I, the younger brother of Superman, got the Thanos template

214. The new comic book starts with infinite treasures

New comic book starts with infinite treasures

Traveling to the Marvel world, cities, humans and even the entire world have to face endless crises of destruction from time to time, like threads on a sweater.

She lives in Ping An, New York City, and her name is Wayne. She is Gwen's childhood sweetheart who grew up with Spider. She has just gained the power and has not yet realized the burden of this power.

It's full, really full.

Wayne West feels that the buffs on his body are full!
Fortunately, I had an extra roulette wheel in my mind that day.

Black Shadow Mask, Jedi Lightsaber, Twelve Talisman, Eight Demonic Qi, Seven-Colored Light Ring, Six Gods Power Scepter, City Superman Potion, Platinum Kryptonite, Omega Effect...

"By consuming justice points, you can extract treasures from other worlds infinitely. It seems... not bad?"

Looking at his golden finger, Wayne raised his eyebrows.


The prince of Asgard who leads the alien army to invade the earth, the robot Ultron who wants to destroy the world and purify the world, the world-destroying overlord who snaps his fingers and wants to kill half of all life in the universe, the god of the universe who ruthlessly wants to cut open the earth and save his kind...

Many years later, when one cruel and powerful villain after another fell at the feet of the greatest superhero.

People will never forget his power as a god on earth, his noble character of integrity and selflessness, and his supreme achievements in saving the earth countless times.

Of course, there are also the words that the great and humble man often talks about.

——"Oh, my friend, you are the real hero!"

A new book has been released. Interested students can take a look. This time, Marvel is starting to make the book longer. Click on the author's avatar to go directly to it. Thank you.

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