Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 59 Differences

Chapter 59 Differences
"A little personal matter--"

Sure enough, when Amosta said this, the three little guys in front of him immediately became nervous. Hermione desperately gave Harry winks, and Ron stared at his toes uneasily. , It also made Harry, who was determined to find out about this matter, hesitant.

Interesting, what do these three little guys want to know from me?

Amosta looked at the three of them with great interest,

"You three, seem to be very curious about the purpose of my visit to Hagrid?"

"That's right, Professor Blaine—"

Harry carefully controlled his tone, trying not to look suspicious, "Hagrid is our three best friends, and you are an investigator"

Harry faltered, a bit at a loss for words.

Amosta nodded knowingly,

"You are worried that the Chamber of Secrets has something to do with Hagrid, so you are worried that I am going to investigate him?"

Harry's face turned pale, Ron's cheeks turned red, and Hermione, she was silent for a moment, then broke the embarrassing silence with a relaxed tone,

"Sorry, Professor Bryan, I've already told him that this is pure delusion. Hagrid is Headmaster Dumbledore's most trusted gamekeeper. It is impossible for him to have anything to do with Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, right? "

Amosta lowered her eyes and smiled, Miss Granger, if you want to play hard-to-get tricks in front of me, you are still thirty years away from your skills!

He thought for a while, neither said yes nor said no, just looked at the three of them with a smile, and said lightly,

"It's actually like this. Pure theory and practice can't allow you to skillfully deal with the dangers that may come at any time. Therefore, according to the tradition of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, I think it is necessary for you to come into contact with some really dangerous things. biology"

Seeing that the three of Hermione were listening seriously, Amosta paused, shrugged and continued,
"There are many interesting magical creatures living in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, and Hagrid is the one who knows the Forbidden Forest best among all the people in the school, so I asked him to be my guide--"

After listening to his explanation, the three little guys exhaled heavily in unison, and their expressions suddenly became relaxed.

Under Amosta's playful gaze, Harry twisted his body with a shy smile, only to realize that his back was completely drenched with sweat in just a short period of time.

"It's convenient to ask, have you prepared anything for us?"

Ron's eyes lit up. "I know there are unicorns and centaurs living there, but Fred and George told me that there are more interesting things in the woods than that!"


Amosta leaned back in the chair and raised his head, his voice sounded mysterious,
"This belongs to the category of confidentiality, Mr. Weasley, you must know that the emergency response in the face of unknown dangers is also very important, I did not intend to give you time to prepare in advance
By the way, don't even think about going back to Hagrid to ask about it. I've already told him that he won't reveal a single word to anyone. Anyway, you three, wait for the surprise! "

Professor Brian's words made their eyes overflow with excitement and curiosity. Even Hermione couldn't help asking if they could give some hints, but Amosta ruthlessly refused.

"I can only tell you that I have prepared three kinds of dark creatures with different levels of danger, and each grade will deal with one of them. For the rest, don't even try to inquire about them!"

The discussion on this interesting topic lasted for more than half an hour. No matter how insinuating Harry and Ron asked, Amosta kept silent with a smile on his face and let them guess. In the end, even Hermione was not there. Pay attention to those letters from Lockhart and join in the heated discussion.

The pleasant conversation atmosphere made Ron not even miss Amosta's professor status. He looked at Amosta and murmured a bit,

"It's incredible, Professor, how a great wizard like you could have come from Slytherin."

When he noticed the reminding eyes from Hermione, Ron immediately changed his words,

"I, I mean, we have never seen a Slytherin as friendly as you, Professor, those Slytherin wizards we have come into contact with, they always talk about pure blood, glory and so on, Look down on Muggle-borns. But you never mentioned any of this, you look more like a Gryffindor to me!"

Both Harry and Hermione nodded in immediate approval, obviously, they had been puzzled by this question for some time as well.

"In fact, sometimes, Slytherin and Gryffindor are very similar"

Amosta's blunt words made the three of Harry look at each other in dismay. Slytherin and Gryffindor are very similar. What kind of novel theory is this?

In the eyes of everyone, among the four Hogwarts colleges, Slytherin and Gryffindor are the most incompatible ones. This huge difference in concept has already begun when the Big Four created this magic school thousands of years ago. , even, even the current chamber of secrets incident is a trouble derived from this basis.

Do you want to cause Dumbledore some trouble?
Looking at Harry, who was most resistant to what he said, Amosta smirked and cleared his throat.
"According to Principal Dumbledore's idea, the most powerful and irresistible force in this world is love, because love can give people courage, and courage can give people the strength to face all misfortunes. This idea itself is very suitable. The idea of ​​Godric Gryffindor, founder of Gryffindor House himself."

"Isn't that correct, Professor Blaine?"

When it came to Dumbledore, Harry immediately became sensitive, and Hermione also became nervous. She looked at Amosta anxiously, fearing that Professor Brian in front of her would say 'pure blood is Noble, mixed blood is despicable' and so on.

"Many things in this world, there is no single answer, Potter—"

Amosta shook his head and chuckled,

"I can't say that Gryffindor or Dumbledore's ideas are problematic or even wrong, but I personally have my own views."

Before Harry and the others asked, Amosta explained by himself,

"My idea is that no amount of love or hate, however strong, can make an ordinary man lift a five-hundred-pound stone without magic.

Potter, I think power is power, it is a very simple thing, neither love nor hate can make you have leapfrog power Of course, these two extreme emotions can indeed make a person ignite the pursuit of power determination. "

Glancing at the three little guys who were lost in thought, Amosta turned his head and looked out the window. The star-studded fluorescence was still inlaid in the boundless darkness. Throughout the ages, that mysterious and unpredictable universe is the dream of countless wizards and Muggles. The shore of conquest.

It took a long time before Amosta accepted the unfathomable gaze, smiled lightly and said,
"If you have to link strength and courage with love, I agree that strength can bring people infinite courage to pursue love and freedom."

"Which do you think is right, Ron?"

On the four-poster bed in the dormitory, Harry recalled the loneliness and longing that emanated from Professor Brian's body when he gazed at the starry sky, and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, Harry," Ron muttered, turning over,

"But I think, compared to love, I seem to lack power"

(End of this chapter)

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