NBA peak

Chapter 38 NCAA Championship

Chapter 38 NCAA Championship

Three-pointers from Paul, Churchill, and Mike Smith opened the pot in a row.

The game quickly lost its suspense. Under the baptism of the Duke Blue Devils' crazy three-pointer, Louis University completely lost the capital of confrontation.

The point difference between the two teams was once extended to 36 points.

In the end, the Duke Blue Devils won the 88-62 NCAA championship with 2015:2016!
This is also the second time in the history of the Duke Blue Devils to defend the title, becoming the second team in the history of the NCAA to achieve 2 title defenses!

Old K's face bloomed with a smile.

The Duke Blue Devils hugged each other excitedly and rolled to the ground.

The players of Louis University looked dull, especially Simmons, who finally did not understand why the superior Louis University lost the game.

The game is over.

The players on the Duke Blue Devils bench waved towels one after another and threw themselves on Ge Feng one after another.

Golden State Oracle Arena turned into a sea of ​​blue.

The matchup in the second half turned into a completely one-sided game, and the fans of Louis University left the field early.

In this red-blue duel, after all, the boundless sea had the last laugh.

Ge Feng played well in this game. In the second half, he made 8 of 6 three-pointers and scored 29 points, 5 assists and 2 blocks.

Among them, Ge Feng's 2 blocks were completed in the second half to block Simmons, which completely defeated Simmons's idea of ​​counterattack.

At the end of the game, the two teams shook hands for the final time.

Louis University was somewhat disappointed. This was their most promising year to win the championship, and even the entire halftime, they firmly controlled the rhythm in their own hands.

Unfortunately, the Duke Blue Devils in the second half were simply not an NCAA team to beat.

The combat effectiveness shown by the Duke Blue Devils in the second half is even comparable to many strong teams in the NBA.

Simmons looked depressed and unhappy. His wonderful four-year college career was finally ruined by Ge Feng.

Simmons just left a sentence to Ge Feng: "From now on, we will see you in the NBA!" and walked into the player tunnel early.

The cheers of the fans lasted for more than ten minutes, and many fans screamed out of excitement.

"It seems that the pharmacy in Jinzhou is going to make a fortune again tonight." Old K said jokingly.

Five well-known commentators from TNT and ESPN all came down from the live broadcast room. They went to the Duke Blue Devils one after another to pay tribute to the old K and the Duke Blue Devils players.

"Hey! Man! Your performance tonight is incredible!" Barkley was the first to reach out to Ge Feng.

Ge Feng greeted politely. Not long ago, Barkley made a bet on himself wearing a pink skirt to live broadcast. Ge Feng still vividly remembers it.

TNT temporarily decided to hold a simple interview with Ge Feng on the spot.

"This is my business card. If you need anything in the NCAA in the future, you can contact me at any time!" After interviewing Ge Feng, Smith handed him a business card.

Shark and Barkley left business cards for Ge Feng one after another.

"Little brother, don't look for them. I'm Shark. I have a very good relationship with Yao Ming. If you have anything to do, you should come to me!" Shark's big hand kept patting Ge Feng's shoulder.

The two were very angry after hearing this: "O'Neill! You are doing this unfairly!"

The group of people laughed together, these three live treasures, no matter where they go, it is a big show.

At the press conference after the game, Old K took all the Duke Blue Devils players to participate in the press conference for the first time.

The reporters may have never seen such a big lineup. Every player is surrounded by a large group of reporters.

The Duke Blue Devils are the champions, and they are entitled to this honor.

The reporter asked old K a few questions: "Old K, at the end of the first half, you said that you would retire regardless of whether you won the game or not. Is this true?"

When Ge Feng and Paul heard this question, they pushed the reporter away and walked to Old K.

Seeing this, other players also pushed away the reporters one after another, and walked towards Old K.

Old K was excited with tears in his eyes: "Yes, you all know that my contract is about to expire. I am very happy. It is my honor to coach such a group of outstanding players before retiring. There are also Ingram and McBray who are recuperating in the hospital. I want to thank you for everything you have done for the team."

The reporter asked again: "Old K, this year the Duke Blue Devils defended the NCAA championship and set a historical record. What do you think about this?"

Old K said with a smile: "I don't care about these anymore. I want to understand that the NCAA league should be the purest basketball sanctuary for love. I don't want to talk about any honors and records."

The reporter continued to ask and answer: "The value of the Duke Blue Devils has skyrocketed. Who do you think will participate in the NBA draft this year?"

Old K glanced at the proud players of the Duke Blue Devils, and said with a smile: "My players are great. They have their own plans, and I will not intervene in any way. But I believe that each of their dreams can be realized, because they are the best players I have ever coached!"

In the locker room, everyone showered and was about to fly back to Duke University.

In the next few days, Old K officially announced the news of his retirement to the media, and set up a grand dinner to entertain relatives and friends from the basketball world.

All Duke Blue Devils players attended the old K's retirement dinner.

As the most famous coach in the United States, Old K's reputation is no weaker than that of Phil Jackson and Popovich.

The guests present were all the epic giants in the basketball world.

But since the NBA has officially resumed the game, there are not many predators who can come to the old K's retirement dinner. They still have the NBA playoffs to play.

James, Curry, Durant, Popovich and others called Old K one after another to express their condolences.

Ge Feng and his teammates strolled around the hotel, admiring Old K's generosity, and at the same time envious of Old K's ability to invite so many NBA superstars after his retirement.

Among other things, the banquet alone will cost millions of dollars, which is more than the sum of the scholarships they can get.

The choice of hotel is also extremely luxurious, with endless entertainment back gardens, resplendent golden statues with carvings, independent single-person hot springs...

Being able to stay in such a hotel for one night in one's lifetime is simply the pinnacle of one's life...

The residual heat of the championship is entangled with the heat of old K's retirement.

The major media, NBA scouts, and brokerage firms were all on the alert, standing guard at the entrance of the hotel, waiting for superstars from all walks of life to appear.

But none of them are eligible to enter the hotel.

Some guys who feel good about themselves, such as Barkley, wanted to use their faces to enter the hotel to collect material, but were politely invited out by security.

Old K's dinner party only accepts people with invitation letters, and those who don't have invitation letters are sorry, even if you are the president.

This is a retirement dinner exclusively for Old K.

Suddenly, the bustling crowd in the hotel began to walk upstairs.

Ge Feng grabbed Paul and asked, "Why did they all go upstairs?"

Paul's eyes shone with eagerness: "It goes without saying! Kobe must be here! I heard Kobe will be here tonight!"

Ge Feng was startled: Kobe?

Oh my gosh!

(End of this chapter)

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