Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 90 All Things (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 90 All Things (Please Subscribe)
The emerald willow branches swayed with the cool wind in the middle of the night, and the bright moonlight hit the shimmering lake. Except for the level of the school hospital, the dimly lit Hogwarts Castle exuded a cheerful and peaceful atmosphere again. The cloud that had shrouded the castle at that time had completely dissipated.

Dumbledore and Amosta walked side by side by the lake, neither of them was in a hurry to speak, but quietly enjoying the rare peace at this moment.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been settled, Headmaster Dumbledore, I'm afraid I will be leaving soon."

Five minutes later, Amosta stopped under a willow tree with a crooked neck. Facing the rippling lake water, he carefully savored the complicated emotions in his chest.

"Not thinking about it, Amosta?"

Dumbledore didn't seem surprised, but there was still obvious regret on his old face, he said sincerely
"In my opinion, you are a very competent professor. You get along very well with this school, and the little wizards also like you very much. If possible, I don't want to lose this excellent teacher."

Amostar smiled and said nothing, he believed that Dumbledore should be able to guess his choice.

Dumbledore looked more tired than at any other time this semester. He did not continue this topic. The long life gave him the wisdom that no one lost. What things can be changed and what things cannot be changed, Dumbledore Lido sees it better than anyone.


Dumbledore took out the tattered diary from his pocket. Earlier, he brought it out from the secret room. Under the moonlight, a drop of water jumped into the air with undulating waves and landed on the diary precisely. , and left clear water stains on it.

"I think you must have recognized what it was, Amostar?"

"Oh, Principal Dumbledore, you may think highly of me, I don't know anything about Horcruxes."

Amosta winked playfully at Dumbledore who smiled wryly. It is not so unreasonable to hide one thing in front of Dumbledore who has a wealth of life experience and is also a master of Legilimency. Easy, Amostar just used a joking method to express himself and didn't want to talk about Horcruxes in depth.

"As it should be."

Dumbledore put the diary back in his pocket, he took a deep breath, looked at the edge of the boundless forest, the dimly lit log cabin,
"There's one thing I'm afraid you can't pretend you don't know, Amosta—"

Dumbledore's tone became slightly dignified,

"I hope you can return the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets to me."

The rushing strong wind slammed the water waves against the shore of the lake, and at the same time, it also made Amosta's neatly combed gray hair flutter. He stretched out his hand to hold the top of his head, and sighed heavily through the sound of the raging wind.

Dumbledore knew that he did not kill the basilisk, of course, such a clumsy lie would not be able to deceive Dumbledore, Amosta even suspected that the great Mr. Headmaster next to him could not deceive him. His unique gaze had already 'saw' the basilisk lying in his arms.

Amosta said that in the Chamber of Secrets just to tell Dumbledore that he wanted to keep the basilisk. He thought that since he had solved the matter in the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore would not refuse this 'insignificant' request.

"I hope you will understand my difficulties, Amostar,"

Amosta with a 'stubborn face' made Dumbledore feel helpless,
"Hagrid is now imprisoned in Azkaban. I have to produce some evidence to prove to the Ministry of Magic that it was not the old spider named Aragog raised by Hagrid who attacked the little wizards 50 years ago and now. This diary has been destroyed
Also, I don't think Voldemort's Horcruxes are suitable to be shown as evidence, and the basilisk is a strong proof of that."

Amostar's expression became gloomy. To be honest, he really didn't think about Hagrid.

The situation was a bit tricky. Hagrid was Dumbledore's number one loyal confidant, and Amosta knew that it was absolutely impossible for Dumbledore to just let Hagrid be imprisoned in Azkaban.

However, if the basilisk is handed over, what should I do with my mission? Did I spend several months and use a very precious voodoo doll to resist Voldemort's curse on the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts? Is it a waste of time?

No, it is absolutely impossible.

Dumbledore read Amosta's attitude from his silence, and he continued,

"This basilisk needs to be handed over to the Ministry of Magic. Connelly ordered the Daily Prophet to remain silent about the two attacks on young wizards last term."

Amosta laughed and still didn't speak, but he was already thinking about what he should do if the situation really got out of hand later on.

Amosta will not be arrogant to think that he can defeat Dumbledore, but since he entered Hogwarts to study, he has spent so many years and prepared for so many years, if he even escaped from Dumbledore If he can't do it, then he is too useless.

Even, from the moment he accepted this task and decided to enter Hogwarts, Amosta had already foreseen the embarrassing situation.

Amosta stared at the gradually rising waves with dark eyes, and glanced at the big iron gate of the school from the corner of his eyes. He had already planned that once he made a move, he would leave the Hogwarts campus as quickly as possible. , and then fly away by Apparating.

The tacit understanding between Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge has nothing to do with him. As for Hagrid, he does feel a little sorry, but he believes that Dumbledore can handle this matter. After handing over the task to Kacus Foley, it's better to go to Azkaban by yourself.

It's just that he did feel a bit regretful that he didn't have the chance to say goodbye to Professor Snape, Hermione, and Harry.

The endless layers of lake water hit the river bank, and Dumbledore shook the crystal water droplets on his silver-white beard, already aware of the hostility emanating from Amosta's body, his expression looked even more helpless, his brows slightly Frowning, it seems that he is also thinking about how to solve the contradiction in front of him.


After a while, Dumbledore, who seemed to have decided on something, became happy again. He softly called Amosta's name, took out a money bag from his pocket, and handed it to Amosta. The appearance of this purse is not consistent with the funds allocated to Amosta by Dumbledore at the beginning of the semester, and it seems more like a personal item.

"What do you mean, Headmaster Dumbledore?"

Amosta squinted his eyes, only glanced at the money bag, then looked away, and looked directly at Dumbledore's slightly smiling eyes,
"Because I couldn't be awarded a special contribution medal, so I was replaced by a gold gallon as a reward?"

"That's not true, Amostar,"

Dumbledore's beard and hair, which are very different from ordinary people, reflected the white moonlight, as if his whole body was emitting brilliance. He blinked his blue eyes playfully like Amostar before,
"Actually, I didn't plan to talk about it—"

Under Amosta's puzzled eyes, Dumbledore said briskly,
"This is not a reward for special contributions, Mr. Jin Viper, this is the reward for the entrusted task you have accepted--"

(End of this chapter)

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