i am a football star

Chapter 5 Leave

Chapter 5 Leave
Half a year has passed in a blink of an eye, and European football has continued to operate as usual according to Liu Ting's memory. AC Milan, who possesses the "nuclear weapon" Kaka, won the Champions League. The humiliation of being reversed by Liverpool in the Champions League final two years ago, Barcelona, ​​as the defending champion, was eliminated by Liverpool in the round of [-].

In La Liga, Real Madrid won the La Liga championship. Barcelona and Real Madrid had the same points, but they were at a disadvantage because of their mutual win-loss relationship. The penultimate round was tied away by their rival Espanyol. This is definitely the biggest pain for Barcelona this season. They were tied away by their rivals in the same city and lost the league title.

This year's Barcelona can be said to be fruitless, and the head coach Rijkaard also encountered a crisis of confidence. In addition, Ronaldinho, whom Rijkaard insisted on introducing at the beginning, is now constantly having conflicts with the club.

In the evening, Liu Ting entered the spiritual illusion training as usual, sandbag training is essential.When Liu Ting's training was over, the scientist suddenly said to Liu Ting: "Okay, you can no longer do sandbag training in the future, and now your foot skills can be regarded as a small achievement."

Liu Ting always thought that he would be very excited when he heard the news, because after four years of training, he was reduced from a genius to a waste wood, and he would sweat profusely every night. All this is finally coming to an end, he should be jumping for joy, right?

But Liu Ting listened calmly, and calmly replied: "Oh, yes!"

"Your footsteps are already very flexible, and the technique under your feet is also very delicate. Now it only takes a while to get used to. Once you have fully adapted to the changes under your feet, you can basically play freely on the court." The scientist continued.

"Okay, scientist."


The summer offseason is approaching, and Barcelona's first team, B team, and youth team are all on vacation. Players have left Barcelona one after another, looking for places for vacation.

South American players will have to go back for the Copa America.

Liu Ting is leaving Barcelona soon, and he has to say goodbye to someone before leaving.

It was the cafe where he met his agent last time, and Liu Ting met one of the people waiting.Tito Vilanova, the coach of the Barcelona youth training camp, when Liu Ting entered La Masia, he was in the U16 youth team at the beginning. Vilanova was the U16 youth team coach at that time.But then Liu Ting was promoted to the U18 youth team, and the coach was replaced by that bastard Francisco Carlos. Vilanova was also hired by a low-level team in Catalonia.

"'Old', have you decided to leave La Masia?" Liu Ting told Vilanova during the call that he was leaving La Masia.

Liu Ting has nothing to do about Europeans always pronouncing liu as old. Even God can't save the pronunciation of Europeans.

"Well, it's time to leave, Tito." Liu Ting said affirmatively.

"You can think about it. I am back in Barcelona. This summer, Guardiola will take over the Barcelona B team. He invited me to be his assistant. I can recommend you to the B team."

Vilanova also sighed. When Liu Ting came to La Masia for trial training, he immediately fell in love with Liu Ting. Liu Ting's skills were very good, but he didn't expect that Liu Ting would change from a genius to a disused genius in two or three years.

Liu Ting has the memory of the future. Of course, he knows that Guardiola will become the head coach of the Barcelona B team this year, and the head coach of the Barcelona first team next year. He has successfully transformed from a star player to a famous coach, and Vilanova will always be by his side.

But Liu Ting has his own ideas. It is very difficult to stand out if he stays here. Barcelona will buy Henry this summer. Barcelona has a combination of Messi, Henry and Eto'o on the front line. It is very difficult for him to compete with anyone.At present, what I need most is the game, not to stay in Barcelona and sit on the bench.

"Thank you for your kindness, Tito, you will be a good coach in the future, but I have already asked my agent to contact the team." Liu Ting lied. In fact, Wagner has not yet helped him contact the next team.

"Well, good luck to you then. Oh, here comes Leo."

At this time, Leo Messi, the future 'Ball King' and the famous 'Ball King' Leo Messi walked in the door.

When Liu Ting chose to join La Masia, he wanted to borrow the reputation of La Masia's youth training camp, because he liked Messi and Ronaldinho's way of playing football.

After Liu Ting arrived in La Masia, he always went to the first team to ask Messi and Ronaldinho for advice whenever he had the opportunity, and the relationship became closer as time went by.Fortunately, both Messi and Ronaldinho are good-tempered people. Ronaldinho always has a hippie smiling face. Messi has not yet been promoted to the king of briquettes, and his personality is relatively reserved and easy to get in touch with.

Now that Ronaldinho is recovering from his injury in Brazil, we will talk about it later, but even if he is not injured, he cannot be invited. The contradiction between Ronaldinho and Barcelona is that Ronaldinho wants a high salary and Barcelona thinks that Ronaldinho is declining. The salary is not willing to give such a high salary.

If the two of them were invited to come together, I don't know how embarrassing it would be for the two to meet in private.


After bidding farewell to familiar people, Liu Ting quickly got on the plane back to Hong Kong and hadn't seen his grandfather for a year.

After several hours of flight, the plane landed at Hong Kong International Airport.After getting off the plane, looking at the familiar yellow skin and black hair, Liu Ting found the familiar feeling again.Although he plays football in Europe, he is still a Chinese in his heart, with a Chinese heart.

The fly in the ointment is that there are no fans to pick up the plane. After becoming famous, you must come back more often to have fun with the people. At that time, thousands of fans will come to pick up the plane. The scene of that guy, the gongs, drums, firecrackers, firecrackers, red flags, and the crowds of people.

After recovering from the obsession, Liu Ting saw the car coming to pick him up.

It was just an ordinary BMW, and soon took Liu Ting to a villa in the mid-levels of Hong Kong.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw an old man with white hair looking at him kindly.Liu Ting walked over to hug the old man, and said, "Grandpa, how are you doing recently?"

This old man is Liu Ting's grandfather Liu Zhenghua.

"It's okay, it's just that I haven't seen you for a long time." Grandpa said while touching Liu Ting's head. In fact, Liu Ting is 178cm tall, so he had to bow his head to let the old man stroke him.

I had a conversation with my grandfather, and soon got to the point.

"Grandpa, how is the company doing now?" Liu Ting asked his grandfather.

"Now the company is on the right track, as long as I, an old man, can keep abreast of it." Liu Zhenghua looked at his grandson, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.When his son and daughter-in-law got into a car accident, the old man sent a white-haired man to a black-haired man. He was heartbroken. Fortunately, God left him a grandson.After the car accident, the grandson who survived the catastrophe soon showed extraordinary talent and made a fortune by using his own stock trading account to trade stocks.

At the beginning, the old man only loved the only grandson who survived the catastrophe, so he gave him the account number. Anyway, he thinks that Liu Ting is learning football and investing in stocks. When working in a company, his grandson is always very assertive in everything he does.

Liu Ting didn't expect his grandfather to think so much. In fact, he just used his future memory to know the Internet economy bubble burst in 2000, the stock market crash opportunity, and the September 2001 incident in 911. He used these two things to make two fortunes in the stock market. Knowing these things and adding a little basic stock trading foundation can make a lot of money.

With the money he earned, Liu Ting asked his grandfather to reorganize his dead father's company into an investment company to invest in potential stocks around the world and companies that will make a lot of money in the future.Now companies such as PainXun and Alibaba in China, Google, Facebook, and YouTube in the United States all have investments from Liu's investment company, but some invest more and some invest less.In the stock market, he also bought a lot of stocks that Liu Ting knew would skyrocket in the future, such as Apple, Oracle, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, domestic Moutai, Suning, Vanke, etc.

In a few years, Liu Ting's grandfather, Liu Zhenghua, has changed from a lowly rich man in Hong Kong to another rich man in China besides Li Jiacheng, known as Hong Kong's "Buffett", with assets exceeding US$100 billion, second only to Li Jiacheng among Chinese, and relatively high on the world's richest list.

It was also because of his family's wealth and career that Liu Zhenghua took advantage of the car accident. Anyway, not many people knew about his family, and replaced Liu Ting's guardian with his brother-like old man Liu Fu, so that he could hide from others and avoid coveting. Even when Li Jiacheng had a son who was kidnapped, the kidnappers dared to blatantly ask for money from Li Jiacheng's house.

This is just right, Liu Ting can also play football with peace of mind, and leave the company's money making to his grandfather, and Liu Ting can do what he likes.If others know that his family is so rich, can they still play happily?

After chatting with his grandfather for a while, Liu Ting went to bed. It would be good for his grandfather to take care of the company's affairs. He was very tired after flying back from Spain and was jet-lagged.

 Favorite friends are welcome to collect!

(End of this chapter)

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