Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

Chapter 96 The Discovered Hidden Mechanism

Chapter 96 The Discovered Hidden Mechanism
The two employees scolded by curator Offee lowered their heads in shame and remained silent.

At this time, Barbara stepped forward and said, "Mr. Offee, the most urgent thing is to confirm whether the diamond is safe as soon as possible. We all know that Kaitou Kidd's disguise is very powerful, and your staff can't see it. It's justifiable. "

Dick also echoed from the side: "Miss Gordon is right. The first task is to ensure that the 'Hope Blue Diamond' is still in the exhibition hall. Let's try to let go of the matter of accountability."

Hearing the voices of the two, curator Offi, who was furious, immediately wanted to say, 'Are you teaching me how to do things? ', Turning his head to look, the anger in his heart dissipated a little automatically.

It's Commissioner Gordon's daughter and the adopted son of the Wayne family...

Curator Offee put on a straight face and said: "Mr. Grayson, Ms. Gordon, I have actually checked in advance. The 'Hope Blue Diamond' is still in the ice and has not been stolen."

Hearing this, Dick and Barbara looked at each other, and saw the same doubt in each other's eyes.

"If Kaito Kidd entered the showroom yesterday disguised as a repairman, why didn't he take the opportunity to steal the 'Hope Blue Diamond'?"

"Mr. Offee, are you sure the diamond in the ice cube is the 'Hope Blue Diamond'? Is it possible that Kaitou Kidd put it in to confuse us with imitations?"

Dick pinched his chin and asked, "After all, the diamond is housed in a bluish transparent box. It is impossible to verify the authenticity of the diamond from the outside with the naked eye alone."

"It's safe to say, I'm pretty sure it's true."

Curator Offi said without thinking.

Even the repairman who entered the exhibition hall for maintenance with the fake employees before said: "When we finished the maintenance work yesterday, when we left the exhibition hall, a large part of the ice had not melted. I am sure he did not have time to steal it at that time." Take the diamond."

"Afterwards, other employees were responsible for putting away the diamonds and refreezing them into ice cubes, and they were under surveillance throughout the whole process. They never even opened the box, let alone stealing the 'Hope Blue Diamond'."

Dick frowned suddenly.

If this statement is true, then Kaitou Kidd did not steal the diamond, but why?
Is it because he said he would steal it again at Easter, so he didn't plan to do it in advance, but just scouted in the exhibition hall first?
Or, Kaitou Kidd found that the defense level in the exhibition hall was too high, so he had no chance to attack and had to retreat temporarily?

"In any case, it's best to thaw the ice and give the diamond a thorough appraisal."

Barbara said aloud.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, curator Offi quickly stopped her and said, "No!"

Others don't know, but he knows best what's in the ice cube. It's not a 'Blue Diamond of Hope', but a serious 'Stone of Misfortune'!
If this is taken out for appraisal, let alone whether it is true or false, I am afraid that once the box is opened, everyone present will be entangled in bad luck and die.

The 'Dom Stone' must not be unsealed until the exhibition is over or Kaitou Kidd has stolen it!
Dick and Barbara turned their eyes to him at the same time, and said in unison, "Why not?"

"Uh... the exhibition is about to start. If we melt the ice now, how do we explain it to the visitors? How do we explain it to the Smithsonian Museum?"

Curator Offi was quick to think, and came up with a barely plausible excuse.

"If it is not handled properly, the outside world may think that the diamond has been stolen. At that time, those unscrupulous media will add more details, and the security strength of our exhibition hall will be labeled as waste, and no one will trust it anymore. This exhibition hall!"

"For this exhibition, I almost used up all my savings, and I can't afford the loss."

Curator Offee said with a sad face, playing the emotional card with Dick and Barbara.

"Not to mention that Kaito Kidd basically didn't have time to steal the diamonds. Even if he did steal them, he should return them."

"How can you think like that!"

Barbara said angrily.

"I don't want to have this idea, but the reality makes me have to do it. There are hundreds of employees in the exhibition hall who need to be paid, and I must keep the reputation of the exhibition hall."

Curator Offi said that even he believed it, and his expression was full of helplessness.

Who told you to take this gamble and take over such an important exhibition plan as "Hope Blue Diamond"?

If you want to make a name for yourself with this plan, but you don’t have the confidence to take the risk of failure, then you shouldn’t be in this business.

Dick really wanted to say that, but seeing the distressed expression on Director Offie's face, he swallowed his words after all.

"What are you guys doing here?"

At this moment, Biska and Karina from the Smithsonian walked over from a distance, and Gordon and Bullock were also behind.

Barbara next to them explained the whole situation to several people, and then said: "The matter of melting ice to identify diamonds can be postponed, but I suggest that it is best to conduct a thorough search of the exhibition hall."

"Unsurprisingly, Phantom Thief Kidd will follow the agreement and wait until Easter to reappear. Before that, he should not do anything to diamonds, but he is very likely to arrange hidden mechanisms in the exhibition hall to prepare for his theft plan. "

Speaking of this, a light flashed in Barbara's eyes, "The previous operations to capture Kaitou Kidd always failed, largely because it was unclear when he set up traps on the scene. A flaw was revealed."

In Gordon's view, the safest way is to appraise the diamond immediately, cancel the exhibition on the spot after the appraisal result is true, and then ask Biska to take the diamond back to the Smithsonian immediately.

It's a pity that the police are only responsible for security work, and Gordon has no right to dictate how the exhibition should be arranged. At this time, Director Offie's attitude was very firm, so he didn't say much.

As for the large-scale search proposed by his daughter, Gordon was very much in favor of it, not to mention Biska and Brock.

Not even Curator Ofe had anything to say against it.

Only Kailinna, after hearing that the exhibition hall was going to be thoroughly searched, her pupils shrank suddenly...

The independent exhibition hall of 'Hope Blue Diamond' is not large, and the search of the interior was completed quickly.

I don't know if I don't search, but I was shocked when I searched, there are actually a lot of organs hidden inside.

The first thing that bears the brunt is a piece of floor in the corner, and there is a secret passage leading to nowhere!
There is also a hidden compartment in the closet where the thermal clothes are placed. The hidden compartment is actually a gas mask, apparently for the door that will automatically close after the alarm is triggered and the hypnotic gas that will be ejected automatically.

What's more, in all the equipment in the exhibition hall, there are more or less hidden one or two strange parts, which do not affect the work of the equipment at all, and it is almost difficult to see the problem in ordinary maintenance work.

(End of this chapter)

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