physical properties of objects, including volume, weight, and density." , The iron transformed from wood can be attracted by magnets, but the wood transformed from iron loses its magnetism, even. "

Harry swiped quickly with his right hand holding the metal knife, and the straw transformed from the iron rod was instantly cut in two, but the moment the plastic straw broke and flew out, the transformed iron rod returned to its original appearance.


The sound of metal colliding with solid wood sounded, and a small piece of iron rod that was cut off fell on the table. Harry raised his left hand holding the iron rod, showing the extremely smooth cut on the iron rod.

"Professor McGonagall, the objects transformed by Transfiguration will return to their original shape when damaged, the book says so, but"

Harry shook his left hand, "The concept of restoration shouldn't happen at the moment of destruction, right? Otherwise, what I should see is an iron rod with a small gap cut?"

"This question is not explained in detail in the book. I wonder if you can explain it to me, Professor?"

This proficient transfiguration made the eyes of the surrounding students sparkle, and Professor McGonagall couldn't help but nodded slightly. After a little thought, she said to Harry:
"A very good question. It seems that you have seriously thought about it during practice, but the answer to this question is not complicated. The reason lies in the magic power."

"Magic?" Harry looked at Professor McGonagall with some doubts.

"Transfiguration relies on magic power to change objects, so when the magic power we apply to the object does not disappear, the deformed object will be kept in the changed state by the magic power. I think everyone has not forgotten what Mr. Potter just said The three cores of Transfiguration, right?"

"The first step in releasing the transformation technique is to regard the transformation target as a whole. As long as the whole transformation has not been truly destroyed, then the effect of the transformation technique will continue to exist."

"Simply put, deformed objects can take damage, but not damage."

Professor McGonagall drew her wand and pointed it at the lecture table, transforming the wooden table into a piece of drawing paper floating in mid-air.

"If we don't cut this whole into two or more parts." As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, and a big hole was split from the center of the drawing paper, "although the stability of the Transfiguration will be greatly reduced. , but it can still maintain its integrity for a certain period of time, but if... "

She stretched out her hand and tore off a small piece of drawing paper the size of a thumb from the corner of the drawing paper. In an instant, the drawing paper returned to its original form as a desk, and the drawing paper in her hand became a small piece of table corner , while the original desk was missing a corner, and a huge crack also appeared on it.

"Unless it can be permanently deformed, the biggest limitation of Transfiguration is that it cannot be destroyed as a whole. Of course, there is one exception."

With a wave of Professor McGonagall, the damaged desk instantly returned to its original state. At this moment, her expression returned to its solemnity.

"Animagus Transfiguration, an extremely complicated and dangerous semi-permanent human body transfiguration that works on the wizard itself."

"However." Professor McGonagall seemed to have a smile on his face, "This is too esoteric for you little wizards in the first grade. Even many powerful wizards with profound magical powers have not been able to master this magic. Reckless learning Animagus, the risk of death is higher than any magic."

"That Professor McGonagall."

As Harry's voice sounded, the eyes of the little wizards lit up at this moment.

"A powerful teacher like you must not be an ordinary powerful wizard, right?"

Facing the curious and expectant eyes of the students, Professor McGonagall nodded slightly.

"If your performance in this class is good enough." Professor McGonagall paused, "I can show you this magic."

In an instant, all the students were sitting upright. They suppressed the excitement in their hearts and concentrated on it.

(End of this chapter)

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