Humanoid Pokémon in American comics

Chapter 38 036 Berserk Blade

Chapter 38 036 Berserk Blade

The violent blade warrior is much more threatening than the violent python, and the blade warrior who drank the blood of the giant python has completely liberated his blood nature.

At this time, he has lost his mind and turned into a monster who can only suck blood everywhere.

These giant pythons became so big after absorbing the medicinal properties of the blood orchid. There must be residual medicinal properties of the blood orchid in the snake blood, otherwise the blade warrior with extraordinary willpower would not be able to run away.

"Gu Lie! It's me, Wright Xu! Help me clean up the python!"

At this moment, Gu Lie arrived with everyone, and Xu Yongming saw that he was an acquaintance and hurriedly called for help.

Wade asked, "Do you want to make a move?"

He is a mercenary who is paid for his life. As long as Gu Lie, the employer, wants to make a move, he will definitely follow suit.

Gu Lie: "Let's do it, the three of us will help Wright control the black man who ran away, and the rest will clean up the python!"

In the end, Gu Lie chose to help. There were not too many giant pythons in this area, so he wouldn't lose too much if he took a shot. On the contrary, he could unlock the combat power of Wright Xu.

Gu Lie and Xu Yongming had contacted and got to know each other before, and knew that this young man from Huaguo practiced the legendary Kung Fu of Huaguo!The fighting power is no worse than yourself.

Moreover, Xu Yongming's character, Gu Lie, also knows that he belongs to the kind of revenge and kindness. When others respect me, I respect others.

Now that I have helped him, I can invite him to help me deal with the giant python and pick blood orchids later.

Several members of Osborne's special operations team took out grenades, Osborn's special bombs, advanced black-tech automatic rifles, and anyway, various high-tech equipment that was not seen on the market began to suppress the python.

Relying on the ferocious firepower net, the giant python was easily isolated from Xu Yongming and the blade warrior.

The Blade Warrior, who didn't have a python in front of him as a target, immediately set his target on Xu Yongming.


A roar!
The blood-red Blade Warrior rushed towards Xu Yongming like an ordinary beast. At this time, the Blade Warrior's speed was more than twice as fast as usual!
In a moment of carelessness, Xu Yongming was directly thrown down, and the blade burst out from the canine teeth and bit towards Xu Yongming's neck.

Xu Yongming resisted firmly with his elbow to prevent the Blade Warrior from biting him, and with the other hand he frantically attacked the Blade Warrior hoping to push him away.

However, the strength of the blade warrior in the berserk state has also increased a lot, Xu Yongming can only guarantee that he will not be bitten by the blade warrior.

He is irrational at this time, and he doesn't know how to dodge when he is attacked.

Fortunately, Gulie brought Wade and another mercenary Harold to support at this time.

Wade and Harold held one arm of the Blade Warrior, while Gulie lifted his legs. The three of them simultaneously lifted the Blade Warrior up.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The blade warrior who was lifted up by the three roared like a beast, writhing and struggling like a wild beast.

At this time, the huge power of the berserk state made him break away from the control of the three of them, and successfully regained his freedom.

Gu Lie, Wade, and Harold can all be regarded as masters. No matter which one is used alone to fight against the normal Blade Warrior, it will not be weak.

But at this time, the Blade Warrior broke free. I have to say that the Blade Warrior at this time is really fierce!
Fortunately, he is as unconscious as a beast at this time, if he still has the fighting consciousness of a vampire hunter and blade warrior at this time.

So Xu Yongming and the four of them may not be able to restrain him if they don't kill him.

But now the Blade Warrior, who just relies on instinct like a beast, is still easy to deal with.

The four of them are masters of physical skills, and all kinds of joint control skills have locked the blade warrior to death.

Even the Blade Warrior, who possessed strange strength at this time, was unable to exert strength due to the lock of various joints, and was tightly controlled.

Wade: "What should we do now? It's impossible for us to keep this big black toothpaste locked up like this! It's really troublesome to beat him without knocking him out!"

Xu Yongming: "Push him into the river! First wash off the blood on his body, and do any of you have inhibitors or anesthetics?"

Gu Lie: "Okay, let's do this, I have both inhibitors and anesthetics!"

The four of them worked together to push the blade warrior into the lake, and Gu Lie injected two tubes each of the inhibitor and the anesthetic.

In this way, the blade warrior still struggled for a long time before he calmed down, but his eyes were still red and did not return to normal.

Wade, "This big black toothpaste is really powerful! These potions are enough to knock down several elephants, but it seems that the mind is still not clear."

Xu Yongming: "I have serum, and if he is still not awake half an hour later, I will inject him with serum."

The blade warrior always wears vampire serum.

Now he looked like Xu Yongming and knew clearly that it was the instinct of vampires that defeated the humanity of human beings.

If he can return to normal with his own ability, then his own strength will definitely be improved. If he uses the serum, it will more or less cause the Blade Warrior to lose part of his income.

This time, the Blade Warrior definitely benefited a lot from absorbing so much snake blood with blood orchid medicinal properties, and he might be able to fully master these abilities when he recovers.

10 minutes passed, and the blade fighter was still as weak as a beast, but he couldn't stop struggling.

Twenty minutes later, the Blade Warrior's struggle became weaker, and the bloodshot eyes decreased, and the length of the canine teeth shortened a lot.

Thirty-ten minutes passed, and the Blade Warrior completely regained his sanity, and his eyes became clear again.

Blade Runner: "Thank you."

Xu Yongming: "It's okay, whoever we are with."

Wade: "My uncle's appearance fee is very expensive, remember to pay me for the big black toothpaste."

Wade's broken mouth always wants to say a few words.

Blade Warrior: "Haha, I don't want to thank you for your kindness anyway. I will write down what happened this time. If there is anything to do, just say hello."

If the four of them hadn't teamed up to subdue him this time, maybe he really wouldn't be able to recover his mind this time, and become a humanoid monster who only knows how to suck blood everywhere.

"Haha!" Gu Lie smiled and said, "Now I need the help of the two of you, I believe you will not refuse."

Xu Yongming replied for the Blade Warrior: "Of course, you can say what you want, and the two of us will never refuse."

Gu Lie: "This time I came with a BOSS mission, this time my mission is to get the blood orchid under the waterfall.

But there are too many guardians of giant pythons there, so I need high-end combat power to go with me! "

Xu Yongming: "Okay, no problem."

Although Xu Yongming's target was also the blood orchid this time, he had no choice but to give up the blood orchid because he asked them to help him save the blade warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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