31/Seven Streams

The staff dormitory at the headquarters is much like a luxury suite in a hotel, and there is even an option to deliver meals to your door.

On the menu, in addition to the normal Eight Kingdoms cuisine, you can still choose to eat pollutants, but the latter needs to be exchanged for contribution points, and the price is slightly higher.

There is also a line of \u002658920;\u00268204; above. Remarks: After years of research by the Seventh Research Institute, it is delicious and juicy. The pollution degree is negligible, and the \u002658920;\u00268204; must increase the spiritual power threshold.

The system's tone unconsciously brought a bit of sarcasm with \u002660358;\u00268204;.

\u002658920;\u00268204;Demand is \u002658920;\u00268204;transaction. In foreign countries, in the fringes of many white and blue pollution areas, many ordinary people who have not awakened have armed themselves to encircle low-level pollutants, and call themselves disaster hunters.

Lu Yan usually eats enough pollutants\u002660358;\u00268204;. Therefore, \u002659426;\u00268204;\u002661174;\u00268204;these expensive things \u002658450;\u00268204;have no interest at all\u002658920;\u00268204;.

He ordered \u002660358;\u00268204; several dishes that he liked. Half an hour later, the food was delivered \u002660358;\u00268204; on a cart.

The taste was surprisingly good, at least 80% of the rice cooked by Lu Yan.

By the time we finished eating, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

Tomorrow is the first day of training. Lu Yan plans to take a bath, then lie in bed to read and sleep.

Since coexisting with the king fish, Lu Yante \u002658477;\u00268204; likes to take a bath. A bath can take up to two hours.

When he came out of the bathtub, he also had \u002658920;\u00268204; hot sleeping milk.

Lu Yan was standing in front of the bookshelf, thinking about what books to read later, when the doorbell of the dormitory rang.

He subconsciously looked at the \u002660358;\u00268204;eye time\u002658517;\u00268204; at nine o'clock in the evening.

Outside the door, a voice of \u002660358;\u00268204; came: Hello. I am \u002659883;\u00268204; a newcomer participating in this training session! My name is Chen Anzhi, a combat apocalypse, codenamed 'Undercurrent'. I live in your\u002659426 ;\u00268204;face. Can we be friends?

Lu Yan saw the appearance of \u002660358;\u00268204; Chen Anzhi through the monitoring cat eyes in front of the door.

The apocalypse of the \u002659426;\u00268204;\u002661174;\u00268204;spirit department of the research institute has been controversial, and I don't know whether it should be divided into the combat department or the special department.

\u002661284;\u00268204;Since the A-level spiritual apocalypse magician let a B-level pollutant die in the mind control, and then\u002659883;\u00268204;No one has shouted that the spiritual department cannot be divided into the combat department\u002660358;\u00268204;.

Lu Yan didn't \u002658920;\u00268204;first\u002658517;\u00268204;\u002660838;\u00268204;door, but said: His disease degree seems to be high\u002658920;\u00268204;a bit too much\u002660358;\u00268204;

Lin Sinan's spiritual power threshold and disease severity are similar to Chen Anzhi's. \u002661284;\u00268204;Sinan Lin has been working \u002660358;\u00268204; for more than twenty years.

As a new employee, Chen Anzhi has been employed for less than a year.

Even without the \u002658920;\u00268204; system's suggestion, Lu Yan \u002659883;\u00268204; did not intend to go out.

In general, Lu Yan didn't like \u002659389;\u00268204; dating.

He is more interested in \u002661174;\u00268204; reading, studying, or working than spending time with other people.

\u002661284;\u00268204;From childhood to adulthood, because of the \u002661174;\u00268204;outstanding appearance, \u002658920;\u00268204;people always lean towards him.

This gave Lu Yan the idea of ​​having a plastic surgery.

He replied through a door: Sorry, I'm \u002657828;\u00268204;tired\u002660358;\u00268204; today. Next time.

The smile on Chen Anzhi's face did not change at all: Okay. See you tomorrow.

Chen Anzhi passed Lu Yan and knocked on the \u002660358;\u00268204; next door.

He was very aware of the \u002657695;\u00268204; corridor\u002658920;\u00268204; monitoring, so, and the people at the \u002658920;\u00268204;\u002660838;\u00268204; door, they only said that they stood at the door and chatted a little \u002660358;\u00268204;.

Chen Anzhi is a well-known courtesan in the local prevention and control department, so it is not considered a collapse.

There are a total of \u002658920;\u00268204;62 people who came to participate in the training of new employees this time. This number is

Much higher than in previous years. almost triple. And there are only 6 people with spiritual power thresholds exceeding 1,000 this year. The headquarters all laughed and called it a harvest year.

Chen Anzhi visited \u002660358;\u00268204;20 people one night.

Among them \u002658920;\u00268204;6 people gave him the \u002660838;\u00268204;\u002660358;\u00268204; door.

At 23:00, he stopped this \u002659389;\u00268204; intercourse. Pick a rose from the flowers on the \u002657695;\u00268204; porch.

In order to keep the \u002660358;\u00268204;\u002657695;\u00268204;Langbuna\u002658685;\u00268204; monotonous and keep the Apocalypse in a good mood, the headquarters arranges \u002660358;\u00268204; fresh cut flowers on every \u002657695;\u00268204; corridor.

Half an hour later, the staff delivered \u002660358;\u00268204; the aroma lamp he requested.

Chen Anzhi couldn't fall asleep without incense at night. This is recorded in the file by \u002659883;\u00268204;\u002658920;\u00268204;.

He returned to the \u002660358;\u00268204; dormitory and lit the \u002660358;\u00268204; rose scented aroma lamp. Holding a rose in his hand, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

12 midnight.

The eyeballs under Chen Anzhi's eyelids quickly turned and struggled. The smile on his face \u002659883;\u00268204; gradually became larger, and even \u002658920;\u00268204;\u002660358;\u00268204;some weird horror\u002657935;\u00268204;.

\u002661284;\u00268204;He didn't \u002658920;\u00268204;wake up.

A chaotic darkness appeared in front of Chen Anzhi's eyes, and then a candle was lit. He held up the candlelight and placed it on the round table in front of \u002660358;\u00268204;.

Six translucent blue souls were attracted by the light and finally took their seats at the round table.

These six people are the Apocalypse who gave him today.

Their spiritual power threshold is not high, and they have not even been found in \u002660358;\u00268204;hypnosis\u002658920;\u00268204;.

Chen Anzhi said softly, Welcome to the world of dreams. Today, what I want to introduce to you is the sleeping gods in far-flung countries.

It is the creator who has fallen into eternal sleep, and the universe we live in is only its dream.

It can't be seen, it's a chaos of nothingness, and it existed before the heaven and earth. No one knows its name, and we can't disturb its long sleep, so as not to bring disaster.

Now, it has descended from the void. The place where it lived was my hometown, and now I would like to call it the 'Pure Land of Bliss'.

Fortunate for you, Allah the Great is gathering his first believers. Our souls can safely go to that land where there is no pain.

Chen Anzhi stretched out his arms, and the candle in front of him was six, and floated in front of others. These pale yellow halos enveloped the \u002660358;\u00268204; soul. \u002661174;\u00268204;Yes, they gradually become \u002660358;\u00268204;the same color.

Chen Anzhi's eyes were full of devout fanaticism: Praise Allah, bliss and eternal life.

The six confused souls, \u002659883;\u00268204; followed the \u002660838;\u00268204; mouth: Praise Allah, bliss and eternal life.

At 7 in the morning, Lu Yan woke up on time.

The training center is not far from the dormitory, and the \u002657695;\u00268204; road is about ten minutes away.\u002658765;\u00268204;

He changed into the \u002660358;\u00268204; uniform training uniform and was going to have breakfast in the cafeteria on the second floor. Then head to the training center.

The training time is \u002658517;\u00268204; from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. all day. Theory in the morning and practice in the afternoon. During the \u002658517;\u00268204;\u002658920;\u00268204;one-hour break\u002658517;\u00268204;.

Lin Sinan had participated in training and revealed some old stories to Lu Yan. It is said that the difficulty of training mainly depends on the presiding officer of that year.

When the chief officer has a dark heart, the students are miserable. If the bishop is soft-hearted, it will be better.\u002658685;\u00268204;

Moreover, the number of deaths is \u002658920;\u00268204; every year.

When he pushed out the door, Chen Anzhi, who was facing \u002659426;\u00268204;\u002659883;\u00268204; just came out of the room\u002658517;\u00268204;.

The smile on his face was exactly the same as yesterday, and even the radian didn't change. It's just a pair of eyes, but it's very calm and indifferent, which is somewhat unharmonious.

Hello. Chen Anzhi smiled, I don't know your name yet?

His \u002658920;\u00268204; a pair of extraordinarily deep eyes, shining like a starry sky.

Lu Yan subconsciously replied \u002660358;\u00268204;: Lu Yan.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking \u002658517;\u00268204;, he couldn't hold back,

He frowned slightly.

Compared with \u002661174;\u00268204; ordinary people, he has been freed quickly\u002660358;\u00268204;.

As if aware of \u002660358;\u00268204;what\u002658685;\u00268204;, Chen Anzhi lowered his head and said softly \u002660358;\u00268204; Sorry. I forgot to wear glasses.

Because of my innate ability I can't control... Chen Anzhi's expression was a bit sad, I didn't mean it. I hope you won't reject me because of this.

He speaks so pitifully, it is easy to make people who are not \u002657828;\u00268204; determined will soften.

The system sighed \u002660358;\u00268204;

The sound of the system is quite playful:

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