Unforgettable second half

Chapter 45 Crisis of Trust

Chapter 45 Crisis of Trust
Jiang Feng looked at his watch. There was not much time left. After thinking about it, he decided to let the three of Ma Di and the others stay on the court, and he went back to the locker room by himself.As soon as Jiang Feng arrived at the door, he heard the players inside talking loudly, so he didn't go in and eavesdropped first.

"What kind of ball did you play in the first half? I've never been so useless. When Coach Gao was there, it would be like this. You don't even know who the opponent's striker is, and you still play a bird."

"He has a good life and has a rich wife. He can't play the ball well, so how can he command?"

"There is also that assistant coach who designed some crazy corner kick tactics, kicked directly into the penalty area, and let us fight for it. He also said that he came back from Europe. Pooh."

They also said a lot of ugly things, Jiang Feng didn't move, but listened carefully, thinking about what to say when he went in.Suddenly feeling someone holding his hand, he looked back and found that Shizuka was looking at him, shaking his head gently.

It turned out that Shizuka was worried and followed.Jiang Feng knew that she was afraid of being impulsive. In fact, before coming, he had already expected it, and thought of all the ugly words, which made Ma Di and the others stay on the court.After experiencing so many things, I have calmed down a lot.Things have to be resolved, not by vindictiveness.

He nodded, let go of Shizuka's hand, pushed open the door of the locker room, strode in, and then scanned the entire locker room with stern eyes.

Everyone fell silent, lowering their heads to straighten their clothes or tie their shoelaces.

"While there is still time, let me, a rookie coach, say a few words." Jiang Feng said in a loud voice, "For example, in the first half, the responsibility lies with the coaching staff. It is not your problem. You all performed very well. Especially the captain , They all ran back from the frontcourt to defend the penalty area. Except for the striker, you successfully restricted the opponent's offense, and our offense also played out, with about 3 chances to score goals."

Everyone still didn't say anything, pretending to be busy with their own things.

"I know that Coach Gao is a good coach. When the team is short of food, he is both a father and a mother. It is not easy to lead the team so well. But the reality is like this, it is not easy for everyone. Everyone has Dreams, but you need to eat when you have dreams. You are like this, and so am I. I am very lucky to marry a good wife. She and her family invested tens of millions in the team for my coaching dream. The dream is very Expensive." Jiang Feng controlled his emotions.

"I believe that Coach Gao doesn't want you to give up. Whether he is here or not, he wants you to win. I hope that in the second half, you can fight for your dreams and for your Coach Gao. We still have time, and I thought of winning ways, they can score us two goals in the first half, we can score them three goals, our goal is always to win."

Seeing that everyone was still silent, Jiang Feng laid out tactics directly on the whiteboard in the locker room, "Let me, a rookie coach, talk about the second half tactics. In terms of defense, on the basis of the first half, focus on protecting the middle. Personally, I focus on marking the opponent's striker, try to let him receive the ball outside the penalty area, and prevent him from entering the penalty area."

"In terms of offense, the captain directly approached the left midfielder and directly hit the opponent's right back. Use the gap behind him to enter the penalty area and shoot, or break through more in front of him, and strive for more free kicks and corner kicks. Set-piece tactics are still in accordance with training. To prevent the opponent from stealing the ball and counterattacking, the two defensive midfielders cannot go up and protect from behind."

Jiang Feng looked at everyone, but they still didn't say anything, "I've finished my tactics. Think about it carefully, and you can decide whether to execute it or not. You don't have to work hard for me. You are responsible for your dreams and careers. That's it." Then he left.

Outside the locker room, Shizuka was already standing there.Jiang Feng looked at the time, and it was almost time.The two walked to the football field.

Shizuka walked for a while, still worried, took Jiang Feng's hand and said, "What if they don't implement it?"

"Trust me, they will execute it." Jiang Feng nodded affirmatively.

The second half started, and the players ran more actively.Jiang Feng was secretly happy. It seemed that there was something to be done.These guys, if you don't like soft and hard, then I will give you half-cooked soft and hard.

The opponent's striker couldn't get the ball in front and frequently came out of the penalty area to get the ball.As soon as he got the ball, he was pinched by the defender. He could only distribute the ball again, and the threat was reduced a lot for a while.On the contrary, after the captain moved to the left, he hit behind the opponent's right back many times, so that the opponent's central defender had to come out to help defend many times. Our forward got several good chances, but unfortunately they didn't score.The opponent's right back didn't dare to assist anymore, and he honestly defended behind.The Sea Dragons' offensive advantage is also gone.

The time passed minute by minute, and it was 65 minutes in a blink of an eye.Jiang Feng knew that in the second half he continued to attack, and the first 20 minutes were crucial.If you can't score, and you are behind by 2 goals, everyone will be relieved.But there was nothing he could do in a hurry, Jiang Feng could only gesture to the captain for a free kick.

The captain glanced at it, but didn't respond, wondering if he understood.Since then, the ball has been in the opponent's hands, and Jiang Feng has nothing to do.

It's been 70 minutes since the game, and Ma Di couldn't sit still, so he walked up to Jiang Feng and asked if he wanted to make a substitution.

Jiang Feng knew that he couldn't make a change. The main force of this team held their breath now. If a change didn't work, the coach would definitely be blamed.Wait a little longer.

The ball finally went to Jiang Feng's side, and it happened to pass to the captain's feet.He immediately dribbled the ball to the side. After a simple hit to the wall, he caught the ball and went to the right side of the opponent's penalty area. It was the opponent's right back who was defending him.He frequently made expensive moves in front of the opponent, so as to provoke the opponent to tackle the ball, but the opponent was unmoved, just stood in a good position and looked at him.The captain suddenly made an inward cut and changed the line, shifted the ball to the middle, and passed the opponent sideways.The opponent immediately tackled the ball to the end, shoveling the ball and the person together.The captain took advantage of the situation and rolled a few times on the ground, and he had already entered the restricted area.

The foul position is a little bit outside the penalty area and in the middle, which is a very good position.The referee called a foul and it was a free kick.

This is a very good opportunity, and Rhodes also designed a good tactic, but will they execute it?Especially after the failed corner kick in the first half.Jiang Feng didn't know what to do, and Rhodes also walked to the sidelines nervously. Everyone didn't speak, and they all looked at the court.

I saw the captain, a midfielder and a forward standing in front of the ball, the others went near the wall, and there were two midfielders behind, ready to defend the opponent's counterattack.

It seemed to be a tactic designed by Rhodes. Rhodes showed excitement on his face, but he was a little nervous.Jiang Feng went over to put his arms around his shoulders, and Ma Di and Wang Pei also came over. The four of them stood in a row, hugging each other. No one said anything, and looked at the field quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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