Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 62 Got the Necklace (Please collect it! Please follow up!)

Chapter 62 Got the Necklace (Please collect it! Please follow up!)
Just a second ago, there was a sudden power outage in the book exhibition hall, and all the lights inside and outside were turned off.

The scene behind the automatic door became pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

Not only the book exhibition hall, Robin turned around and looked around, and all the thirteen exhibition halls of the Natural History Museum were in a blackout.

Only a dozen or so street lamps on the square still had a faint light.

The sudden power outage can be said to be unexpected and reasonable.

Almost every time Kaito Kidd takes action, there will be a power outage on the scene, and Robin has long been prepared for this.

It's a pity that the Kaitou Kidd successfully cut off the power in the end, and Robin didn't expect the time of the power outage to be now.

Without electricity, it is naturally impossible for the automatic sensor door to open automatically.

After such a delay, I'm afraid Kaitou Kidd is already on his way to the exhibition hall on the top floor of the cultural relics exhibition hall.

Robin looked at the tightly closed automatic door in front of him. He now has several ways to break through the door quickly.

Such as breaking open the door with brute force, or blowing the door open with a sticky bomb.

But in that case, Kaitou Kidd will be completely left behind.

Robin didn't hesitate at all. After noticing the power outage in the museum, he immediately changed the route.

"If Kaito Kidd still chooses to go to the cultural relics exhibition hall through that ventilation duct, he should go there..."

While running, Robin took out a hook gun and fired a rope towards the top of the book exhibition hall.

Immediately afterwards, with the help of ropes, the whole person swung to the east side of the main building of the book exhibition hall.

That is where the air corridor connecting the book exhibition hall and the cultural relics exhibition hall is located.

When he was about to swing to the top of the corridor, Robin let go of the rope, followed the momentum of the swing, jumped high, made several somersaults in the air, and landed on the corridor as lightly as a swallow.

Robin ran non-stop to the vent at the end of the corridor.

And when he rushed to the place, he suddenly found that the iron net of the vent had been tightly sealed, and it looked like it was locked from the inside.

There is also a piece of white letter paper stuck on the iron net.

You don't need to look at Robin to know that it must have been left by Kaitou Kidd, and there are probably some sarcasm written on it.

"To Robin the Wonder Boy:

When you see this card, it means that your movements are really too slow. I have been walking for a long time. I sincerely suggest you to go home now, but if you are still unwilling to give up on me, then let us meet at the last treasure. "

He took it down and took a look, and it was exactly as he expected.

"Worry! I was only delayed for two or three minutes. In such a short period of time, Kaitou Kidd not only rushed here, but also had time to block the entrance and write a message... What's the matter with this guy's hands and feet, why can he do it so fast?"

Robin cut it unhappily, crumpled up the letter paper and put it in his pocket.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the communicator and contacted Batgirl.

"What's the matter, Robin? Has Kaitou Kidd gone to the cultural relics exhibition hall yet?"

Batgirl's anxious voice came from the communicator.

"Well, almost, you're not still looking for Kaitou Kidd in the Jungle Pavilion, are you?"

Robin asked back.

"I didn't find him here, at least before the power outage, he seemed to disappear suddenly."

Listening to Batgirl's words, Robin showed an uncontrollable smile.

He told Batgirl what he had just said to Kaitou Kidd.

"...What! You said you already guessed that Kidd the Phantom Thief would not go to the Jungle Pavilion, the one in the sky is fake? Why didn't you tell me about it? And when I was tricked by him like a monkey, you just stood by and watched?"

Batgirl's face turned blue and white, and she suddenly felt that she could report to Batman that the clown had been found.

"Isn't there a saying that to deceive the enemy, you must first deceive yourself. If I tell you all my thoughts, if he sees a flaw when you confront Kaito Kidd and changes the plan temporarily, then we will fall short."

Robin laughed dryly.

"And this will also let you know how powerful the Kaitou Kidd is, won't it? Save you from always underestimating others."

"...If you don't tell me anything, isn't it a failure? Didn't you let the Kaitou Kidd escape in the end?"

Batgirl snorted.

Robin's smile froze, and he coughed twice: "In short, don't waste time in the jungle pavilion, go back to the cultural relics pavilion to protect the necklace, if you move quickly, maybe we still have time."

"Oh yes! I forgot to ask one more thing, how is Dean doing now?"

"I've seen it before. Dean was still sleeping in the bedroom when the Phantom Thief Kidd appeared. There is no problem with the surveillance records. I made a mistake. I shouldn't have doubted Dean."

Batgirl replied.
On the other side, the cultural relics exhibition hall, the central exhibition hall on the top floor.

Gordon, who had split up with the main force before and rushed back here with a small number of people, just entered the exhibition hall at this moment.

Due to a sudden power outage in the museum, all the lights in the exhibition hall have been extinguished, and only a flashlight can be used as a light source.

However, among the GCPD police, only a very small number of people have the habit of carrying flashlights, so the range they can see is extremely limited.

Fortunately, Kaitou Kidd's performance on the square basically attracted all the ordinary tourists in the exhibition hall, and the only people left in the exhibition hall are the GCPD staff.

They don't need to see everything in the exhibition hall clearly, just enough to illuminate the glass case of the dragon egg ruby ​​necklace and the dozen or so SWAT officers around it.

"Harvey, how is the situation here? Have you found the whereabouts of Kaitou Kidd?"

Gordon immediately found Brock, who was in charge of the management here, and the two asked about the current situation after confirming the code.

"No problem, Jim, so far Kaito Kidd hasn't shown up yet. He must have seen the necklace surrounded by a group of special police, and ran away knowing that he had no hope of stealing the necklace. I've already said that this method will work, hahahaha!"

Brock laughed.


At this moment, a crisp voice sounded, which was deafening in the dark and silent exhibition hall where needles could be heard.

Listening to the sound, it seems to be the sound of shoes stepping on the glass, and this direction...

Gordon and Bullock's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly looked at the necklace.

Even the two of them heard it, and the dozen or so special police officers surrounding the necklace naturally also heard the voice, and all turned their heads back.

Immediately afterwards, all the policemen in the exhibition hall turned their eyes to this side, and at the same time, the flashlight was indispensable.

I saw a white figure squatting on the glass cabinet in a half-kneeling position, and the thing in his hand that glowed brightly under the light of the flashlight seemed to be the dragon egg ruby ​​necklace!
(End of this chapter)

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