Immortal from the villains of Gundam Seed

Chapter 25 The Eye-Opening Ghost Hunter

Chapter 25 The Eye-Opening Ghost Hunter

The salute was roaring, and with a bang, all the soldiers lined up to greet us raised their guns.

The guard of honor slapped the standing body straighter, and at the same time raised his right hand and placed it between his eyebrows.

Lift your head at 45 degrees and lift your chin.

The eyes of all the soldiers fell on the dead comrades who were carried by two people.

Rhodes and the others stood at the end, and those who walked in the front were the soldiers who had died, the soldiers who were wounded, and those who returned from victory intact.

Xing Shoulang declined Rhodes' previous proposal to let him enter the camp with the wounded soldiers first.

Stick with him and stand at the end of the line.

Yan Zhu, who was passionate and enthusiastic, looked at the solemn ceremony in front of him.

And Tanjiro and others mourned silently.

Tanjiro, who has serious empathy, shed tears even more.

The little guy with a gentle nature, if he hadn't met a ghost, he must still be burning charcoal with his family in the mountains and forests of his hometown for a living.

Although poor, but will be very happy.

But because of the ghost... he also had to pick up the blade and choose to resist.

In the marching team, those sacrificed fighters were put into a black freezer for storage after being tidied up for the last time by the comrades in front of them.

The guards of honor closed the covers one by one for them solemnly, and then covered them with the flag with the family crest of Jibril.

Then all the soldiers on the scene raised their guns obliquely and fired nine empty guns at the sky.

The salute was also fired at this time.

After sending off the first two waves of special fighters, the ceremony of welcoming the victors and members of the Ghost Killing Squad officially began.

The dead are important, but the living also need to lift their spirits and show off their martial arts.

Compared with watching the ceremony from behind, when I personally participated in it, it felt very different.

Leading a group of ghost slayers whose hands and feet were bound and even stiffened, Rhodes performed the military salute in the salute decently and completed the whole journey.

After the ceremony was over, he looked at Xing Shoulang and the others with a funny face, dripping with sweat.

He didn't say much, just arranged their accommodation and medical staff, then politely said goodbye and left.

The rest of the matter will naturally be handled by the soldiers of the secret service battalion.

It's not Rhode's turn to worry about everything.

After being checked by the medical soldiers, it was confirmed that he was not injured, and he returned to the command center.

Lieutenant Colonel Kane, who had been waiting there for a long time, said with a very bad expression.

"I will take full responsibility for this loss."

Interrupting his review with a wave, Rhode quickly walked to the monitor and ordered.

"Turn on the surveillance video of all members of the Ghost Killing Squad."

Staring at the image that was immediately enlarged and projected onto the giant screen, Rhodes folded his arms and motioned for the lieutenant colonel to come over.

"We are not gods. Who would have thought that a winding ghost would rush out of the fire circle by controlling its body and throwing its head out."

"And it's not a bad thing either. Ghost King Wuyou is a cowardly guy, and he has the personal demonstration of Shangxian Ghost."

"Of course his fear of us will increase, but he won't even lose the confidence to fight."

"Otherwise, I'm really afraid that he will hide in that place called Infinite City forever, and we don't have a hundred years to spend with him forever."

After Rhodes' explanation, Lieutenant Colonel Kane himself did not fail to think of this level.

It's just that the lieutenant colonel, who is used to seeing life and death, felt a little guilty for a while when he was attacked by the winding ghost and lost soldiers.

In addition, as a commander, appropriate expression is also necessary.

Otherwise the soldier would be willing to follow a commander who regards soldiers as pawns.

"I understand, but these alone are not enough for the ghost king to crawl out of his tortoise shell by himself."

Lieutenant Colonel Kane and Rhodes, who recovered their mentality, stared at the screen together. Grandma Liu asked a group of people like Xing Shoulang in the Grand View Garden.

"Isn't there still that Mi Douzi? You haven't read the experimental record of Paradise Island, have you, a ghost immune to sun damage, what do you think of this gimmick?"

Hearing that ghosts can also be immune to the damage of sunlight suddenly, the rarely moved lieutenant colonel turned his head sharply, staring at Rhodes and asked.

"That Mi Douzi is immune to the sun's damage? You don't need to eat people, doesn't it completely eliminate the weaknesses and disadvantages of ghosts!"


With a chuckle, Rhodes said.

"It's not that bad. The damage from the ultraviolet light is indeed getting smaller and smaller for Mi Douzi."

"It won't be long before those scientists will consider testing it with real sunlight after it has completely lost its effect. After all, it is a unique treasure."

I watched the Ghost Slayer Squad members under surveillance for a while, especially after entering the room.

Butterfly Shinobu is listening to the introduction of the function of the shower room.

Talked softly to the soldiers on the console a few times, and switched the picture of Ninja Butterfly to the female soldiers.

Rhodes and Lieutenant Colonel Kane greeted each other, and were about to return to their rooms.

He was also very tired for tonight's game.

Overtime or something, if the lieutenant colonel is willing, let him do it himself, I can't do it.

Not to mention Lieutenant Colonel Kane, who is still standing at the headquarters like a door god.

A group of ghost hunters who were led to the living area by the soldiers of the secret service battalion were staring at everything in the camp with wide-eyed eyes.

Radiates bright, soft lights that turn on and off with the sound of footsteps.

The smooth and reflective walls, and the ground that can clearly illuminate the faces of people.

During the Taisho period, people in Dongying generally could not eat beef or anything, they could only eat pickled vegetables and barley rice.

But in the canteen in the camp.

Inosuke had already gnawed down three pieces of Tomahawk steak, and took a lot of tuna sashimi.

Holding a glass of black and bubbly drink, there are all kinds of fruits and vegetables that should appear in the current season and not in this season.

Butterfly ate it in small mouthfuls, which stood out among the crowd of voracious ghost hunters.

He glanced at a group of federal soldiers who also came to eat.

Butterfly endured their accustomed look, and slightly complained that they were arguing with the chef.

Inferred, this should be a real daily life.

In this case, fork a piece of red fruit that cannot be named.

She suddenly felt that the food she liked very much just now lost her appetite.

Compared with the treatment of the federal army, the Ghost Killing Squad is on the side.

It doesn't seem like much, although I'm sorry for the comrades of Fujisha.

But if you can enjoy such material treatment, everyone in the Ghost Killing Squad should be happier.

It should be said that it is the best meal I have eaten until now.

When they came to the residence, the restless Inosuke became interested in controlling the light switch again, and kept pressing it alone.

Tanjiro Zenitsu and the others, sweaty all over, followed Hibiki to the shower room with a huge bathtub.

He greeted guests politely and warmly, and introduced the furnishings of the bathroom in detail.

After listening to the introduction, Die Die Ren looked at the dazzling array of various skin care products and massage equipment, and fell into deep thought.

Is this heaven, sister?
After they finished washing, they also enjoyed the spa, and they already felt refreshed from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

Then put on the silk pajamas that are as soft as nothing, and feel the smooth touch.

Then buried the body deeply in the bed lined with velvet, enjoying the constant temperature, humidity and constant oxygen environment.

Now, Inosuke, the biggest one among the crowd, also has it.

What was my life like before?
How did I get here?

Thoughts like this kept popping up in their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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