Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 40 A 15-day large-scale exhibition

Chapter 40 A 15-day large-scale exhibition

Gotham City Library, dining area.

In the middle of a wordless chat with Barbara, Dean had almost finished his cheese and beef tacos.

At this moment, the old-fashioned hanging TV in the restaurant, which was broadcasting The Big Bang Theory, suddenly interrupted a piece of news.

"This is Gotham Channel [-], I'm the host Recie White, and I'm going to break in a piece of news."

"At this moment, the person being interviewed in front of us is one of Gotham's oldest families, the contemporary hostess of the Chandler family - Mrs. Navedaran Chandler. Just an hour ago, Mrs. Chandler announced an exciting news!"

"She decided to exhibit the 'Dragon Egg Ruby Necklace', an heirloom inherited by the Chandler family for hundreds of years, to the public. This is the first time that the Chandler family has agreed to publicly display this necklace to the outside world!"

"It is rumored that a total of 130 diamonds are inlaid on this necklace to set off the huge ruby ​​hanging on it. It is said that this gemstone has the magic power to keep people young forever. Many people think that Mrs. Chandler, who is over 20 years old, is at least [-] years younger than she looks because of wearing this necklace. It is not known whether it is true or not."

Hearing this news break, Dean's heart moved, and he raised his head and looked at the TV seemingly inadvertently.

Coincidentally, Barbara also turned her head to watch TV, and the two of them made the same movements at the same time, maybe Barbara's movements were a little faster.

"Is this the so-called girl who can't resist the temptation of jewelry?"

Glancing at the back of Barbara's head, Dean thought to himself.

"It is worth mentioning that Kidd, the strange thief who has been very active in Gotham recently, has committed crimes twice in a row. Why did Mrs. Chandler decide to exhibit the 'Dragon Egg Ruby Necklace' at this time? Now please let us switch the scene to the interview scene."

On the TV, as soon as the news host Recy White finished speaking, the TV screen switched to a plaza full of people.

Mrs. Chandler was surrounded by dozens of reporters, and the flash lights clicked.

"Mrs. Chandler, you have always insisted on opposing the public display of the 'Dragon Egg Ruby Necklace', but now you suddenly proposed it. What is the reason for you to change your attitude?"

A blond female reporter that Dean knew very well squeezed into the front row and raised the microphone to ask Mrs. Chandler a question.

The female reporter was Vicki Weir.

She really deserves to be Gotham's most well-known star reporter, almost every hot event in Gotham can see her rushing to the front line.

"There's no particular reason, it's just that as I get older, many obsessions from my youth have now figured out."

Mrs. Chandler said as usual, her expression was very calm, as if these were really what was in her heart.

"The 'Dragon Egg Ruby Necklace' is not only an heirloom of the Chandler family, but also a treasure that belongs to the entire Gotham. Although I cannot donate it to the museum against the will of my ancestors, I think all Gotham people have the right to see this gem with their own eyes."

"So——" Mrs. Chandler's eyes flashed an imperceptible strangeness, but she quickly covered it up.

"I decided to invest together with the Copperpot family to hold a grand exhibition at the Museum of Natural History. The exhibition will last from March [-]st to the [-]th, and all tickets will be reduced to [-]% off during the exhibition period."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

There is nothing wrong with the exhibition that lasted for half a month, and there is nothing wrong with paying [-]% off the tickets out of your own pocket. It is not a big problem to choose the venue at the Natural History Museum.

But with the Coppert family investing together, the problem is not so big.

The Copperpot family can be regarded as a veteran nobleman in Gotham. It used to be above the Chandler family. Unfortunately, the glory of the past is long gone. Today, the Copperpot family is dying, and only Oswald Copperpot is left in the whole family.

Everyone knew that he had another identity, a chilling identity.


Why did the Penguin and the Chandler family jointly fund the exhibition?

"Mrs. Chandler, Oswald Copperpot is currently being investigated by the relevant authorities for suspected underground money laundering. Are you not afraid of accidents if you cooperate with him now?"

Vicky continued.

Mrs. Chandler glanced at her indifferently, and said: "Please pay attention to your words, Miss Reporter, I just know that there is no evidence to prove that Coppert participated in money laundering. If you continue to say such irresponsible words, I will ask the security to ask you out."

"Well, if you insist, then I apologize for my previous remarks, and if you can, please answer my last question."

Seeing the other party's attitude, Vicky's eyes flickered, and finally asked: "Mrs. Chandler, have you heard of Kaitou Kidd? This is a jewel thief who has been active in Gotham recently. Aren't you worried that Kaito Kidd will stare at your necklace?"

"I know this thief, but I am not afraid of him. I am very confident in the future security work of the exhibition."

Mrs. Chandler said with a confident expression.

"The above is the whole content of the news. Thank you for watching. I am the host Rexi White. Please look forward to our next program. I will report the latest news to you at any time."

At this point, the news broadcast ended, and the TV resumed playing The Big Bang Theory in a loop.

After reading the news, Dean was lost in thought.

Joint exhibition with Penguin?Is this some century joke?

Unless that Mrs. Chandler is out of her mind, it is impossible to cooperate with Penguin no matter what she thinks.

The only possibility is that Penguin forced her to display the necklace publicly.

But the question is, why did Penguin do this?If he wanted the necklace, he could simply snatch it or buy it, which was too easy for him.

What good does it do Penguin to simply put a priceless gemstone necklace on public display?
"It seems that the drunkard's intention is not to drink..."

Dean thought silently in his heart.

"Hey Dean, can I call you Dean? It just occurred to me that I have some important work to do, so I have to go first."

At this time, Barbara suddenly told Dean that she was in a hurry, and then ran away without a trace.

Seeing her anxious expression, Dean didn't think too much about it, besides, he also has an "urgent matter" right now.

On the other side, the Iceberg Club.

The Penguin watched the news on TV at the same time, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Are you so sure that Phantom Thief Kidd will be so obviously fooled?"

In the shadows in the corner, a figure loomed.

"Hmph, no one in Gotham would fall for that...but I'm sure he'll come!"

Penguin smiled coldly and said firmly.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as you kill the Kaitou Kidd, you can get 50, right? I just need to know this."

The figure in the corner gradually disappeared.

"The Burning Phantom Thief... Maybe it will be a good work."

 Still the same sentence, brothers, if there is any problem, if you feel uncomfortable, just say it directly, don’t delete the book

(End of this chapter)

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