In Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicle

Chapter 47 The Interrupted First Show (7)

Chapter 47 The Interrupted First Show ([-])

"Crack", the sound of the glass bottle smashing to the ground.

This is the Clinton district on the west coast of Manhattan Island in New York.

Or his other name - Hell's Kitchen - more people know.

This place is already full of chaos, violence, crime and... poverty.

In the past, they could do some hard work and serve as screws for the factory assembly line.

Or do some valet parking for some people, just to help take care of the luxury cars of the rich, so as not to be blown out, flattened, or simply stolen.

Or... pick up some people who need to sell "washing powder" jobs.

In short, people here are doing dirty and illegal work.

And the ZF here...

Sorry, there is no ZF and no managers here.

The police would rather go around than cross the block when they are on the street, unless they are off duty.

Because after get off work, on a certain street here, those poor women who have lost their feet with sparse cloth are waiting for people to rescue them.

Unfortunately, that was before.

It turns out that the human appetite is above all desires.

Because, if you don’t eat, you will be hungry, and you will be hungry for too long...

will die...

No one manages this place in Hell's Kitchen, no one pays attention to it, so naturally...

No one invests.

In other words, the resources here are relatively fixed.

If you want more, either, go out and grab it from the other block...  


The sound of shouts and gunfire rang in my ears. The boy, who was thin because of hunger, hid behind the wall of a building. He looked at the gangsters who were fighting on the battlefield in the distance, without blinking his eyes. Yes, to see everything.

After a long time, the gunfire disappeared, and the surviving people left here, while the dead...

Anyway, if the New York ZF doesn't give money, no one is willing to clean up here. In the end, only gangsters think that these corpses hinder traffic and prevent them from making money, and send people to clean them up.

The little boy limped out from the shadow of the wall, looked at the corpses lying in a pool of blood, opened his mouth, and wanted to shout a word, but after a long time, he closed his mouth.

He knew that even if he called out his father, the man who fell on the ground would not be able to respond to him.

Yes, in order to survive, one must either go out and snatch the resources of other blocks, or...the only way is to reduce the number of people here.

This can also temporarily solve the urgent need.

The child was silent for a moment, then turned and left.

The child knows that if he wants to continue to live, he can't stay here to pretend and shed a few useless tears.

He must move on.

Although in the future, no one in this world will call his name like his father, call him...Wilson...


A fire in Hell's Kitchen isn't news.

What's more, now people don't care why there is a fight in that goddamn shabby place.

Even in the House of Representatives in New York, no one cares about this. What they are discussing now is the red number of stocks on the New York Stock Exchange that makes their blood pressure soar.

Among the countless red numbers, the few green ones couldn't suppress their throbbing blood vessels at all.

Although employment is encouraged, no matter how many people work and earn money, it will not be able to fill the retail bank loans to individuals.

What's more, the fact is that job opportunities are becoming less and less.

Small banks have lent out the money they took from depositors, and now they can’t get it back. Depositors are eager to repay all kinds of loans, installments, and ask for money.

What should depositors do now that big banks have lent money to small businesses?
Enterprise, you borrowed our money, should you pay it back?

Small Business: None!roll!

Big Bank: Oops, are you quite arrogant?I'll go straight to the means!Freeze your business funds!Hey, I'm afraid.

Small Business: I filed for bankruptcy.

Big Bank: ...

Then, the big banks looked at the loans of their big customers and big companies.

Big Bank: Bro, look at the money I lent you earlier...

Big Business: All right, here, these are interest rates.

Big Bank: I mean, is it possible for us, this, the principal...

Large enterprises: Didn’t they agree to pay it back in ten years?Why, do you want to speak without counting?It's clearly written in the black and white contract!If you dare to ask for money, we will file a lawsuit!
Big Bank: ...

Then, small companies went bankrupt, small banks went bankrupt, and big banks couldn't get enough cash flow in a short time.

A large number of people are unemployed, which has also led to a large number of New Yorkers unable to pay property taxes and land taxes, so they can only sell their properties or be recovered by banks.

Then the bank found that there were a lot of houses and cars in their hands, but no one took over the orders, so they couldn't be sold.

Huge numbers of New Yorkers lost their jobs.

It should be said that lost - decent - jobs.

The impact of the economic crisis is only just beginning.

It hasn't hit the Midwest yet.

The price of meat, eggs and milk is only a few cents higher than before.

This price increase is within the acceptable range.

It's just that there are far fewer job opportunities than in the past.

As a result, many companies have begun to squeeze their employees.

Does it look familiar?

Hey, if the economy is going down, it must be using people as pigs and dogs.

Anyway, you dare not resign.

As for after the economy improves, then I should restrain myself a bit, if it doesn’t work, I can change the batch of people, and change the batch of people, so that the squeeze is not so fierce, is it all right?

As for face?How much is that face worth?

Politicians in New York are not stupid, of course they know what's going on.

But every time the economic crisis begins, why can't it be blocked?

In fact, the reason is very simple.

After the quarrel, the politicians will let their people clear their positions as soon as they go home, and arrange for the "brick family" to announce on TV that "XX stock" will definitely rise in the future, and now they will make a profit without losing money .

What?Why not try to solve the crisis?

I can gain greater benefits in the economic crisis. Why should I solve it?

Yes, the economic crisis, the crisis has never been these high-ranking politicians.

The people below can't afford meat, eggs and milk?What does it have to do with them?
Of course, one thing I have to admit is...

There are indeed more elites in New York than in other places.


Many people avoid this minefield...

And this minefield is spreading towards the continent of Ugly Country.

Also heading towards...

Other countries spread...

During this period, Bilson and his girlfriend went from a three-storey villa, to an ancestral home in the suburbs, to a rental house in the heart of New York.

This progress spanned three levels and took just over a year.

Although it is running all the way down.

Once, Bilson was full of ambition and planned to work hard to redeem his girlfriend's villa in one year.

But the end result is...

"Ang, yes, then I did receive your autograph." A middle-aged Caucasian man in a suit confirmed that it was all right and nodded to Bilson and Lina.

Bilson held Lina's hand tightly, with an unnatural expression on his face.

He is ashamed of his own incompetence and angry at his own incompetence.

Lina didn't care about this, she just smiled and nodded to the manager who came to confirm the transfer of the property.

The manager exhaled: "This is really true. This is already the third transfer confirmation signature I have come to collect this month. In this world... well, anyway, I wish you a happy life."

After seeing off the manager, Bilson closed the door and sat down on the sofa in a somewhat decadent manner.

one Year.

In the past year, since he was delisted by the FBI, everything has gone wrong.

He has special agent ability, latent ability, understands electronic warfare, and understands operational warfare.

Sadly, these farts are useless when it comes to job hunting.

When I went to an electronics factory to apply for a job, he said clearly and logically, and then others said, you are right, and the technology is also qualified, but we only need an employee who solders circuit boards on the assembly line, and we don’t need you, who will stare at the management as soon as you come. guy.

After all, the position of management has to be reserved for a worthless relative in one's own family.

Bilson hit a wall for three months. For three full months, a man who could be called an elite agent did not find a job for three months.

Bilson caved.

After all, he couldn't bear to see Lina go out early and come back late every day, running around the news just to take care of the family.

You know, Lina used to be the host of a well-known radio station in New York.

Now it's reduced to running news with a bunch of young girls who just graduated, squatting on the news...

Bilson succumbed to reality.

It's not that he hasn't thought about asking his old connections for help.

The reply I got was:

FBI: We are still monitoring you. By the way, because of the economic downturn, one person is enough to monitor you, but many people are afraid of being labeled as idlers and fired, so now there are three people watching You, you alone created three jobs, and everyone is thankful to you.

He secretly contacted his father, wanted to contact Hydra through his father, and asked for help, and the reply he got was: lurking, waiting for notification.

You said you asked him for money, and the reply was: lurking, waiting for notification.

You asked him to help, and the reply was: lurking, waiting for notification.

You say you lost your job, and the reply is: lurking, waiting to be notified.

You said that you have important information to report, and the reply is: lurking, wait...wait, what important information?
Bilson went berserk and smashed the communication device connected with Hydra to pieces.

And at this moment, he remembered something...

A year ago, when I was locked in the interrogation room, a person who claimed to be a branch of the "East Asian Hydra" came to the interrogation room, and the person who disappeared after saying something inexplicable to him...

If he remembers correctly...

that person is...

devil city.

 Well, I started to push it today, and it is updated twice a day. I will go to the codeword first. I am paralyzed. I don’t know who brought it up. Chapters, and then there are recommended two chapters a day, Wo Ri, I feel like I’m in a hurry to save the twenty chapters...It’s over in a few days...


(End of this chapter)

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