Chapter 14 Hat trick?

Above the entire stadium... there are the crazy roars of Huo Cun fans...the hysterical roars...

They have longed for victory for too long, and their ambitions before the start of the season have been exhausted by the cruel reality. Now they are no longer asking for more, they just want the team not to be relegated, that's all they want!

But Marco, who was replaced during the winter break, was still too disappointing.

Fortunately, the team found Marcus, this is an old acquaintance of the fans, if there is any hope now, it is this.

There are also many fans who pay attention to the youth team, and they all know Lin Yi's name, but they didn't expect that this young guy scored two goals in his first appearance on behalf of the first team, helping the team reverse the game, and immediately attracted the love of all Huo Village fans.

At this moment, whoever can save the team will become their savior and be worshiped by all Huo Village fans.

Lin Yi didn't think about this, but ran crazily and vented. Seeing Marcus hugging the assistant coach on the sidelines, he rushed over excitedly, hugged him, and thanked him excitedly.

No matter what the purpose of this person is, but bringing him to the first team and letting him start the game must be a kindness to him. In order to repay the opponent, we can only try our best to win the game to repay him and help him stabilize. handsome.

When the game restarted, Hoffenheim began to retreat to defend, leaving Lin Yi alone in the frontcourt. This move was criticized by the fans.

Everyone is dissatisfied with the team's conservative performance. After all, it is not safe to have an advantage of only one goal. If you want to win the game, you must score another goal. If you start defending now, you will only give the opponent a chance to score. What's more, Hoffenheim's defense is not satisfactory.

And this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. It is not that Hoffenheim has never taken the lead in the previous games, but they have not won a few games, which has already explained the consequences.

Let's talk about the home game, who wants to see their team play such a rogue formation at home.

Therefore, for the team's move, the fans cursed one after another, and there were bursts of boos from the fans stands.

Marcus was not worried about this. The formation he redesigned was not for fighting out, but for retracting. Only retracted fists can hurt more.

Lin Yi's ability to score two goals was actually beyond his expectations, but his requirement for the team is to defend first after taking the lead. After leading in the first half, the team did not do well, so his midfielder It was time to mention this matter.

Now he is quite satisfied seeing this scene. Except for Lin Yi, who is outstanding in speed, everyone in his lineup has returned according to his request.

It is impossible to completely reinvent a team in four days, either based on defense or offense, it is impossible to have both at the same time, at least not within four days.

Compared to offense, stacking people in the half court is the simplest and most rude.

In addition to the substitution of the defensive line, the former winger Fabian Johnson was withdrawn to the full-back. Marcus Gisdor also used Polanski as a defensive midfielder, and the two remaining midfielders were also defensive. .

In addition to the Brazilian striker, even another winger Wallander is capable of defense.

For Hoffenheim's defensive tactics, Düsseldorf's reaction was of course to attack, so they pressed heavily. Of course, they didn't dare to go too far. Lin Yi was putting pressure on the midfielder. This little guy But after entering two, no one dared to underestimate him.

Even if they press hard, they will not forget to keep two people, and one of them will never leave Lin Yi.

Even so, it is still difficult to achieve results in the face of Hoffenheim's iron barrel formation.

Facing the defending Hoffenheim, the Düsseldorf team frequently scored Hoffenheim's half. Although there was no further threat to the goal, Hoffenheim couldn't counterattack. Every time they passed the ball to Lin Yi He would be double-teamed from front to back, and no one would come up to meet him. Lin Yi was alone and helpless in front.

Under the continuous attack of Dusseldorf, Hoffenheim finally showed a flaw, David Abraham made a mistake, Tesedo intercepted the ball in Huocun's half, and passed the ball to Balogon, Balogon In the cross, Lamberts received the ball and swayed Baker, but was pulled down by Weiss.

Dusseldorf got a free kick from 23 meters, and Weiss received a yellow card.

Gomez immediately began to organize a human wall and stood ready.

Standing in front of the ball, Bellinghausen sped up and kicked, and the football drew a wonderful arc. The players in front of the penalty area pushed and pushed one after another, trying to compete for the top. Finally, Lambert hit the ball for the first time, and Gomez blocked it. After a while, he let go, and Bellinghausen, who rushed into the penalty area, arrived immediately. At the critical moment, David Abraham arrived and blocked Bellinghausen's shot with his back.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief and let go of their hanging hearts, but they still didn't dare to be careless because there was still a corner kick.

David Abraham made up for his mistake by turning his back on it.

Just now was the opportunity given by David Abraham's mistake. After Huo Cun's defense returned, Düsseldorf's corner kick was still easily defended.

Gomez kicked out directly. Because of the team, Lin Yi withdrew deeper and got the ball easily, while Dusseldorf had only two players left in the half.

Seeing that the opportunity was not lost, Lin Yi directly kicked out the ball, quickly started to catch up with the football, looked up at Balogon who was rushing over, and thought, this is a good opportunity, and it should not be wasted. The ball staggered across the ball, confusing Balogun. Taking advantage of the moment when Balogun was stunned, he suddenly swung the ball outward with his right foot, but his body moved from the left.

The ball is divided!

And Balogun was about to take a kick, but Lin Yi had already broken through him in an instant, and Balogun, who was unsuccessful in his hasty kick, slipped and fell to the ground.

Turning his head to look at the fallen Balogon, Lin Yi lightly tapped the ball with his toes, and then accelerated again.

Lin Yi also acted subconsciously. He didn't expect that his half-baked breakthrough could surprise others, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. It seemed that the heavens wanted him to fulfill his dream of a hat-trick.

Lin Yi looked up for a while, and now it was Düsseldorf defender Ratka standing in front of him!
Lin Yi also knew that there was not much time left for him, the opposing players were quickly returning to defense, and Balogon was about to kill him.

Lin Yi directly dribbled the ball towards Latka, he didn't want to avoid it at all, he didn't have time to avoid it.

With his right foot, he tapped the ball to the left lightly, avoiding Latka's foot, followed by a smash, and it passed!

Before he had time to think about it, facing the attacking goalkeeper, Lin Yi chose to shoot with a burst!
(End of this chapter)

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