Abnormal paradise

Chapter 13 Walker in the Shadows

"The top executive is actually locked up? No wonder you have to go to the control center to check his location. This is really..."

Yi Yan was a little dumbfounded, but he also felt relieved. He had long been prepared to continue taking risks alone, but now that it has become a collective action, the risk has been reduced a lot.

The guard adjutant who received the order immediately rushed to the mission location with his men without making any adjustments. Before leaving, the person in charge of the center looked at the embers and tapped his glasses with his fingers intentionally or unintentionally.

At first, Ember didn't know what the meaning was, but the game prompts immediately answered his doubts.

[Tip: Your access authorization card has received a message from the person in charge of the control center. 】

Yan Yan pulled out the card and raised his eyebrows.

"D1106, you are lucky and unfortunate at the same time. Every month, the foundation recruits countless temporary employees to complete various dangerous tasks. These people are either incurable serious patients or criminals. There are prisoners awaiting death row for serious crimes. They come here to seek continuation of life and freedom and transcendence, but very few of them succeed. Will you be the luckiest one?"

"According to regulations, I should have retrieved the access authority card of the fifth security officer as soon as possible, but considering the potential crisis, I decided to secretly give you the access authority to release the supervisor. If my prediction is correct, I am afraid that the Science and Technology Branch has already Fall, the control center will be subject to a strong counterattack by the Chaos Apostles at any time, and the insiders who are still lurking may no longer hide their minions. Even if you receive assistance from the control center, this mission will never be smooth sailing."

"The reason why I say so much is because I have seen your performance and your mentality of survival in the face of death. I might as well tell you that the pressure on the Ministry of Science and Technology is much higher than that on the control center. If the supervisor fails to get out of trouble, we will Everyone will be trapped and die here."

Along with this piece of information, there was also the place of detention of the top executive. With a solemn expression, Yi Yan looked at the task introduction for the initial assessment "Novice on the Road". After sixty minutes, every ten minutes, the assessment evaluation increased by one level. Correspondingly, the difficulty of the task will also increase.

One step at a time!

Yi Yan groaned, then followed the others and rushed to the dangerous steel passage again. The guard adjutant even turned on some kind of acceleration device, allowing the players to enjoy the feeling of walking as fast as flying.

At this moment, in this extremely majestic cold building, a frightening and crazy killing was taking place. The incoming Chaos Apostles completed the encirclement and suppression of the science and technology branch, and mobilized the control center of the defense weapons, and also used bullets again and again. Storm and laser cut to clear the way for the rescue team.

Along the way, all the Chaos Apostles turned into inhuman filth. Even though the four players were in good spirits, they did not want to stay any longer. They also complained that the tragic scenes were too realistic and that the new version of the somatosensory suit was not the same. all good.

After all, the feeling of stepping in blood is not very good.

But before long, the players couldn't help but miss the mountains of corpses and seas of blood just now, because they broke out of the fire network and faced the Chaos Apostles head-on again.

Although the control center tried its best to save it, it could not completely regain the communication rights and could only barely maintain the balance of power between the two sides. Therefore, even the guard adjutant was prepared to die in battle for the rest of the way, not to mention the four who had basically zero combat effectiveness. The player, listening to the bullets flying past his ears, did not dare to show his head at all. He walked and hit, stopped and hit, and finally arrived near the mission location in sixty-six minutes.

There are only seven members of the Third Guard who have survived to this day.

The players who were finally able to "raise their heads" felt that the casualties were too heavy. However, they didn't know that if Ember hadn't blown away the grenade, the situation would have been even more serious. A control center with insufficient manpower will be completely unable to carry out information confrontation with the Chaos Apostles. The coverage of the fire network will be reduced accordingly, and the pressure faced by the guard team will also increase exponentially.

But even so, Ember still has to ask a question that cannot be ignored, that is, will there be an insider among these seven people?

Not only was Yi Yan thinking about this problem, but the other three players and the adjutant were also worried. However, the destination was right in front of him. The always calm adjutant couldn't help but get excited: "The place where the supervisor is being held is right there! Hurry! Work harder. Before those damn lunatics organize a counterattack, let’s rush over at one go!”

The encouragement of the guard adjutant made the remaining six guards extremely excited, but from the perspective of Ember, it also meant that a crisis was coming.

Alert the adjutant?

Yi Yan shook his head. Since the person in charge of the center could tell him that there was still a possibility of a mole, he would definitely not hide it from the adjutant. After all, the other party was the core of this mission. Furthermore, what if I am reminded? The fact that the mole can still lurk in such a chaotic situation shows that he is quite extraordinary. Instead of stopping and wasting precious time, it is better to wait for an opportunity to break the situation.

The seemingly unsuspecting guard adjutant rushed straight to the facility access control with the permission card in hand. At this moment, a certain guard who had been fighting side by side suddenly tore off his disguise and launched a brazen attack on him.

Different from the previous shooting of bullets, this time, Ember saw a very special attack method.

A shadow that was difficult to discern with the naked eye suddenly extended to the adjutant's feet, and then turned into a pair of big hands grabbing his legs. But the adjutant of the guard was not a vegetarian. He was well prepared and suddenly stamped off his thick military boots. There was a faint flash of electric light on the soles, and the shadowed palm instantly shattered, but a cold light followed closely, hitting the adjutant of the guard. Eyes.

"You're the one I've been waiting for!"

The guard adjutant shouted loudly, his eyes met the visitor, he clenched his right fist, and steel armor pieces instantly emerged from his wrist, covering the fist in layers, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a steel-armored iron fist the size of a head. At the tail of the iron fist, four propulsion devices were ignited simultaneously, and the jet airflow brought strong power to it. Together with the guard adjutant's own strength, it crashed towards the incoming cold light like a rocket.

There is no suspense in such a collision.

A short sword in the cold light shattered instantly, and its owner was also knocked upside down, hitting the wall and scattering into a ball of black mist. However, the guard adjutant's heavy expression did not improve, because he saw that the attacker had a strange smile on his face before disappearing.

Could it be...

The fire flashed and blood splashed.

A string of blood suddenly exploded on the back of the guard adjutant, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably!

This scene surprised the players present. They knew that there might be a mole hidden among the guards, but they never expected that there would be two moles!

If the two moles were to fight fairly against the guard adjutant, the latter would have an absolute advantage. Don't underestimate him just because the title has the word "deputy" in front of it. The foundation's foundation is one of the best in the world of Abnormal Paradise. Even if Chaos Beacon has great eyes and hands, if it wants to attack such an important stronghold, it must take advantage of the fact that the top manager is imprisoned. But even if the Chaos Beacon has the upper hand, it cannot completely suppress the Foundation. Therefore, only limited manpower has been deployed for secondary targets such as the control center, which is why the two moles have chosen to lurk until now.

Seeing that the adjutant of the guard was shot and fell to the ground, the two moles were relieved. Although there were four guards in the field, they were nothing to worry about. As for the players such as Yi Yan, they could not get into the eyes of the two of them at all. They were just a few ants. , a little thing that can be crushed to death at any time.

The favorable situation did not make the two of them take it lightly. When they saw the guard adjutant lying on the ground, they immediately pursued the victory.

A sharp blade flashed in the shadows, thrust straight into the heart, and several bullets erupted from the muzzle and shot towards the head.

At this critical moment, no one thought that the adjutant had a chance to survive, except the adjutant himself. He was obviously seriously injured, but he jumped up from the ground in a flash. He raised his head like a crouching tiger, and his majestic momentum surged out, forcing the shadow to dissipate and reveal the hidden person.

Puff puff!

Three streaks of blood shot out from the guard adjutant's body, but he seemed to be unconscious, his eyes motionless as he stared at the opponent who was coming towards him, and he suddenly punched out.

There was a whistling roar in the air, and the mole who couldn't dodge was knocked backwards again, but this time before he retreated, he forcibly threw out the dagger in his hand and stabbed the adjutant's chest, and the adjutant was even more ruthless, He pulled out the dagger and threw it at the man again.

The dagger came first and nailed him to the wall.

"Cough...cough..." The guard adjutant's mouth was bruised, and his expression could be as crazy as possible, "Waste is waste. Even if you have abnormal equipment, are you still going to be punched to death by me?"

At the same time, another mole whose identity was exposed was shot to death by four guards in a panic.

At this point, there are no more hidden Chaos Apostles in the team, but only the guard adjutant understands the price he paid.

Adrenaline violent version, a precious drug that allows the user to activate their potential and ignore injuries. However, once the effect of the drug wears off, they will either die or be injured.

Forcibly swallowing the blood rushing to his throat, the guard adjutant once again walked towards the door with the access authorization card. The four guards stopped slacking off and followed closely. Even Yi Yan and others became the suspects of the guard team, so they had to stand aside and look far away. Looking at the back of the guard adjutant from a distance.

No matter what, the mission is finally completed!

Upon seeing this, the players were very happy, because this phase of the mission seemed to be much smoother than expected. The guards were responsible for the entire process, and they only needed to save their lives.

But no one saw it. The corpse nailed to the wall quietly turned into a shadow and quickly rushed to the feet of many guards, silently forming a mysterious five-pointed star array.

Call for the pentagram array of exploding light balls!

The explosive ball of light that should have bombarded the gate of the facility now targeted the guard team. This was the last gift of the shadow walker, and it also adhered to the consistent style of the Chaos Apostle.

Even if it means death, the destruction must be carried out to the end.


The explosion was extremely sudden. A ball of light just appeared from a distance and then exploded directly around everyone. The guard adjutant and the four guards shrouded in the five-pointed star array were instantly annihilated, but the players who were standing far away and did not follow them escaped.

After the energy was released, the place was in a mess. The five guards were missing, and all that was left was the melting equipment whose original shape could not be seen clearly.

As for the access authority card, it disappeared completely. Shadow Walker's fatal blow was precisely to destroy it and destroy the last hope of all foundation members.


The sudden change left the players dumbfounded. The mission rewards that they were about to receive suddenly disappeared. The assessment that they thought they could pass easily ended up stopping everyone there.

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