Chapter 28 The Appearance of Yu Xiaogang
"But who knows what will happen in the future?"

"I know you didn't lie to me, I just..."

Alan didn't go on talking, her heart was beating extremely fast.At this moment, she realized her feelings for Qian Xun Han.

"What is it?"

"It's nothing, you'll know later."

Alan left these words and left in a panic.


Chihiro Han sighed, Chihiro Ji's words flashed in his mind.

He is not a young man who doesn't understand human affairs. He knows that he is a commoner at his age, and he has already married a wife and had children, but he doesn't want to live that kind of life in advance.

Only when he is strong enough can he protect those he cares about.

He said to himself: "Give me a few more years, if it really doesn't work, I'll give up."


The days that followed were even more exciting than Chihiro Han imagined.Bibi Dong came to him from time to time, and brought the food she made herself.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or Bibi Dong did it on purpose, every time he came to look for him, Alan was always there.

As a result, the conflict between the two quickly intensified.

At first, the two used words to attack each other, but with the breakthrough of Bibi Dong's strength, the conflicts between the two were resolved by fighting.

Fortunately, Alan's sanity was still there, and he suppressed his soul power to be at the same level as Bibi Dong before fighting her.

Qian Xunhan was the most helpless, because he only had time to eat a meal, and the two were inseparable from each other.

He wanted to stop them, but was told by both of them at the same time.

They were unified in this aspect, they didn't give Chihiro Han a chance to speak, and then they fought.

From then on, Qian Xunhan knew that he couldn't intervene, this was a woman's battle.

Knowing that they were measured, Qian Xunhan watched from the side, acting as a tool.

In the sparring with Alan, Bibi Dong grew up very fast, and her cultivation speed was also faster than usual. According to that sentence, fighting is the most tempering.

Two years passed quietly.

Qian Xunhan's cultivation base was stuck at level 89 and he could not go any further, so he had to give up his cultivation first and deal with the matter of Wuhundian.

Ever since he returned to Wuhun City, he has been annoyed by this cumbersome official document.

Chihiro Ji's euphemistic name is to exercise his abilities, and the Wuhun Palace is controlled by the Qian family.As a thousand family member, he must be able to handle these matters, and he must also be proficient in the use of power.

He went out to practice for almost ten years, so that he had to make up for these missed courses.

Fortunately, Qian Xunhan's learning ability is good, and it only took half a year to learn how to deal with official documents.

As his abilities grew, so did the number of official documents.

Qian Xunhan thought that this was done by Qian Xunji deliberately, in order to avenge him for more than nine years outside.

After dealing with today's affairs, Qian Xunhan left the Wuhun Palace and went to look for Bibi Dong and Alan in Wuhun City.

Although they often fight, but the two get along pretty well.I often make an appointment to drink tea at a teahouse in Wuhun City, and drinking it will last an afternoon.

It didn't take long for Qian Xunhan to find them.

To Chihiro Han's surprise, sitting across from them was a boy with an ordinary appearance and short black hair parted in half.

"he is?"

Qian Xun Han moved the stool and sat next to Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong smiled and said: "Ahan, let me introduce you, this is a friend I met a few days ago."

"He is from the Wuhun Palace, and his name is Yu Xiaogang. Although his spirit power is not high, I really admire his research on Wuhun."

Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with admiration, surprised by Yu Xiaogang's wisdom.

"Research on Wuhun?" Qian Xunhan murmured, looking at Yu Xiaogang, "How did I not know there are such talents in the Wuhun Hall?"

The blue eyes were full of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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