The lines on Mr. Rong Wu's hard face were tense. He said coldly: "My people are not far away. Yang Bo will come up soon when he hears the gunshot. He can stabilize the situation if he holds on for a while. There is no need to run away yet."

Nanhuang nodded.

Rong Wuye suddenly laughed. "It's good now."

Nanhuang raised her head to look at him. His dark eyes were staring at her blankly, and some complex emotions in his eyes seemed to have not passed yet.

She didn't know what to say for a moment.

The man said slowly: "Little one, stay with me, I will keep you safe."

As he spoke, Rong Wuye put on a smile. He walked quickly, turned around, straightened his arms and fired directly.

Nanhuang looked at his back and was a little shocked.

"Let's go!" the man said urgently.

Nanhuang and Xie Wen retreated and then around the corner. Soon, Yang Bo came in with a group of bodyguards carrying guns.

"Fifth Master, eldest lady, this way!"

Rong Wuye and Nan Huang faced each other and fired several shots, then retreated behind Yang Bo and others.

After Rong Wuye's people arrived, the situation instantly reversed.

Nan Tuo gritted his teeth and roared, and the Nan family's bodyguards protected him and retreated.

The woman Luo Qingmei had already been shot dead on the spot in the melee.

Yang Bo had already stepped on Luo Qingmei's body, and everyone on Master Rong's side walked over on Luo Qingmei's body.

Rong Wuye dragged Nanhuang out of the abandoned building, with several bodyguards protecting them.

It should be safe.

Nanhuang breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Rong Wuye let go of her hand.

For a moment, there was silence.

Nanhuang raised his head and glanced at Rong Wuye. The quarrel yesterday morning had only lasted about 36 hours. But it seems like a long time has passed.

She couldn't see his features clearly. He was extremely silent and said nothing.

"Madman." Nanhuang wanted to say thank you.

Rong Wuye turned around and was about to get in the car.


Nanhuang chased after him.

Rong Wuye had already closed the car door. Nanhuang slapped his car door and window, but he had no intention of lowering the window.

I pulled up the handbrake, lost the brake, and the car sped forward!


Nanhuang chased for a few steps, but was left on the spot, and was at a loss for a moment.

The Nantuo side fled, and Yang Bo ordered people to clean up the scene.

When they left the building, they only saw Nanhuang and not Rong Wuye. Quite unexpected.

"Miss, where is the Fifth Master?" Yang Bo asked.

Nanhuang's face also looked a little ugly. "gone."

"Leaved?" Yang Bo was stunned, "No, the processing here has not been completed, and you are still here, Miss. How could he leave?"

"He's angry." Nanhuang said.

"Are you angry?" Yang Bo was stunned again.

The relationship was good, but it turned out that he was losing his temper.

"If you're angry, go and calm her down." Yang Bo threw her a car key. "Miss, take my car and go quickly."


Nanhuang laughed at himself. "Yang Bo, I'm just his substitute for Bai Yueguang, what qualifications do I have to coax him?"

Yang Bo looked at Nanhuang and was stunned for a moment: "Does the eldest lady really think that the fifth master treats you as a substitute?"

"Miss, do you really think so?"

Yang Bo smiled helplessly: "Okay. But even if you are a substitute, Mr. Wu has risked his life to save you again and again. A thank you should be said by the eldest lady."

Nanhuang stood still.

She is not someone who likes to owe people favors.

What's more, Yang Bo is right.

No matter what kind of emotion it is, thank you should be said. An apology should also be said.

Nanhuang hesitantly walked a few steps towards Yang Bo's car, then turned back. "Special Assistant Yang."


"My brother, help take care of him."

Yang Bo looked at the boy who looked very fragile, very pitiful, very helpless, and very good-looking.

He looked confused.

When did the eldest lady get a younger brother?

Nanhuang drove into the car and saw clearly the route Rong Wuye took. drive.

Yang Bo was just about to ask his new brother, when he heard a harsh drifting sound and looked up.

I have an aunt, the eldest lady is drifting with his car? ? ? Damn, this is really fast, professional, right?

Yang Bo opened his mouth and took two steps forward. "Is this road safe? It doesn't matter if the car gets into an accident. If someone gets into trouble, the Fifth Master won't skin me?"

He slapped himself. "I'm a bitch, why should I give her my own car?"

The gate of the vineyard opened, and a luxury car roared in. Before the staff in the manor could react, a luxury car roared in behind them.

The car stopped, and the man strode upstairs. The car behind also stopped, and the woman went upstairs with the same anger.

All the nannies, housekeepers and others did not dare to express their anger or say a word.

When they arrived in the bedroom, just as the man was about to close the door, the woman put her gun to his head.

"Get out of the way, I want to go in." Nanhuang said solemnly.

Rong Wuye felt the muzzle of the gun. He took a few steps back to make room. Nanhuang approached the bedroom and kicked the door shut with his foot.

"Rong Wuye, tell me, what do you want?" Nanhuang asked, raising his gun.

Rong Wuye lowered his eyes to look at her. She struck him again and again, directly hitting him against the wall.

"Speak, otherwise I don't know how to coax you."

Rong Wuye felt the muzzle of the gun and was very surprised. "Are you coaxing me?"

This method of coaxing is probably the first of its kind in history.

Nanhuang put down the gun and started looking for things in his bedroom.

"What are you looking for?" Rong Wuye was very puzzled by Nanhuang's "coaxing" method.

"Look for the phone."

Nanhuang opened a drawer and finally found a mobile phone, which happened to be the one she used before.

He put her phone in the bedroom.

Nanhuang opened the phone. Rong Wuye stared at her in confusion.

Nanhuang opened the phone, opened the address book, and dialed Master Rong Wu's number.

"Yesterday to today, two whole days. I owe you six phone calls and forty messages. I'll give it to you now."

In Rong Wuye's trouser pocket, the phone rang. Rong Wuye took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket, and it was Nanhuang who was calling him.

Seeing that he didn't move for a long time, Nanhuang raised his hand and pointed the pistol at his head. "catch."

Rong Wuye pursed his lips, opened the phone, and put it to his ear.

"Fifth Master, I am Nanhuang."

Rong Wuye was silent for a moment.

Nanhuang continued: "Yesterday morning, I went to the garbage dump in the west of the city and met my mother and Uncle Qun. My mother said she wanted to adopt three children and asked me if I agreed. I agreed. So I got three more brothers yesterday. .”

Nanhuang looked into his dark eyes and said, "I'm very happy. Because I have younger brothers. I named them Xie Wen, Xie Liang, and Xie Qian. They are all very small and look very weak. ."

After Nanhuang finished speaking, Rong Wuye remained silent. Nanhuang hung up the phone, and Rong Wuye looked at her hung up phone with a dull look in his eyes.

Then, Nanhuang's second phone call came over, and Rong Wuye answered it with his swipe.

Nanhuang said: "I took Xie Wen to my maternal grandfather's house. I met my cousin Xie Ziran, my grandfather Xie Tang, and I also met my second uncle Xie Yuxue. They were very kind to me and allowed me to eat. Food from Xie's family It’s delicious, and the people in Xie’s family are also very nice. I’m very happy.”

After saying that, Nanhuang hung up the phone again. Soon, a third call came through, and Rong Wuye answered it again.

"I came home at night. I turned on my phone alone. I didn't want to play games. I thought of playing chess. But I clicked on Go and played three games. The chess player named 'Fifth Master' didn't even ask me to play chess."

Nanhuang breathed shallowly: "I'm not happy."

Rong Wuye raised his head to look at her in shock.

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