Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 79 Expulsion

Chapter 79 Expulsion
Fudge's explanation did not convince either Dumbledore or Hagrid.

"I can go with you to the Ministry of Magic, and you can let the Aurors make me look, Minister." Hagrid said with trembling lips, "but please don't let me go to Azkaban!"

Before Fudge could speak, there was another knock on the door.

Dumbledore went to open the door, and this time it was Harry's turn to get an elbow hard in the ribs, and he let out a distinctly audible gasp.

Lucius Malfoy, who had just told Draco something, strode into Hagrid's cabin, wrapped in a long black traveling cloak, with a cold, contented smile on his face, teeth Started barking.

"It seems that you have already discussed the key issues clearly." Lucius nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, very good!"

"What are you doing here!" Hagrid howled angrily, "Get out of my house, you're not welcome here!"

"Dear friend, please believe me, I am not happy to enter your room, you call this a house, please forgive me, the elf in my family lives in a more decent place than this-"

Lucius Malfoy looked around the small cabin and sneered, "I just forgot to communicate with you, Dumbledore, someone told me you came here"

"What is your business with me, Lucius?"

Dumbledore still maintained his demeanor, but Harry was sure he saw two flames of anger burning in Dumbledore's eyes.

Hagrid's hut had probably not been this lively for a long time, and Lucius hadn't expressed his intentions yet. This is, Amosta walked in through the directly opened door.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time?"

It was no surprise that, as soon as he stepped into the house, he detected a rather unpleasant smell in the air.

The people in the house reacted differently to Amostar's presence, and Dumbledore exchanged glances with him, neither of them saying much.

Fudge obviously only knew who Amosta was, but for this little-known young professor, Fudge's attitude was very cold, and he didn't even make a gesture of nodding to say hello.

After seeing Amosta walk in, Lucius slightly restrained the uncontrollable pride on his face. He knew where Cacus Foley found this person, and the people there were black wizards who acted recklessly. Well, unlike Dumbledore, a gentleman like Dumbledore, Lucius didn't want to offend such people to death if possible.

"As it happens, I originally planned to go to you after informing Dumbledore of the bad news, Amosta Bryan--"

Lucius said to Amosta, who was a little surprised, and then he took out a piece of parchment from his arms, pointed his cold gray eyes at Dumbledore, and the corners of his mouth curved again,

"Things are terrible, Dumbledore—"

Lucius waved the parchment rudely in front of Dumbledore and said,
"It's time for the board of directors to let you go. This is a temporary suspension order. You will find that all twelve directors have signed on it. We feel that you may not have displayed your talents. So far, how many attacks have occurred ? At this rate, Hogwarts will be wiped out of all the little wizards in the summer vacation!"

Fudge obviously didn't pry this matter out of Lucius' mouth in advance. He was very surprised by the decision of the school board, but as Lucius said, the appointment of the principal is the responsibility of the school board. No interference.

Hagrid rose abruptly from the edge of the bed, his shaggy, dark head brushing the ceiling, and growled,

"How many people have you threatened and blackmailed to get them to agree, eh, Malfoy?"

Amosta let out a slight cold snort. Kacus Foley did remind him of this matter, but he did not expect that Lucius's hands and feet were quite nimble, and he got it done so quickly.


Neither Hagrid nor Fudge could have prevented this from happening, and Dumbledore had to obey the orders of the school council, he said in a very slow and clear voice, so that everyone present could hear every word he said. Character,

"I've only really left this school when everyone here has betrayed me, and you'll also find that at Hogwarts, those who ask for help always get it."

After finishing speaking, Dumbledore looked at the corner of the wall strangely, and Amosta, who had always been faintly peeping, followed Dumbledore's gaze and looked at it with deep eyes. Then, he smiled from the bottom of his heart, as if nothing had happened. Averted his eyes, and at this moment, he found that Lucius was also looking at himself,
"We will all miss you, Dumbledore—"

Lucius grinned, and he took out another piece of parchment similar to just now from his pocket, and continued,

"Now that Dumbledore's affairs are over, then, Amosta Bryan, I regret to inform you that the school board has also entrusted me to bring you a dismissal order. I always thought that sending an unknown As an investigator, entering Hogwarts is useless. Facts have proved that my judgment is correct, Amosta Bryan. I suggest you go back and pack your things now. In this way, you will not Will miss the earliest train tomorrow."

"How do you say that?"

Amosta smiled without any surprise,
"Of course, I am an investigator appointed by the school board, and it is also your right to dismiss me, but I have no intention of leaving Hogwarts right now—"

Lucius' eyes narrowed, and even Fudge officially set his sights on Amostar for the first time.

"--This is the order of the school board, Brian goes first, are you going to disobey it?"

"I'm afraid you're forgetting one thing, Mr. Malfoy,"

Amosta smiled happily,

"It is true that I am no longer a special investigator, but I am still the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts appointed by the headmaster Dumbledore himself, and the right to expel a professor is only in the hands of the headmaster, since Hogwarts is no longer Headmaster, then, I must stay at Hogwarts until the next headmaster arrives."

Lucius stared at Amosta coldly and said nothing, indeed, he missed this point.

"very good--"

After a while, Lucius Malfoy nodded his head, "When the next headmaster officially arrives, I will have a good discussion with him about the appointment of teachers in this school."

After saying this, Lucius ignored anyone and walked out.

"I believe that you must have a direction for what to do next, right?"

Amosta's insistence on staying made Dumbledore smile, and before leaving, he said to Amosta gently.

"Of course it is," Amosta smiled. "I'm not planning to stay out of it."

"Explain to me, Professor Blaine—"

Under Fudge's escort, Hagrid with an ugly face said hesitantly, "You know the situation, Professor Blaine, maybe you can help me clarify the misunderstanding."

Amosta is the only one left in the cabin that was crowded with people just now. Later, he will go back to his office to check how many things have been recorded by the surveillance he set up, but before that
Amosta looked towards the corner of the cabin, cleared his throat,
"The things here are over, three, how long are you going to hide?"

(End of this chapter)

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