NBA peak

Chapter 80 Is She Actually an Advanced Trainer?

Chapter 80 Is She Actually an Advanced Trainer?
The matchup between old and new that fans were most looking forward to did not happen.

After the start of the fourth quarter, the two sides switched back to the main force one after another.

Mike Conley on the Grizzlies side replaced Vince Carter, and DeRozan and Lowry on the Raptors side replaced Van Fleet and Siakam.

Ge Feng performed brilliantly both offensively and defensively during this period, and Nas decided to keep him on the court.

The lineup of the two sides is neat, and there is no big difference in points.

In the end, the Raptors still maintained a slight 3-point advantage and successfully won the second preseason game.

After the game, Carter came to the Raptors' locker room.

He and Ge Feng hugged each other, and then left each other's contact information.

This is the second time that Carter has seen Ge Feng. The last time was at Old K's retirement dinner, but the protagonist at that time belonged to Kobe, and Carter hadn't noticed Ge Feng who was extremely inconspicuous in the crowd.

After Carter left, Ge Feng was warmly cheered by his teammates.

Siakam rubbed Ge Feng's head enviously: "Hey, hey, how does it feel to be chased by Carter and ask for contact information? The other party is half-human, half-god Vince Carter!"

Van Fleet and others also cast envious eyes.

Ge Feng's performance this time was quite eye-catching, no one thought that Ge Feng's body still contained such a huge amount of energy.

If it weren't for Ge Feng, the Raptors would have fallen in this game.

Ge Feng once again justified his name, and Nas already trusted Ge Feng very much.

After the Raptors beat the Grizzlies, they will play the Los Angeles Lakers the next night.

The Lakers still haven't been able to get out of the quagmire.

This is the third preseason game for the Lakers. The Lakers lost the first two preseason games.

Ingram came to the Lakers and soon became a first-round substitute.

But when Ge Feng appeared in the starting position of the Raptors, Ingram was quite envious.

He and Ge Feng have never had the experience of playing together in an official competition.

This is the first time that Ingram and Ge Feng stand on the same field.

Ge Feng's performance is still remarkable.


Among them, Ge Feng was still in the second half of the last quarter of the game, using a super long three-pointer to seal the victory of the game.

Van Vleet's expression was a bit lonely. In the last quarter, Nas didn't let him play at all, but let Ge Feng stay on the court for the whole quarter.

Ge Feng unknowingly became Nas's most trusted No. 1 position.

Ingram of the Lakers came off the bench for 11 minutes, scored 6 points and 1 assist.

Ingram hasn't adapted to the Lakers' system yet, and his No. 25 pick is not as impressive as Ge Feng, the [-]th overall pick.

In this way, after the Raptors beat the Lakers at home, they won a perfect start with a three-game winning streak.

After the game, Nurse did not arrange training and gave all the Raptors a day off.

Ge Feng naturally wanted to take advantage of this time to visit the trainer center.

Although Toronto's overall strength is not as strong as that of the strong teams in the United States, if Ge Feng looks patiently, he can still find a suitable trainer.

Looking at his bank card, Ge Feng found that he still had a budget of 55 US dollars for this year.

Although the money seems to be very good, but the NBA has not officially started, the future expenses are simply incomparable with other professions, so in this province, Ge Feng still needs to save some money.

Ge Feng transferred all the way to the most famous trainer center in York, Canada.

The Conners Trainer Center has trained many well-known trainers in the league. Before Ge Feng came to investigate for a long time, he was the first to choose this trainer center.

As soon as he entered the door, Ge Feng was discovered by the employees of the training center.

Because of the battle with the Grizzlies, Ge Feng scored several wonderful goals. Now Ge Feng is much more famous in Toronto than when he was in New York.

Among the top ten NBA balls this week, Ge Feng alone has three.

Among them is one of the top ten goals, and Ge Feng is also on camera, but the protagonist is changed from Ge Feng to Carter.

Ge Feng's reputation in Toronto is already very high.

Although the outside world has mixed opinions on him, everyone must admit that Ge Feng has played two consecutive starts for the Raptors.

Employees will naturally not let go of such a benefactor.

The supervisor of the trainer center came out from the backstage in a suit and leather shoes, and met Ge Feng in person.

Seeing the supervisor coming, Ge Feng stood up from the sofa and said, "Hello."

The supervisor enthusiastically introduced himself to Ge Feng: "Hello, Ge Feng, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Jack, and I'm the person in charge of the Conners Center."

"Hello, Jack, I would like to ask, do you still have any senior trainers on duty?"

"Of course there is."

Jack bowed his hands, and the assistant immediately handed him a photo album.

Jack asked Ge Feng to sit down, and then put the photo album in front of Ge Feng.

"This is our senior trainer roster, which records all the information about their work and life. You tell me which type of trainer you want, and I will arrange it for you right away." Jack said sincerely.

Ge Feng said: "The focus is on physical and technical trainers. I need this urgently."

Jack nodded and opened the photo album.

"Look, Ge Feng, this part is the roster of all the physical trainers in our company. The trainers whose names are circled indicate that they have been hired by the sponsor, and you can only choose from the free roster of trainers."

Ge Feng picked up the photo album and started flipping through it.

The photo album records the trainer in great detail, even including the trainer's age and family members.

However, Ge Feng still frowned. Many things cannot be understood by looking at the data.

Jack could see that Ge Feng still had doubts, so he asked, "Ge Feng, you can raise any doubts you have, and I will help you solve them."

Ge Feng raised his head and said, "Jack, then I'll be straight. It's hard for me to decide my career through a photo album."

Jack nodded vigorously, he could understand Ge Feng's doubts.

The trainer is of great importance, and every player will be very careful when choosing a trainer.

Jack took the album back and said to Ge Feng: "Ge, you know, we are the largest trainer training center in Canada, and the trainers we recruit are all well-known top trainers in the league. I hope you can trust our strength, and we will not shoot ourselves in the foot. After all, it is an insult to invite an irresponsible trainer to come in."

Ge Feng smiled and said, "I don't mean to disbelieve you. If possible, I would like to have an interview instead of going through cold data."

Jack's expression was a bit perplexed: "This is quite difficult. Ge, you know, famous trainers are running around all over the world every day. I can't restrict their personal freedom. If you really want to see them before signing the contract, that's fine, but you must invite them in advance through our phone. If they are willing to come back, I will not prevent you from meeting in private. This is our sincerity to you."

Ge Feng nodded, what Jack said was indeed true.

The employees of the trainer center naturally have to consider the commission after the event is completed. Jack allowed him to meet with the trainer in private, which is already a great deal of face for him.

With Jack's guarantee, Ge Feng began to seriously look for the trainer he wanted.

Flipping through the pages, Ge Feng's hands suddenly trembled, and a familiar photo came into Ge Feng's eyes.

"Xia... Xia Shilan...?"

" she a senior trainer at the Conners Center?"

Ge Feng looked at Jack in amazement.

(End of this chapter)

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