Chapter 77 075 Decadence
"I'm sorry, I didn't protect this place well, and I failed your entrustment." Xu Yongming said to the returning Winchester brothers while drinking his drink in a low voice.

"We have punished the bastard Mephisto and sealed him on a desolate planet"

Xu Yongming grabbed Dean's collar and roared with red eyes: "Seal Mephisto? Is it useful to seal Mephisto! Can the dead come back to life! These are living lives! Tens of thousands of people!"

Xu Yongming's wish is to become a superhero to protect the world. He has been doing this since the beginning of time travel. From being a street hero fighting gangsters in New York on the verge of death to now fighting against demons, he has been sticking to the wish in his heart to eliminate evil. good.

But this time, because of his mistake, tens of thousands of demons escaped from hell to the human world and caused the tragedy of extinction of the entire town. How could he not blame himself.

"But can they come back to life if you continue to be so decadent? Ah! Answer me! Can they come back to life if you drink like this every day? Tell me!"

"But what can I do! My heart aches! Every moment I can hear these miserable people asking why these demons came out! My eyes are full of their struggles in front of the demons! "

Xu Yongming's red eyes shed tears uncontrollably, his whole body seemed to have lost his energy, and the original high-spirited boy was gone.

"Listen to me, Wright! You have done well enough, you have completely wiped out the body of that dog Mephisto in the world! Every world war has his figure, there is no mistake that he challenged Mephisto in World War I and World War II. get up!

The war he started has already killed tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people. Maybe he will start the next world war, but you sent him back to hell so he can no longer start the next world war It's a big war, you saved the lives of hundreds of millions of people! "

"Heh, ah ha ha!"

Xu Yongming didn't answer, but poured wine into his mouth while crying and laughing with tears streaming down his face.

"Let him calm down for a few more days, he is a good boy! Leave him in Karma Taj and I will release him."

"The Archmage is sorry for you, we have always treated Wright as a younger brother, and we don't want him to feel guilty for this for the rest of his life."

"He is a hero who protects the world, and he should not bear the responsibility for the tragedy."

It took a total of two or three days for this disaster to end. Xu Yongming also drank for two or three days, and he never stopped drinking as soon as he woke up.

He was escaping from reality, he wanted to get completely drunk to death.

Because as long as he is awake, the tragedy of the demons slaughtering the town will appear in his eyes, the demons laugh wantonly in the world, and these poor people can only scream helplessly in despair.

They will appear in Xu Yongming's ears and ask why the devil came to the world from hell, why he was vigilant and let the monster open the gate of hell to the world, and he killed all the residents of this small town !Yes he is the culprit!It was because of him that this tragedy happened.

"I am a sinner! I am a sinner!"

After Xu Yongming was drunk and fell asleep, he still kept saying that he was a sinner, this poor guy!Failure to protect this small town has become a lingering nightmare in his heart! It has become his demon!
"you're awake?"

Early the next morning, Xu Yongming opened his drunken eyes and saw a white-bearded grandfather wearing a pointed hat.

"who are you?"

"I, my name is Gu Yi!"

"Ancient One? You are Ancient One!"

Xu Yongming's tone was very dissatisfied, and he even took action directly.

All of a sudden, he made a sneak attack, and a lightning punch suddenly hit Gu Yi in the face.

Yes, Xu Yongming is very dissatisfied with Gu Yi!He was dissatisfied with why Gu Yi wasn't in Nepal, and why he allowed demons to appear in his lair!

He is the ancient one!The strongest guardian of mankind!How dare Mephisto appear in front of him!

Facing the strongest guardian of human beings, Xu Yongming's sneak attack was no different from a turtle crawling. Master Gu avoided the punch by tilting his head.

Then he patted Xu Yongming's body with his hand, and Xu Yongming saw his body lying on the bed.


"Hmm!" Xu Yongming's tone was still somewhat dissatisfied, but he had restrained himself a lot. The reason why he attacked Gu Yi just now was because of the alcohol on his body.

Then Master Gu picked up the Eye of Agamotto hanging on his chest, which is the time gem, and the generous green light of the time gem surrounded Xu Yongming and Gu Yi.

There were planes flying over and dropping bombs into the city, and the artillery positions outside the city also unleashed their firepower into the city. Under the roar of artillery fire, the people panicked and despaired.

"This is where?"

"Verdun, France, 1916."

"Verdun, France, 1916? Is this the Battle of Verdun?"

The collective term for the many battles fought between France and Germany for the Verdun area.The battle was the longest and largest in World War I.

Verdun is a small town in northeastern France. It is the middle hub of the British and French coalition fronts and a major obstacle for Germany to attack northern France and Belgium.

This battle was a typical positional warfare and a war of attrition, with nearly 100 million casualties on both sides.Due to the heavy casualties, the Verdun battlefield has been called "meat grinder", "slaughterhouse" and "hell".

Although Xu Yongming knew the cruelty of this war in the history textbook, only when he saw it with his own eyes did he realize that it was far more cruel than he thought.

"That's right, that's the Battle of Verdun, where nearly a million people died!

And all these wars were provoked by Mephisto. If you didn't get rid of his human body, he might start a world war again, and then countless battles of this level will happen again!

Modern wars will only be more brutal than those in 1916, and the death toll will be even greater!So you are the hero who prevented the tragedy from happening. "

"But they died because of me after all!"

"Let's go, go to 1666."

In a flash of time, the gem green light and the two came to London in 1666 again, where the fire was all over the place and the whole city of London was dyed fiery red.

The fire spread to 80% of London's urban areas, burned 13200 houses, 87 churches, and 47 offices, causing economic losses of about 1000 million pounds.At that time, the annual income of the City of London was 12000 pounds. In theory, it would take 800 years to make up for the disaster losses. After the fire, more than 1 people were left homeless.

"The history of the fire was set by the owner of the bakery, Thomas Ferryau, who vehemently denied the accusation of arson, and was hanged despite the evidence that he did not set the fire.

In fact, the fire was not set by him, but by me!It was I who caused this disaster, when Dormammu came from the dark dimension, and I used a large fire magic to repel him and caused this fire.

But if I don't do this, there will be more dead people!Maybe the whole earth will be merged into the dark dimension by Dormammu. "

Xu Yongming remained silent.

"Wright! You are a good boy. Everyone will make mistakes. It is right to blame yourself, but you can't be decadent. You have to cheer up and continue to protect all human beings and fight those demons and heretics who covet the earth!"

(End of this chapter)

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