In Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicle

Chapter 44 The Interrupted First Show (4)

Chapter 44 The Interrupted First Show ([-])

When the ranger with a bruised nose and a swollen face appeared at the gate, the reporters rushed up one by one.

Then Ranger glanced around, and saw a black guy on a high platform who was rapping.

So, Ranger ignored the reporter's messy loud voice and walked straight to the black man's high platform.

The black man was also savvy, and when he saw You Qi approaching with a bruised nose, he immediately stepped aside from his speech position.

So, You Qi stood at the microphone, looking at the hundreds of thousands of people below, and the cameras of various TV stations who wanted to stuff You Qi's face, You Qi said:

"A few years ago, among the black compatriots around me, there was a respectable and awe-inspiring gentleman named Martin Luther King."

As soon as You Qi opened his mouth, the strong black man beside him shed two lines of tears in a timely manner, which was captured by a TV camera.

It's not all about acting, and in this day and age, the weight of the name in the hearts of this group of black people is unparalleled.

"Of course, he was later assassinated, by a ridiculous racist."

When you said this, you looked around at the people around you, and then your voice amplified: "I know! Many people don't believe this is true, they think it's a conspiracy! They think it's some dirty, dark-hearted people in this country , the conspiracy of politicians who only know their own political career!"

When You Qi said this, he lowered his head: "I thought so too, but I don't think so now, do you know why?"

"..." There was silence underneath.

The corner of You Qi's mouth raised slightly, look, these ugly country guys are really easy to fool.

"Because I ran into a damn racist too."

As he spoke, tears welled up in You Qi's eyes at the right time.

Although his eyes were swollen to the point of a slit, everyone who saw him felt that his eyes were full of tears.

Some girls with strong empathy ability have already cried out.

Cut, these damn white left Madonna B's, well, they work really well.

You Qi curled his lips in disdain, and continued to babble: "Everyone must not know why I was arrested here.

That's because I'm in Devil City, and there's a bookstore.

Oh, you may not know Devil City, but it is a small coastal city three hours away from New York.

I have a bookstore there.

Yes, bookstores.

I'm being treated like this just because I own a bookstore. "

You Qi pointed to the scars on his face, no need for an injury appraisal, that swollen face like a pig's head already explained everything.

"I didn't understand at first how a country's secret service organization would take a fancy to my small bookstore...

But that person appeared...

Oh, sorry, I'm so useless, tortured and abused by him for more than 20 days, I don't even know the name of that person...

The man showed up and told me, I'm a bloody yellow monkey, it's my honor to give him that land.

Yes, the man was a Caucasian, I don't know if he was Anglo-Saxon, but that's exactly what he told me. "

There was a commotion at the bottom, and You Qi had changed the topic at this time, and continued to speak: "I used to wonder who did I offend, so I was treated like this!

Later I realized that I did not offend anyone!
No one is offended!
Just because I owned that cramped, dark, landed bookstore, and a white gentleman saw it there, not even himself, but one of his relatives in Devil City, who saw to my place..."

Now the people below have already made up their own brains.

You Qi didn't say much: "Then I was brought here. If it wasn't for you, they would definitely not let me out. They would definitely try to get me to press my fingerprints, and then take my bookstore as their own."

At this moment, You Qi pointed to the strong black man who was performing guard on the sidelines: "Their black leader... the former leader Mr. Martin once gave a speech. His dream is that one day children of all colors and nationalities can live without barriers. together.

But what I want to say is...

If those racists are not eliminated, Mr. Martin's dream will always be a dream. "

After finishing speaking, You Qi ignored the others and walked off the stage straight away.

At this time, a group of reporters surrounded him.

Ranger's head was buzzing from the noise, but he still pulled himself together and smiled at a camera: "I need to deal with my injuries now, as you have seen, these injuries on my body must be dealt with as soon as possible .”

Alright, as soon as these words came out, all the reporters backed away immediately, they didn't want to be accused of delaying someone's treatment.

The chaos here after that is also a gluttonous feast for the media.

After leaving here, I got into a car, and You Qi sat in the back seat, while Izzy took out the potion and handkerchief...

You Qi looked puzzled: "Izzy, what are you doing?"

Izzy blinked, something short-circuiting in her mind.

You Qi also blinked, then reacted, and wiped his face with his hand, so, in the words of a certain accordion president, the wound on his face disappeared miraculously.

Izzy opened his mouth, then silently put away the potion...

You Qi looked at Izzy suspiciously, then turned his head and smiled at Izzy who was driving: "How is the bookstore these days?"

Yaz replied while driving: "As you might expect, those people are still on the sidelines."

You Qi curled his lips: "Tsk, it's a pity, I thought they would take the initiative to come together, it seems that we have to add fire..."

Speaking of which, Ranger suddenly reacted, and looked at Izzy with a subtle look in his eyes.

Wait, I didn't give an order just now, did Izzy take the initiative to bring the wound medicine?
Izzy was a little uncomfortable being watched by the ranger, showing a puzzled expression.

You Qi: "Izzy, the way I was just now, are you angry? Angry?"

Izzy was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled politely: "Master Ranger, I am not angry."

You Qi sighed, sure enough, the technological singularity has not yet come...

"However, I didn't let me deal with the injury on your face, so I'm a little disappointed..."

Ranger looked at Izzy silently...


Why is it a little subtle?


When You Qi returned to the bookstore, a driver from an ugly country's transportation company sent You Qi an invoice.

You Qi opened it and took a look. Hey, Obadiah, this guy waited and watched after he was captured by the FBI. Now the FBI people couldn't handle it, and released the Ranger on parole. He came to sell it again, and It is a more expensive set of furniture.

Am I like the kind of person who values ​​these things?

While signing his name, You Qi told the driver to send him to his villa.

The driver nodded and agreed, this driver is certainly not an ordinary driver.

Ordinary drivers will not receive jobs that come into contact with rangers.

You Qi lay on his recliner, waiting quietly. In the evening, a figure appeared.

Ranger smiled: "Is it finally here?"

Agent Carter's eyes were complicated, and he sighed after a long time: "I'm sorry, I..."

Ranger waved his hand: "I don't blame you for this matter. After all, the title of consultant I hang in your S.H.I.E.L.D. is just a title."

Carter wanted to defend himself: "I've been trying to find a relationship these days to get you..."

You Qi nodded at the table: "We understand a lot of things, so we don't need to be too direct. You and I are not subordinates, and we are not friends. Of course, you could be my friends once, but you didn't grasp it. Opportunity, now I have come out, I didn't use special power to come out, are you disappointed?"

Carter was speechless.

Because what she knew was that the reason why some gentlemen on Capitol Hill refused her request was because they wanted to see how the Rangers would break the situation.

It was indeed an accident that the FBI came to arrest people without the consent of the upper echelon, but after this incident happened, some people discovered...

Isn't this a good opportunity to observe the ability of this guy?

Then they were disappointed, the Rangers didn't use special power at all, they just spent their favorite and best money offensive, and fished themselves out...

It has to be said that they were very disappointed.

Well, I'm not that disappointed. After all, if the rangers use special abilities, like those damned mutants, then these gentlemen on Capitol Hill will have even more headaches.

It's so good now, play money?Then what are we afraid of?This is an area we are familiar with!We have a wealth of experience to line up with you.

Agent Carter made her own decision to come this time, because her S.H.I.E.L.D. agency was of no use to her when the ranger was arrested this time, and she was of no help at all.

This is very different from her original idea.

In her mind, S.H.I.E.L.D. is to protect all mankind, and no matter how bad it is, it also protects the entire United States.

The status of the organization should be a bit anyway.

Now it seems that those old guys on Capitol Hill only regard S.H.I.E.L.D. as a third secret service organization.

And this is her current embarrassing situation.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded, the power had not yet been collected, so she couldn't speak up.

This guy Howard has a group of people under him, but it's a pity that all of him are scientific researchers, the king of the laboratory, and the lowest in the power struggle.

Of course, everyone has to give them face in scientific research.

However, it's useless, and it can't change the fact that Agent Carter currently has few cards in his hand, and most of the people who can use them are taking orders from Capitol Hill.

You Qi: "You really can't do better, so I don't blame you. So what do you want to come here?"

Carter came back to his senses, thought for a while and said, "I'm just here to explain. I hope there will be no gap between you and us."

You Qi looked at Carter playfully: "Why do you think I have a estrangement with you? I still say that, I am not friends with you."

Carter: "But didn't you say you wanted to be Tony's godfather?"

You Qi spread his hands: "I think about it now, but didn't Howard refuse?"

Carter: "...then you don't regard us as friends, why do you still want to be Tony's godfather?"

Ranger looked puzzled: "Does it matter?"

"Of course there is!"

You Qi smiled: "Well, you think there is something. Is there anything else? I still have work to do."

Carter looked at You Qi warily: "What do you want to do? Hey, listen to me, this time I know you are very dissatisfied, but you can't vent your anger on those ordinary people..."

You Qi waved his hand: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not that tasteless, I just want to play a game with them.

As for anger?

Ha, they helped kick off my game, I can't thank you enough, how could I be angry? "

 Grass!Played five games and didn't win one!Desperate Country and Golden Kingdom are disgusting, I'm so stupid, go back and continue to play my Sky Striker, Desire Man has excluded all three of my rain and sky, and I have 15 extra cards and only three of them, Except for staring at the rain, I really vomited blood. Originally, DL was boring, so I came to play MD. As a result, I was punished by heaven in MD!It's too dark too!Zhuo!Forget it, let's go play DL. Anyway, a DL round is at most 5 minutes, and you can play a few more games. ————[Then play the machine world and wait for death first, the robot can't beat it, but unfortunately I don't know how to post the picture, otherwise it will definitely be Kangkang... Hahahahaha]

(End of this chapter)

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