Chapter 63 Dilemma
Everyone was very happy with the successful relegation, so when everyone returned to the hotel that night, Shizuka arranged a small celebration party.The so-called celebration party is nothing more than wasting food, teasing the coaches and teammates, taking pictures, and everyone having fun.It's rare that everyone is happy, so it doesn't matter if they are teased, anyway, I will play with them when I get to the training ground, hehe.Wang Pei and the others deliberately put the photos in the circle of friends, which made Ma Di only envious.

After everyone was tired from playing, they went back to rest. Jiang Feng was still sitting where he was, drinking red wine quietly.

"What's wrong? Why are you unhappy tonight?" Shizuka can always find out his unhappiness immediately.

"No." Jiang Feng smiled a little, "Let's have a toast while they're not here."

"What's not there, I'm still here."

Jiang Feng looked over and saw that Rhodes had walked back at some point.

"Then the three of us have a toast." Jiang Feng poured half a glass and gave it to Rhodes.

The three of them sat down, sipped wine, and did not speak.

"Jiang Feng, I know what you think? You want us to go armor, right?" Rhodes said it anyway.

Jiang Feng glanced at him. Everyone had gotten along well for more than a month, so he nodded.

Instead, it was Shizuka who answered first, "It's a good thing to get armor, so why hesitate? We also plan to get armor next year. It would be great if we could make it earlier?"

Jiang Feng didn't know what to say, he was in a bit of a dilemma, but one was his beloved woman and the other was his brother, so he felt there was no need to hide it from him.

"Now is indeed a good opportunity. We have the opportunity to enter the final stage and even advance to the top. It is indeed our goal to advance to the top. The brothers and the team members, they are so talented, they should not be in the middle B is buried, they should go to a higher level league to display their talents."

Jiang Feng stopped for a while, took a sip of wine, and continued, "However, we also have to consider the current situation of the team. The team's personnel reserves are not enough. Except for the main lineup, there are not many substitutes who can play games. We just bought The team has already spent a lot of money, and we don’t have much money. If we go to the top, not only will we need to replenish domestic players, but we will also need to buy foreign players, which will cost at least 6000 to [-] million yuan a year. Where will we find so much money then?”

No one spoke.

The next day, everyone flew back to the special zone.Jiang Feng asked the team to take an extra day off, organized everyone to travel around, and by the way, he also went to relax and think about the way ahead.When Maddy heard that he was going on a trip, he had already driven back, almost returning to the special zone at the same time as the team.

Now that Madi is back, the travel is left to him.After Zhang Shuo and Zhang Le knew about it, they took the initiative to help.Okay, Jiang Feng doesn't care about it this time, let them make trouble.

Early the next morning, everyone got on the bus and drove to the beach.I have been in the special zone for so long, and I really haven’t gone out to have a good time. Except for going to Madi’s house to see the sea, I stay in the club all the time.The bus finally stopped and had reached the beach.The team members cheered, quickly got out of the car, and ran to the beach.

Jiang Feng and Shizuka were the last to get out of the car.Jiang Feng walked slowly on the white sandy beach, looking at the vast and boundless azure blue sea, with the sea breeze blowing, all his troubles disappeared immediately.Shizuka took off her shoes, held them in her hands, and walked playfully to the shallow water, letting the waves wash over her feet.

Jiang Feng also wanted to run over, but just as he took off his shoes, he heard Ma Di shout: "Boss, sister-in-law, hurry up, we have to go out to sea by speedboat."

So the destination is not here?It's also very good here, today is Monday, and it's still morning, there are not many people.But today they are the bosses, so listen to them.So the two hurried over.There are many speedboats parked beside the beach, and the team members are already scrambling to get on it.

Jiang Feng asked Ma Di, "Where are we going?"

"Go to the island over there."

Jiang Feng looked in the direction of Ma Di's finger. In the vast sea, how could there be any islands?

"Haha, I can't see it now. When we get there, you will know." Madi laughed at the side, "Let's get on the speedboat too."

Jiang Feng looked around. Everyone else had already boarded the speedboat, and only the three of them were left. "Why don't you see Xia Na? Didn't I ask you to notify her?"

"I left her a message last night, but she didn't reply to me." Madi opened the phone, checked it again, and shook his head again.

Shizuka hurriedly said: "I also contacted her, and she said she was going to accompany her client, so she won't come."

"I thought you two were arguing."

"No, I haven't seen her for a while, what's the noise." Madi replied immediately, "Let's get on the boat, everyone else has driven a long way."

The three got on the boat, put on life jackets, and sat on chairs.The big brother who drove the boat has already started the speedboat.Accompanied by the low humming sound, the speedboat rushed into the embrace of the sea.The speed of the speedboat was getting faster and faster, facing the direction of the waves, and bravely rushed over.There was a violent collision, and the sea water splashed on everyone's clothes, bringing a refreshing feeling.Then the whole boat jumped high, and then slowly fell back to the surface of the sea with everyone's screams.This feeling is a word, cool.

Jiang Feng grabbed the boat with one hand and Shizuka's with the other. The two looked at each other's distress and laughed.Maddy sat in the front, the sea water had already drenched him, and he shouted loudly to the sea, "It's--en--addiction--."

He seemed to know that Jiang Feng was laughing at him from behind, so he turned around and said, "Boss, do you see that, don't think so much about some things, just move forward, if there is any storm, let's go over and talk about it."

Jiang Feng was taken aback. Did he just want to talk about surfing?Ma Di didn't seem to see Jiang Feng's expression, so he immediately turned his head and shouted to the sea, "Forward, forward."

Jiang Feng suddenly understood in his heart that Ma Di must have received the wind when he came back, maybe Rhodes told him.Yes, he was right, why think so much, rush over and talk.He held Shizuka's hand tightly, and greeted the arrival of the next wave.

The speedboat was speeding in the sea, and the shore kept receding, getting farther and farther until it was out of sight.At this time, there is only the vast sea, everything looks very small in front of it, and even the troubles are gone.

The speedboat drove for a long time before reaching an island.The island is surrounded by rocks on three sides and has a sandy beach on one side.The team members have already gone to the beach, and everyone is playing on it.Jiang Feng and his speedboat also docked. The beach was very clean, and the sea water was so clear that one could clearly see the white sand at the bottom.The water is clear and the sand is soft, and the advertisements on the beach are really correct.

Jiang Feng also wanted to go swimming. The clean sea water would be wasted if he didn't go.He and Shizuka changed into swimsuits, came to the beach, jumped into the sea, soaked in the cool sea water, and fatigue and worries were gone.

(End of this chapter)

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