Humanoid Pokémon in American comics

Chapter 27 Chapter 026 Doubt about life

Chapter 27 Chapter 026 Doubt about life

On the second day, Xu Yongming learned the news that the vampires launched revenge because a native vampire named Genn was beaten to death with his kneecap broken, and hundreds of people in the United States died overnight from vampires. revenge.

This made Xu Yongming feel very uncomfortable. It can be said that these vampires shot at humans in order to retaliate against their actions.

Just when Xu Yongming wanted to team up with Dao Feng to fight back against the vampires, another news came.

The vampire suffered a devastating blow. The government dispatched the army and a certain mysterious department, the Snake Shield Bureau, to directly beat the vampire twenty shots a day and a night.

Then Xu Yongming began to doubt his life. First, Zhe himself and Matt mobilized the gang, and then the gang retaliated, so the New York police cracked down on the gang.

Recently, I and the Blade Warrior fought vampires again, and then the vampires went crazy for revenge, and then the US military's bat-killing operation began, and the vampires were almost devastated.

OMG!This is how the same thing?Am I really the protagonist of God?
"What are you going to do next?" Xu Yongming asked the Blade Warrior.

The Blade Warrior replied, "I don't know!"

The blade warrior did not expect that he had been a vampire hunter for so many years, and the result would not be as powerful as the power of this country in one day.

It only took the country such a short period of time to kill the entire race of vampires by [-] shots, and it is said that it even killed a vampire at the level of the ancestor of the family.

The power of this kind of vampire is far higher than that of the Blade Warrior. Even Xu Yongming and the Blade Warrior are far from rivals. But now he has been made into a specimen by General Ross and collected as a trophy.

For a while, the Blade Warrior was also confused. His goal of eradicating vampires seemed to have been almost achieved. Now vampires can be counted as endangered animals.

"What about you? Do you have any thoughts now?" Dao Feng asked Xu Yongming back.

"Me? Go home! Going home is my only wish."

If Xu Yongming's idea is to go home, go back to the home that belongs to him. Although life is ordinary there, there are family members there, so it is home!
It's a pity, I can't go back now!I don't know if I can go back in this life.

Another reason why Xu Yongming is so anxious to fight monsters to upgrade and exercise his abilities is that he wants to capture the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the Space Gem, in Avengers 1!

There are still three years left, according to Xu Yongming's understanding of the original Marvel movie, there are still three Avengers 1 plots will begin.

It also means that Xu Yongming still has three years to improve his strength. As long as Xu Yongming successfully rises to level 36 in these three years, and then awakens the strength of a Pokémon, he will have the opportunity to appear in the plot of Avengers 1. won the Rubik's Cube in the universe.

Although I don't know if the Cosmic Rubik's Cube can let me go home, this is an opportunity after all, and Xu Yongming has the best chance to win the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

It will be difficult to find opportunities to snatch the Cosmic Rubik's Cube afterwards.

"Go home? Huaguo?"

"Uh, so be it."

After the blade warrior mentioned Huaguo, Xu Yongming remembered his original thoughts.

Do I want to go to Huaguo in this world to take a look, go to my original home to take a look, maybe there is still an "I" there.

I was too busy playing vampires to level up before, so I gave up this idea. Now that the vampires have been wiped out by others, it's time for me to change the map.

Although I don't know what monsters Huaguo can spawn in the Marvel Universe, Xu Yongming believes that our Great Huaguo will be the first-class powerful no matter what world or universe it is in!
This is the confidence of being born in China!

In the United States, I teamed up with the Blade Warriors to fight vampires. Maybe when I returned home, I might meet some Taoist monks from Maoshan and form a team to fight the legendary zombies, or to learn martial arts with the martial arts masters of Huaguo.

After returning, I must go to the legendary Songshan Shaolin to see if the monks there have any golden bells covered with iron cloth shirts, and the Tianshi in Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi to see if there are any legendary golden light curses and thunder methods.

In the Marvel world, since the United States can have so many extraordinary powers, then our Great China will definitely have extraordinary powers, and it will be more powerful than the United States.

Xu Yongming asked casually: "Do you want to go to Huaguo with me? Take you to appreciate the great rivers and mountains in my hometown!"

"it is good."

After thinking about it, Blade Warrior agreed to go to Huaguo with Xu Yongming. Now that the vampires are almost extinct, it's time for him to relax. Huaguo is said to be a good place.

The two returned to New York after another night's rest.

There is only one reason to go to New York, and that is smuggling!
Xu Yongming is a visitor from another world who suddenly fell from the sky, and the blade warrior is also a half-vampire and half-human without a registered permanent residence, so the two of them have only one choice if they want to go abroad, and that is smuggling!
Hell's Kitchen on Manhattan Island in New York Harbor, where as long as you have money, you can achieve any wish!

Although these gangsters have restrained a lot after the anti-crime and evil movement, the gangsters are still gangsters, they just restrained their arrogance.

The original smugglers were still drug smugglers, but they changed from being arrogant and aboveboard to being cautious now.

Now it is not far from the time when Iron Man researched clean energy in the plot, but it is not far away, clean energy has not yet come out, so the Stark Group stock in Xu Yongming's hand is still a waste of paper.

In other words, Xu Yongming is rich!

But never mind, Matt has money!

dong dong!dong dong!
Xu Yongming knocked on Matt's door with the Blade Warrior.

"I'm not at home, Wright Xu, please leave consciously!"

When Xu Yongming arrived in Hell's Kitchen, Attorney Matt already knew that Xu Yongming was here and that he came to ask him for money. The humanoid radar is well-deserved.

damn it!How did I meet this asshole who eats me and uses me all day.

"Hey Matt my friend, I miss you!"

Xu Yongming pushed the door open and immediately gave his friend, Attorney Matt, a warm hug.

(End of this chapter)

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