104/Seven Streams

As usual, Lu Yan will do a physical test when he goes to the Pollution Disease Prevention and Control Center.

System: [I suggest you not to do the spiritual power threshold detection, your spiritual power threshold is rising too fast. Although it will not do anything, it will always cause some doubts. Lesion detection and psychological testing can be done. ]

Lu Yan himself didn't want to attract too much attention. Ever since he found out that his spiritual power threshold has increased far more than ordinary people, he has not used the detector attached to his mobile phone to detect his own data. After all, this app needs to be connected to the Internet, making Lu Yan very insecure.


[Updating your profile. ]

[Host Lu Yan, codename Listening Truth. The spiritual power threshold is 7500. Lesion degree 33.1. ]

[You have strong survivability, you can skillfully use long-range weapons such as guns and bows, you are good at melee combat, and you are not resistant to high temperatures. It has an amazing self-healing ability, and at the same time, its mental state is stable, and it can be immune to most mental attacks, and the disease degree increases slowly. Able to breathe underwater, human/fish dual form, highly deformed hands. He is a rare apocalypse in the human camp who can leapfrog and kill monsters. ]

[Talent: Omniscience, Spiritual Reshaping, Devouring, Delirium, Regeneration]

[Direction of lesion: unknown. ]

Lu Yan was very surprised: It has risen so much?

It used to be a rise of tens of hundreds, but now it has risen by more than 2,000. It gave him the illusion that the boss suddenly gave out the year-end bonus half a year in advance.

[Two high level pollutants. A mature king fish, you deserve it. ]

Lu Yan thought for a while, pulled out his phone, and found Zhou Qiming's contact information.

Lu Yan: What is your spiritual power threshold?

Zhou Qiming: 7300. what's wrong?

Zhou Qiming did not join the Special Operations Department. Although he assisted City C in the prevention and control of pollution diseases, he was generally a bit salty. The threshold of spiritual power has increased by several hundred compared to when he first met Lu Yan.

Lu Yan: /smile

Zhou Qiming was just 100 on the Apocalypse Forum's leaderboard before.

Lu Yan was in a good mood after knowing what level he was currently ranked in the human race.

On the other hand, Zhou Qiming's mood was also very surging.

He typed the screenshot of Lu Yan's chat and posted it to the circle of friends: Dream Love 0 smiled at me - is he interested in me? !

Although the key information is blurred, the other party's avatar can be vaguely seen. It's the little orange wild cat in the garden of the first hospital in K city.

Chen Twelve: Boss, people are more valuable than self-knowledge

Detective: When did you become 1 again? ?


Among so many comments, either congratulations or ridicule, one message stood out from the crowd.

Tang Xun'an: ?


When I came to the prevention and treatment center this time, one of the most important tasks was to write an action report.

Although there is no need to honestly explain what he did like a prisoner, the level of detail in the report will undoubtedly affect the annual assessment.

Of course, Lu Yan didn't care much about this either.

Because the disease degree is too low, he can't even use the special medicine provided by the prevention and treatment center. Therefore, the waist pole is also particularly hard.

This time, it was Xiao Bing from the Third Research Institute who was listening to the report.

So, you ended up in a coma and didn't know what happened. Did you?

Lu Yan nodded: When I woke up, I was already back in China.

He was brought back by Tang Xun'an himself from the third district.

After Michael fell into a coma, he also fell into a coma with serious injuries. Really don't know anything.

He didn't know what brother did, so it wasn't a lie.

Xiao Bing carefully wrote down the key information on the record sheet: Thank you for the information, sir.

When he left, the tail of the rabbit behind him was wagging, round and cute.

The system sneered: [It's all a little trick of the prevention and treatment center. ]

Originally, according to the content of the task, Lu Yan and the three of them could only get 70,000 contribution points.

However, due to the unexpected escalation of difficulty, the Hunter Guild and the Prevention and Control Center decided after negotiation that the reward would be 70,000 contribution points per person, plus 30,000 psionic weapon deduction coupons.

After receiving the salary, Lu Yan did not hold back the temptation and opened the latest item purchase interface accompanied by the staff.

Today, the number one weapon on the list is the one that Lu Yan used.

A-level psionic props, hellfire.

Introduction: It used to be the saber of Uriel, the head of the Third District Prevention and Control Center. Hellfire has a strong burning ability to biochemical pollutants, which can greatly weaken the action of pollutants. After testing, it is estimated that it is effective for pollutants with a pollution value of 0 to 15,000. If it wasn't for the high external debt owed by the headquarters of the Third District Prevention and Control Center, and there was no suitable user for this short blade for the time being, there is a high probability that it would not be put up for auction.

Starting price: 200,000 contribution points.

Auction time is next month.

Lu Yan glanced at the balance in his card, and had no choice but to turn over again, pretending not to be interested.

The system complained: [This price is clearly intended to slaughter special operations departments and some organizations in other districts. How can ordinary Apocalypse people have so much money. ]

The data from the psychoanalyst came from the staff's headset - The first page stays for 15 seconds, the fourth page for 7 seconds. The remaining pages are about 2 seconds. Psionic weapons are all knives. Lu Yan wants to buy a knife. The price of A-level psionic weapons varies from 200,000 to 2 million. His account balance is only 142,000, so he can't buy a good weapon, but he can apply for it custom made.

So, the empathetic staff smiled and said: Mr. Lu, you are now a senior employee of the Special Operations Department, you can apply for custom weapons, and you can enjoy a 20% discount for the first application.

Customized weapons are considered employee benefits of the Special Operations Department, with free labor and cost of materials.

Non-special operations members who want one, not only have to queue, but also charge exorbitant labor costs.

Tang Xun'an's Huang Chen, Michael's Holy Sword, and Uriel's Hellfire are all customized products.

After the Apocalypse has filled in their own needs, they will forward the form to the corresponding research institute. The production time is about half a year.

Lu Yan thought for a while and asked, How to charge?

Advanced materials are very expensive, and it is good to have subsidies, but it is difficult to be completely free.

What's more, everyone wants good materials, and there is no shortage but unevenness.

The headquarters will only charge the cost fee. 20% off the cost fee. If you are interested, I can introduce it to you.

Under the guidance of the staff, Lu Yan completed the form. Bow and Arrow is checked in the Weapon Form column.

This is purely out of personal interest.

The staff said that after the approval, a special researcher will contact him.

Finally, under the guidance of the system, Lu Yan bought a gun that could hold 1,000 bullets. The clip has a little space-folding property, except that it is a little heavier, it does not take up much space.

In shopping malls, armor is much more expensive than weapons.

Because of the limited amount of high-level pollutants that can be hunted, many armors are not as strong as Lu Yan's own fish scales.

[Distortion is the best defense. Because the high-level pollutants that can be hunted are limited, the materials of the same level will basically give priority to making weapons. But the price of armor remains high. Many people who tried their best to buy armor were not even the Apocalypse... The headquarters just saw it and didn't say it. ]

After all, if you have money, you won't make it for nothing.

When I came out of the headquarters of the prevention and control center, it was already afternoon. Lu Yan also carried a file in his hand.

As a senior employee, the information he can unlock is much more detailed than what he sees in the forum. Lu Yan specifically asked for a case report of a global pollution disease.

Mainly to see the kingdom of God.

But it is a pity, because the kingdom of God has been blocked for nearly forty years. The information left in it is from a long time ago.

The system snorted: [If someone follows the above and enters the kingdom of God, they will die without knowing how to die. ]

[The most difficult part of Allah, you have already seen, is to manipulate the brain into the space of consciousness, and consume the individual consciousness in samsara. ]

[But if this is the case, the kingdom of God ruled by Allah will not become a case of s-level pollution. There are more than a dozen S-level pollutants in the world, but so far there are only 3 S-level pollution areas. ]

[The Kingdom of God is on an island, which has been blocked. But there are still human beings living inside, and the society there is divided into two types of people, one is called God Race, which is a pollutant; the other is called Family, which is ordinary people. It is also the food that contaminants hold. After decades of brainwashing, the Kingdom of God has formed a strict social system. Both the family and the gods believe in Allah as the only Father. ]

[The place where Allah lives is called the Central God Court, surrounded by countless Protoss protection. ]

[Pollutants are rarely wise, but Allah implants their own brains in their bodies. Can make these pollutants have the ability to think and help him rule the entire kingdom of God. ]

[And Allah himself does not eat people because of its special structure, but needs a steady stream of human souls as nutritional supplements. This is also the reason why he supports the gods. Pollutants do not produce white souls. He called the souls of these human believers the Holy Spirit, and they remained in the temple as his own reserve. ]

Lu Yan's brows furrowed: Aren't the people inside resisting?

[If a person is born, tell him that he is a slave and a low-level existence. He had never seen what normal human society looked like, and had no idea how human beings lived. Do human beings who grew up in such an environment really know how to resist? ]

[Erase their words, imprison their thoughts, smooth their fighting spirit, and tamper with their history. If the whole world falls, there will not be much difference between the world and the kingdom of God. ]

[In fact, within the Kingdom of God, there are still small and weak forces resisting. The eldest Apocalypse was almost a hundred years old. In the past, he was at the same level as Tang Xun'an and was considered to be the apocalypse of mankind's future hope. ]

[The reason why Allah has not obliterated them so far is because such souls will be extra delicious. Recently, the quality of the souls of the kin is getting worse and worse, and Allah is very dissatisfied. In order to recover from the injury, it intends to end this half-century-long game of cat and mouse. ]

Lu Yan took out his phone and opened the Tianqi Forum app. Came to the task reward area.

On the first page of the bounty area, the task of God Kingdom Action is

It stands at the top of the list.

Mission Name: Operation God's Kingdom

Introduction: 45 years ago, the headquarters paid an extremely painful price for the kingdom of God to be blocked at sea. But the lord of the kingdom of God did not give up, and always wanted to return to the land and gain more believers. As the sea fog gradually dissipated, sooner or later, the Bliss Church made a comeback. We hope to nip danger in its cradle.

Mission information: 1. The sea fog that trapped the kingdom of God came from two A-level apocalypse Murasaka and Beichen Yidao, who created the mirage sea fog at the expense of their own lives.

2. In the first Divine Kingdom operation, a total of 21 Apocalypse volunteers assisted in the blockade, but failed to evacuate in time, and their whereabouts are unknown.

3. Allah is an S-level pollutant and is good at mind control. Apocalypse who are mentally unstable are not advised to accept quests.

(The rest of the data will be unlocked after accepting the mission)

Goal: Kill Allah

Reward Party: Headquarters of Pollution Disease Prevention and Control Center

Quest reward: 20 million contribution points (can be replaced with equivalent items, can be interviewed)

Lu Yan glanced at it and chose to accept the task anonymously.

The forum system popped up a reminder at this time: [Detected that [anonymous user] is a senior professional title apocalypse, and has permission to receive tasks. But this task is extremely dangerous, do you accept it? whether】

When I received the B-level mission last time, there was no such pop-up window.

It can be seen that this task is indeed difficult to do.

He glanced at it and chose yes.

As a result, at the bottom of the Divine Kingdom Action page, the number of volunteers suddenly jumped from 0, which has remained unchanged for ten thousand years, to 1.

The irrigation area of ​​the Apocalypse Forum exploded.

[Which big brother led the operation of the kingdom of God? ! What the fuck? ? ? 】

Landlord: Dammit, in the afternoon, I still want to find some simple tasks to earn money for medicine. As a result, I accidentally clicked the interface of the action and found that the number of volunteers changed from 0 to 1! ! !

1l: I took a look, is it true? ?

2l: Blindly guess a tyrant.

3l: Impossible, the tyrant's mental state is notoriously unstable!

4l: Bai Ze?

5l: Bai Ze fights five scumbags, can't fight.

6l: Did someone make a mistake...?

7l: No, there are reminders for such advanced tasks! And it is impossible to accept that the permission is not enough. And each Apocalypse can only do one task at a time, unless he/she never does the next one...

8l: Hello, boss, are you watching the forum? Boss, do you need a leg pendant?

Lu Yan glanced, turned off the phone not very interested, and closed his eyes to rest. And think about what to cook in the evening, and whether to talk to Tang Xun'an.

I always feel that... this task seems to be not suitable for taking him.

The author has something to say: Dog Dragon: Angry Cry

(but didn't work)

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