Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 19 Shrewd Amosta

Chapter 19 Shrewd Amosta

Amostar didn't know that Harry, who hadn't met him before, had already found out from Hagrid his "great achievements" in school, but even if he knew, he might just laugh it off.

When the sky was slightly bright, he had already woken up after falling asleep at two o'clock in the middle of the night. I am afraid that this can be regarded as the advantage of being a wizard. A wizard with a superb memory and strong mana has far more energy than a Muggle.

Over the past three years, Amosta has gotten used to a life of ups and downs.

In many cases, in order to work for his employer, he had to stay in the wilderness far away from the world, in the virgin forest, or in the ruins of the ancestors buried deep underground. Lying on the ground for a few hours is already a rare enjoyment for him.

Although the weather was sunny, the climate was still cold at dawn. The snow on the lawn showed no signs of melting, and the ice surface of the frozen Black Lake was even stronger than the Serpentine.

Amosta, who was jogging along the lake in the morning, stood under a willow tree to rest for a while, and saw a black shadow at the castle quickly approaching him from a distance.

"Dumbledore asked me to give it to you."

The pale golden sunlight mixed with fine powder hit Snape's face, softening his cold and rigid face a little. After a few steps away, he threw a black money bag to Amosta.

"How much in total?"

Amosta shook the heavy purse in his hand, and asked with great interest,
"Two thousand Galleons, Dumbledore very generously added two hundred Galleons on top of your request, hum, Minerva's complexion is not very pretty. By the way, Minerva just found out that you returned to Hoag About Watts, she wants to talk to you alone, about your next plan."

"Tsk tsk!"

The meeting with the stern vice-principal did not bother Amosta, he unbuttoned the bag and looked inside, the dazzling, golden light immediately made him feel extremely comfortable,

"You said, what would happen if I ran away with the money now?"

"Unless you can escape to the moon, I don't advise you to do such a stupid thing."

Snape said something indifferently, he stared at Amosta who lowered his head, picked up a gold coin and fiddled with his fingertips, his eyes focused on his shining eyes,

"In addition, I would like to remind you, Amosta, I am not very clear, and I am not curious why your eye color has changed so much since you went to school, but Dumbledore seems to be very interested in it." , He gave me the opportunity to inquire with you. Generally speaking, he will try his best to find out what he is interested in, so I advise you to be prepared."

Amosta's fingers suddenly froze, and after a short period of silence, he returned to normal and let out a deep emotion,
"Hey, what a great wizard!"

Compared with the ever-changing speed of the Muggle world, the evolution of the wizarding society, which is more traditional in the mainstream society, is appallingly slow.

Although, in recent years, there have been constant calls for reform in private, those weak voices are just seeds buried deep in the permafrost waiting to be nourished, and only when the right time comes, will they have a chance to take root.

Hogsmeade, the only existing village inhabited by pure wizards in the British wizarding world, is basically exactly the same as when he went to school at Hogwarts. The few changes are probably the signs of Zuko’s joke shop and the Duke of Bee’s candy shop. Launched some new products.

Amostar even suspected that if a medieval wizard accidentally traveled to modern times, he might not even get lost in Hogsmeade.

It was still the Christmas holiday, and the streets and alleys of Hogsmeade were deserted and there were not many people to be seen. The aborigines who occasionally passed by were all in a hurry, busy with their own affairs.

Amosta walked all the way in, standing in front of a store with gray glass windows against the north wind.

Devis-Bans Magic Supply Store, this is the destination of Amosta's trip.

ding ding ding---
The copper bell hanging above the door made a crisp sound, and Amosta pushed the door open and walked into the shop.

A dozen or so ceiling-level racks lined vertically in a dingy magic supply store, and the antiquated shelves held looking glasses, memory balls, leprechauns, broomstick care kits, Quidditch balls toolbox, and many other magical and alchemy items.

The bald-headed Mr. Bans seemed to have not expected that there would be a visitor so early, so his expression was a bit astonished. However, after regaining his senses, he immediately came out from behind the counter and ran to Amosta with a courteous smile.
"Dear guest, what do you need to buy? The Devis-Bans magic supply store has everything you need. I can guide you."

"Oh, thank you."

Amosta, who was looking up and scanning the tall shelves, nodded his thanks when he heard this, "Well, do you have a panoramic telescope here?"

"If you mean the panoramic binoculars normally used for watching Quidditch matches."

Mr. Bance trotted to a shelf near the inner wall, jumped up and fished out a dusty binoculars from a pile of sundries, and while the guests' eyes were blocked, he hurriedly wiped the binoculars on his robes. Wiped the ashes, returned to Amosta with a smile like a flower,
"This one is from the family's alchemy workshop, the quality can be guaranteed, and it only sells for nine Galleons and seven Sickles!"

Amosta took it over. He was very familiar with this panoramic telescope that can be used for multiple purposes with a little modification. After skillfully adjusting the knobs on the telescope, he put it on the bridge of his nose close to his eye sockets, and carefully observed the picture.

"No, no~"

After a while, Amosta put down the binoculars, with disappointment in his tone,

"What I need is the 190 model of Chasing Shadow. The picture is clearer and can be traced back for a longer time. Yours is the 185 model, which does not meet my purchase needs."

Mr. Bans was awed in his heart, knowing that he had met an expert.

"Unfortunately, sir, the high-precision Shadow Chaser 190 is generally only produced during the World Cup. On weekdays, we only sell this. If you are willing to buy it, I can give you a discount on the price!"

"How much discount can I get?"

Amosta's expression was unfeeling, and he didn't seem to want to give up. He turned into a shrewd buyer and began to bargain.

"It's nothing to say, nine Galleons, this is the cost price, since you are the first guest today, I only want this price!"

Mr. Bance looked distressed.

"--, what if I want a lot?"

"I'm sorry sir, this is already the best price, even if you ask for more, I can only."

"I need three hundred panoramic binoculars." Amosta said straightforwardly with a smile on his face, "Mr. Bans, you still have one more chance to quote. If you are not satisfied with the price, I can make another quotation." Check out the corner alley."

"Three hundred?!"

Mr. Bans immediately widened his eyes and exclaimed. However, he immediately realized that his performance was not good for the next negotiation, so he immediately restrained his expression and coughed twice.

"It's true. Keke, I mean, the quantity is indeed quite a lot. It is indeed worth a little more discount"

Mr. Bans carefully looked at the smiling Amosta,
"My lord, if you really want to buy that much. I think eight galleons and ten silver Sickles is a good deal."

Amosta frowned, seemingly dissatisfied.

The shrewd Mr. Bans immediately stopped his original conversation and said decisively,
"Seven galleons and ten silver Sickles, you are a knowledgeable wizard, you should know what this price means!"

Amos really knows how to do it, so he turned around and left without saying a word, pushed the door and left without any hesitation.

Ding Ding!

Before Amostamer counted to one, a brass bell rang suddenly behind him, and Mr. Bans chased him out angrily.

"How about seven Galleons, sir, that's fair enough!"

Without looking back, Amostar drew out his wand and prepared himself to Apparate.


Mr. Bance cried out,
"Okay, okay, six, just six, come back sir, you are the smartest guest I have met this year!"

Amostar put down his wand, turned and smiled happily again,

"Okay, Mr. Bance, let's talk more about delivery times!"

(End of this chapter)

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