Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 30 Flitwick's Arms Display (2 in 1)

Chapter 30 Flitwick's Arms Display (Two in One)

Harry didn't know all about what the black Patronus said to represent, but this weird magic kept him in deep thought all night.

Compared to other little wizards in the first grade, Harry obviously thought more.

Especially the last two sentences of Grindelwald, although the voice was not loud, he could hear clearly when he was sitting in the first row.

'Someone needs to step into the darkness to guard the light. ''time is limited. '

These two sentences themselves have already revealed a lot of information that Harry needs to think about. After a little deeper thinking, he can easily come up with the answer that the wizarding world is about to face some kind of war.

"Hopefully it's just my cranky thinking."

Although there are many questions that cannot be answered, thinking too much at this moment can only increase troubles in vain. He turned over and covered himself with a yawn, and closed his eyes while the sky was still dark. Restored a lot of spirit.

After asking for a cup of espresso in the kitchen, Harry stepped up to the fourth floor of the castle with a lot of energy. The classroom of the Charms class was already full of people. Compared with the silence in the Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, the Charms class seemed much more relaxed and happy.

The little Professor Flitwick stepped on a tall pile of books so that he could get all the students into his eyes. Now there are still a few minutes before the class starts, Professor Flitwick, who has no airs at all, gently Waving his fingers, he called out many little magic tricks, which attracted the attention of many little wizards.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor."

Harry paused at the classroom door, then walked to Flitwick's side and spoke softly.

"You don't need to apologize to the child, class is not in yet." Professor Flitwick replied with a smile, he glanced at the scar on Harry's forehead, and then blinked at him, "Go find an empty seat, we will immediately It's about to start."

As the class bell rang, Professor Flitwick simply called the roll, but after the class started, his expression became a little more serious, which made the little wizards sit down obediently, without the playfulness they had before.

"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts and to my Charms class. I believe that everyone here is very interested in magic."

With a flick of his finger, a line of neatly drifting blackboard writing appeared on the blackboard.

"In my opinion, the necessary condition for a qualified wizard is to be able to use magic proficiently."

"Our life, our work, everything about us, as wizards, our world cannot be separated from the company of magic, and magic spells are the most important part of magic."

"Transfiguration is very powerful, and potions and herbalism are also very important subjects, but compared to the spells that have penetrated into every corner of the wizard's life, they cannot become the pillars that support the magic world."

"In my class, I will teach you step by step how to become a qualified wizard, how to use magic spells to change your life, and make it a good helper for your life."

"Before starting the formal lessons, I want you to remember this sentence: 'If you don't want your life to be messed up, then don't be careless in your spells'."

"Of course, before we start learning our first spell, the first thing we need to do is get to know the good companions that will accompany us throughout our lives."

"Students, please take out your wands and put them on the table."

Hearing this, the little wizards immediately cheered up. Although they took out their wands in the Transfiguration class, the difficult Transfiguration seemed to be mocking their overreaching. The little trick of turning matches into needles could be done There are only a handful of people, and most people can't even make a slight change in a matchstick.

There was a mess of noises, and the little wizards drew their wands from various places, someone pulled his flintlock from the back of his ass, someone pulled his dick out of the front of his ass, and this The messy picture gave Professor Flitwick a headache. Although he saw this scene every year, he still couldn't accept it.

"Please don't try to stick your magic wand behind your buttocks, especially those of you who haven't completely stabilized your magic power fluctuations. Maybe you are only one time away from having a strong emotional fluctuation in your buttocks. Of course, hiding in front of your buttocks is not enough, the result will be even worse .”

"14 years ago, Peeves successfully sneaked into the kitchen and mixed something weird into the soup for lunch. That afternoon, the bathroom at Hogwarts was completely full. Maybe someone has experienced that A kind of helplessness that is particularly anxious but has to wait?"

Flitwick, who told a little story, aroused the interest of the little wizards. Everyone listened carefully, curious about what happened 14 years ago.

"During the waiting time of competing for willpower, anxious and urgent emotions will continue to accumulate, and this strong emotion will cause unstable fluctuations in magic power, especially for young wizards who have just entered the stable period of magic power at the age of eleven, two or three. For me, that was the beginning of a nightmare."

"On that afternoon, some unlucky children caused large fluctuations in magic power due to this reason, and the wand, which was an extension of our limbs, went off at that time."

"Every single misfire, I mean every little wizard with a wand stuck in the back of his ass, got an impressive lesson that afternoon."

"Oh—uh" The little wizards who had imagined the tragic picture in their brains frowned in disgust. This interesting story made many people subconsciously cover their buttocks.

"Of course, the more unlucky ones were the ones who stuck their wands in front of their buttocks. Those unlucky children stayed in the school hospital for half a month in order to heal their psychological trauma."


He breathed a sigh of relief, especially those boys who hid their secrets in front of them, their pale faces were enough to show everything.

"The wand is an extension of the wizard's limbs. Using your wand correctly is the first skill that every qualified wizard needs to master."

"Mr. Potter, may I ask you to show it to everyone?"

Professor Flitwick called Harry's name without hesitation. Thanks to Mr. Ollivander's suggestion, Harry perfectly completed Professor Flitwick's homework for the first class without knowing it.

"A very fine enchanted alchemy holster, the most suitable for storing a wand in the shape of a pistol, is it from Ollivander's wand shop, right? The holster they designed can perfectly prevent fire accidents caused by emotional fluctuations, and is especially suitable for A little wizard whose magic power has not been fully stabilized."

After Harry got up at Flitwick's signal and lifted his robe, revealing the gun holster around his waist, Flitwick pointed to it and introduced it to everyone.

"I think everyone should prepare one. You don't have to choose Ollivander's. Whether it's Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade Village, there are shops selling this kind of storage equipment. The price is very cheap. More than a Sickle."

"Of course, if conditions permit, Ollivander's boutique enchanted alchemy gun holster is the first choice. If anyone can get an O (excellent) grade in the Charms course at the end of this school year, I will give it to everyone as a reward." A classmate who studies hard."

There was a burst of low cheers. For a master of charms who can feed himself and the whole family, such a small reward does not cost much money, but it can greatly increase the students' enthusiasm for learning, not to mention, This reward can also reimburse Hogwarts, and Dumbledore is a very generous headmaster.

"Now then." Professor Flitwick snapped his fingers, signaling for everyone to pay attention, "The next thing we need to learn is to recognize the wand in our hands."

"Perhaps someone already knows that our wand has many different forms, and each form has its own unique characteristics. Now, whoever in our class has completed the first form change of the wand, raise your hand Let everyone see."

Sparsely eight or nine hands were raised. As Ollivander said, under normal circumstances, after a wizard gets his own wand, it takes a certain amount of time to activate the first deformation of the wand, and can Very few people can complete it within a month of getting the wand, let alone activate it on the first touch.

"Students whose wands haven't changed don't need to be discouraged. It takes a certain amount of time for the wand to get used to the wizard. This is a stage that every wizard will go through."

"The initial shape of the wand is the same, that is, the shape of the flintlock. At this stage, because the wand has not been fully worn, the wizard will be subject to certain restrictions when casting spells. For example, the frequency of casting spells will be relatively slow. Low, under normal circumstances, the interval between two spells will be about three seconds, but this will not affect your daily contact, only in duels, this defect will be magnified."

"Although the speed at which the flintlock gathers magic power is a bit slower, it is more stable. When the spellcasting fails, it will also reduce the consequences of spellcasting errors due to its own insurance mechanism. This is a very good support for novice wizards. Of course, don’t try it on purpose, otherwise, if you get blackened, it will be difficult to wash off.”

"And the first advancement of the wand will inevitably be the most commonly used and most versatile form for wizards, the pistol form."

Professor Flitwick was finally not empty-handed, and he didn't see any big movements, but a slight sway of his wrist, a revolver that fit the size of his palm and was shrunk down a bit, the same as Grindelwald's Browning M1935, This extremely luxurious revolver is simply a collectible that should not be used. The translucent gun body seems to be carved from flawless gemstones, revealing a charming deep blue, which is more dazzling and flawless than the heart of the ocean. blue.

It took Harry a lot of effort to recognize the model of this overly luxurious revolver. If he was not mistaken, the revolver held by the petite Professor Flitwick was the exact opposite of his figure. Weapons, a Smith & Wesson M12.7 revolver that can be loaded with 500 mm caliber pistol rounds, and a round that can crush elephant skulls.

When Flitwick's slender palm grasped this ferocious killer known as a 'real man', Harry couldn't feel any suddenness, as if it should be so, as it should be.

"After completing the change of the pistol form, there is no very rigid standard for the interval between casting spells, unless the form of your wand changes itself has certain restrictions. Some wands can shoot spells faster than others. is more powerful, thanks to the changing form, but at the cost of reduced accuracy or longer spell intervals."

"The magic wand in the form of a pistol has the best casting range within 50 meters. Within this distance, as long as you aim accurately, the spell can hit accurately without much loss in power. Moreover, the wand in this form is easy to cast. Storage, also great for quick pull out in case of emergency."

"And when you have further control over your own magic power and have a better run-in with the magic wand, the second form of advancement will appear."

"Here, there are generally two branches, one is inclined to duel, a submachine gun that can cast spells faster by sacrificing a certain amount of spell power, and a shotgun that shortens the range and sharply increases the range of spell effects and instant explosive power form."

"Both of these branches can be mastered. This is also a commonly used way to advance wands. Under normal circumstances, the shotgun form is more suitable for the release of Transfiguration, and the shotgun form will be more efficient for large-scale terrain changes."

"After the basic form changes, the wand will have advanced advanced steps that are relatively difficult to master. They are: an assault rifle that improves the accuracy, range, and power of spells, and a further machine gun form; greatly improves the accuracy of spells, Ranged and powerful precision rifles and advanced sniper rifle forms, as well as advanced shotguns with longer range, higher precision, larger range, and more powerful grenade launchers and rocket launchers.”

Every time Professor Flitwick spoke out a wand's deformation form, the wand in his hand would change accordingly. What surprised Harry was that, as the champion of wizard duels several times in a row, he seemed to be a man without any knowledge. All-rounder with short boards, the appearance of each changing firearm is extremely luxurious. Professor Flitwick, who has crystal skin for all staff, looks like some kind of krypton player. A gorgeous one.

And the meaning behind this gorgeousness seems to be self-evident. The reality is not a simple krypton gold game. After the gorgeous performance, there must be extraordinary meaning.

Harry, who was about to move, raised his hand. He had long wanted to ask what the skin was for.

"Professor, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, Mr. Potter." Flitwick nodded and said with a smile.

"Professor, why is your wand so different from ours? Whether it's Professor McGonagall, Professor Grindelwald or you, your wand is a unique work of art."

Although the icy metallic color is Harry's favorite color, if he can get the skin, Harry will never miss it.

"That's what I'm going to tell you next."

Professor Flitwick nodded slightly, then shook the crystal revolver in his hand.

"As you become more and more familiar with the form of the wand, your wand will also grow with your progress. The exquisiteness of the form of the wand represents the degree to which you have mastered the form of the wand."

"From the appearance of simple patterns and color changes, until you grow it into your own, unique wand form, even if your spellcasting ability has not improved at all, your spells will be deepened because of the changes in the wand. "

"It's also the Light Curse." Professor Flitwick raised the M500, which suddenly changed to a bright silver metallic color, and pulled the trigger against the ceiling. "The fluorescent light flashes."

A ball of light the size of a fist floated out of the gun's muzzle. Along with it, the curtains of the classroom also changed. The curtains that were drawn automatically blocked the bright sunlight outside.

The light emitted by the fist-sized ball of light illuminated an area about five meters away, and outside the area, the light began to dim.

"If I use the Light Curse with the same magic power, but in the current form. Luminescence flickers."

The revolver, which had been covered with crystal skin again, was pulled the trigger again.

A gorgeous band of light shoots out from the muzzle of the gun. The freely manipulated light is randomly kneaded under Professor Flitwick's ideas. Sometimes it emits light to illuminate the entire classroom, and sometimes it turns into colorful rain of light and sprinkles from the ceiling. The magic that was supposed to be the same light technique has been enhanced at an epic level after changing the skin of the wand. The first appearance of the krypton gold boss instantly captured the hearts of many leopard-headed players.

The difference between heaven and earth has left a deep impression on every young wizard, even if what they saw was just the most basic little magic 'Brightness Curse', the shock did not diminish in the slightest.

The little wizards stretched out their hands to catch the rain of light falling from the ceiling, but at this moment, the closed curtains were pulled open.

"I think you should be eager to try it, right?" Professor Flitwick said briskly, "Now turn to the first page of your book, there is still half an hour, let's practice this spell together."

"Put down your wand and read with me."

"Fluorescent flashes."

The little wizards sat down quickly, and then followed Flitwick to recite the spell to get familiar with it.

The door to the magic world opened silently, and this light spell that could emit a faint light also illuminated their way forward in this silence.

(End of this chapter)

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