Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 92 The Day of the Holy Son's Recovery

Chapter 92 The Day of the Holy Son's Recovery

On the top of Wayne Tower, Robin looked at the huge banner that suddenly unfolded in front of him, covering most of the top of Wayne Tower, and his face was extremely ugly.

That's right, today is April Fool's Day, and it's a holiday tradition to make jokes and deceive people.

But Robin never expected that Kaito Kidd would use the teaser letter to play this hand!
"Wait, if the previous notice letter was just an illusion to fool us from the beginning to the end, then the fool Kidd's tricks will not steal diamonds or...won't come to Wayne Tower?"

Thinking of this, Robin immediately turned around and turned to the Aofei Jewelry Exhibition Hall several kilometers away.

If Kaito Kidd wants to lure everyone's attention to Wayne Tower, and then take this opportunity to steal the 'Blue Diamond of Hope'——


Robin called Dean anxiously.

"Are you on the rooftop or in the exhibition hall now?"

In a bathroom in the exhibition hall, Dean received a call from Dick.

"I haven't gone to the rooftop yet. How about it? Have you seen Kaitou Kidd?"

"No, Phantom Thief Kidd didn't show up. The previous notice letter was a complete hoax. He fooled us all."

Talking to Dean, Robin did not make his voice thicker as usual, and still used his original voice.

"The banner saying 'Happy April Fool's Day' was so huge I could see it from the ground."

"It seems that this strange thief likes to play tricks on people, and he actually made such a prank."

Dean clicked his tongue in amazement.

"It may not be that simple. I suspect that Kaito Kidd may want to steal the diamond while most people are distracted. Did you find any suspicious people in the exhibition hall?"

"No, everything is normal here."

Dean replied in a natural tone, but in fact he was not in the exhibition hall at this time.

"That's good, he probably hasn't started to act yet, so don't act rashly, Dean, if you find someone suspicious, tell me immediately... Tell Chief Gordon or Sheriff Bullock, in short, don't do dangerous things without authorization! "

"Don't worry, I'll take care of myself."

After hanging up the call, Dean showed a vague smile on his face.
"Friends in the audience, Kaito Kidd didn't show up, there was only a huge banner saying 'Happy April Fool's Day' under the white hang glider, did his previous notice letter just make a joke for everyone in Gotham? "

Above the Wayn Tower, Gotham Gazette's helicopter, Vicki Weir points to the banner in front of the camera.

On the ground, most people had smiles on their faces. In Gotham, criminals joking with people is quite a scary thing.

Often the louder the joke, the more people die laughing.

As for Kaitou Kidd, everyone knows that he has never killed anyone since his debut, so the joke he made is obviously just a real joke.

And he literally tricked people into thinking that Phantom Kidd was actually going to be on the Wayn Tower, which was a very successful April Fool's joke.

However, there are still a small number of people who think differently from others.

They don't think Kaitou Kidd is engaging in April Fool's Day activities.

"What kind of April Fool's Day joke, I think Kaito Kidd is afraid of the bad luck of 'Hope Blue Diamond' and dare not come."

"It's probably true! I've heard that since the exhibition was held, many people have suffered various accidents because of that diamond, and even died!"

"Really, is a diamond so magical? That can indeed explain why Kaitou Kidd made such a move today."

The person next to him who liked Kaitou Kidd became unhappy when he heard their conversation.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Kaito Kid is not a coward!"

"At the beginning, hundreds of GCPD policemen plus Robin and Batgirl failed to defeat Kaito Kidd. How can a mere diamond whose legend is true or false scare him? Is it difficult to admit that others are good?"

"We are talking about Kaitou Kidd but not you, why are you so anxious? Those who don't know think that Kaitou Kidd is your father!"

"It's nothing more than a stinky thief who knows a little bit of magic. Even such a criminal is supported. Gotham's future is really dark."

On the top of the Wayne Tower, Robin knew nothing about the disputes among the citizens on the ground. After finishing the communication with Dean, he was ready to hurry back to the exhibition hall.

However, just as he was about to jump directly from the top of the tower, he suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with the banner in front of him.

Looking closer, I saw that there seemed to be an object like a balloon at the connection between the banner and the huge white glider hovering in mid-air, and there seemed to be something painted on it.

Since the balloon is on the back of the banner, only Robin can see it.

Robin pressed the side of the eye mask, turned on the telescope mode, and instantly zoomed in on the picture.

There was indeed a rather large balloon, about half a meter in diameter and long, with a cartoon head of Kaitou Kidd with a mean and grinning face painted on the surface.

There is a striking red cross drawn on the head of the cartoon avatar, as if telling Robin, "Hurry up and hit here".

Robin stared at the balloon and remained silent for a while. He looked at the distance between the top of the tower and the ground and the distance from the helicopter overhead.

If the balloon contained a bomb that exploded instantly, it would only affect himself at most.

And he also believes that Kaito Kidd should not use bombs.

So, Robin stepped back more than ten meters, took out the batarang and threw it at the balloon with a whoosh, and hit the red cross accurately.

The sharp bat dart punctured the balloon at once, making a rather loud sound.

Immediately afterwards, countless white cards floated out of the punctured balloon, and flew in all directions in the airflow rolled up by several helicopters above.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa——

With quick eyes and quick feet, Robin sprinted over quickly, and took a card that was floating to the top of Wayne Tower.

Taking it over and looking at it, Robin's pupils suddenly shrank.

This is actually another preview of Phantom Thief Kidd!
And it's not a riddle, it's just a very straightforward crime forecast.

"Today I just made a small joke for everyone, I hope you don't take it to heart.

On the day when the Son recovers, I will take away the diamond of hope that brings doom.

Sincerely, Phantom Thief Kidd"

The day of the resurrection of the Holy Son, isn't that the same as Easter!
This year's Easter is April 4rd, that is to say, Kaito Kidd's real action time is not April 3st, but Easter!

The card of Kaito Kidd was scattered everywhere with the wind, and was picked up by people on the ground.

Fans of Kaitou Kidd burst into cheers when they saw the content above.

"Look! Phantom Thief Kid said he would steal the diamonds on Easter!"

"Let me just say, Phantom Thief Kidd is not afraid of broken diamonds. Today he is just following the tradition of April Fool's Day. Some people think that Phantom Thief Kidd is afraid, and they really don't know what it means!"

(End of this chapter)

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