Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 30 The Escape of the Phantom Thief Kidd

Chapter 30 The Escape of the Phantom Thief Kidd

When Robin turned around the corner, he bumped into something soft.

Immediately afterwards, a female exclamation sounded from the corridor.

Robin took a closer look and saw Vicki Weir fell down and sat on the ground, rubbing her head for some unknown reason.

"You... are you Robin?"

Vicky, who was sitting on the ground, saw that the person in front of her was Robin, her face was suddenly happy, and she was not in a hurry to stand up immediately, but pointed behind her instead.

"Phantom Thief Kidd ran over suddenly just now. I was going to catch up and stop him, but I didn't expect you to follow behind and knock me down."

Looking in the direction of Vicky's finger, he could indeed see the back of the Kaitou Kidd in the corridor, and he had already run some distance away.

"He threw me this thing when he ran over. It looked like a tape recorder. I don't know what it means."

Vicky raised her hand to show Robin, it was a small black slender box, the overall size was small, not much bigger than an ordinary lighter.

Robin looked at Kaitou Kidd, then at Vicky.

"I'm sorry, Miss Will."

Without thinking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Vicky's face to confirm whether she might be Kaitou Kidd in disguise.

Also don't forget to apologize in advance.

"Oh! What are you doing?"

Caught off guard, Vicky screamed when her face was pulled.

It's the real face, Vicky is not Kaitou Kidd.

But...why would Vicki Weir appear in this place at this time?
And the tape recorder that Kaitou Kidd threw to her, what does that represent?
Obviously being hunted down, why did he make such a move, what is the content of the recording pen?
Even before the auction started, when Robin met Vicki Weir in the diner as Dick, she seemed to be looking for Greetard Ethan, who was later Phantom Kidd's disguise. Could there be some connection between these two events?

After confirming Vicky's identity, not only did not solve the problem, but it caused more doubts in Robin's heart.

It's just that he doesn't have time to think about these questions now.

"We can't let Kaito Kidd get away!"

Robin temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, and ran after the back of Kaitou Kidd.

Vicky looked at the two people who were going away one after the other, her eyes suddenly became serious, she stood up and started her own actions.

But she didn't follow what Kaito Kidd and Robin meant, but turned the corner to the corridor before Kaitou Kidd and them.

That is, the corridor leading to the gate of the auction hall.

Tread, step, step!
Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, Kaitou Kidd glanced back, and said in a helpless tone, "Here we go again! Why are you like a dog's skin plaster, grabbing me and making you so persistent?"

"If you really want to hear an answer, then I have to say, yes!"

Robin said firmly.

"is it?"

Kaitou Kidd looked ahead, and the stairs were about less than 15 meters away to the right, and he suddenly had a plan in mind.

"It seems that if you don't get rid of you here, you plan to bite me to death!"

The Kaitou Kidd steadied his body, turned around and said coldly to Robin. He didn't know when he had a strangely shaped silver-white pistol in his hand.

The first time I saw Phantom Thief Kidd using a pistol, Robin's eyes suddenly changed, not because of fear or nervousness, but because he couldn't believe it.

"He wants to kill me? Could it be that I was wrong about Kaitou Kidd before?"

Robin was on alert, observing the movements of Kaito Kidd's hands. Unlike Batman's suit, his uniform was also made of good bulletproof materials.

However, in order to maintain light mobility, the Robin uniform does not use a large amount of thick Kevlar mixed titanium alloy armor like the bat suit, but has done more lightweight processing. At most, some arm armor, leg armor and knee pads are added to the original uniform. This makes the overall bulletproof effect of the Robin uniform not ideal.

If Robin is also put on a uniform similar to the bat suit, he will not be able to ensure the flexibility and lightness of his actions. This is due to the physical gap between Robin and Batman.

Only a gunshot was heard, and the Kaitou Kidd actually shot Robin.

However, instead of bullets, what came out of the gun was a playing card, and the speed of the playing card was also slower than that of the pistol bullet.

Robin, who had been prepared for a long time, dodged naturally, as if following some kind of instinct.


Robin didn't quite figure out what the gun was for a while, and subconsciously turned his body sideways, letting the playing cards fly past.

"A poker pistol?"

Robin, who was dodging the playing cards, realized that he was dumbfounded immediately.

Kaitou Kidd's weapon looks weird, and it's even weirder to use.

Who the hell would want to make a pistol that shoots cards like bullets?

Rumble rumble rumble!

At this moment, a cylindrical object suddenly rolled in front of Robin, and then released a cloud of gray mist with a puff, quickly spreading to envelop Robin.

The fog is not thick, and the line of sight is not greatly affected.

"Did Kaito Kid forget that I'm wearing a gas mask?"

Robin raised his eyebrows, didn't pay much attention to the gray mist, and continued to approach the Phantom Thief Kidd on the opposite side.

Then, he saw Phantom Thief Kidd showing a weird smile.

The hand of Kaitou Kidd who was not holding the gun suddenly moved, and the playing card that flew past Robin actually flew back, directly inserted into the gap between the gas mask and Robin's cheek, and cut off part of the mask's straps along the way.


At this moment, Robin saw an extremely small transparent silk thread wrapped around the playing cards!

Without giving Robin a chance to react, Kaitou Kidd yanked back the hand holding the silk thread.

With a click, the gas mask on Robin's face was pulled off, and part of the gray mist was inhaled by Robin.

"Cough cough cough! Is this... tear gas?"

Robin immediately squatted down holding his breath, blocked his mouth and nose with one hand, and tried to grab the gas mask that fell on the ground with the other hand.

Another poker card was shot, knocking the gas mask farther away.

Rumble rumble rumble!

At the same time, three bursts of tear gas rolled over, filling the corridor with gray mist.

"Goodbye, Mystery Boy, if you hurry back to the auction venue now, you'll still have a chance to watch another good show."

Kaitou Kidd smiled slightly, and saw that he stretched out his hand and swung the cloak upwards to cover his whole body.

The white cloak gradually fell to the ground under the action of gravity, and the figure of Kaitou Kidd had long since disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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